Near nightfall, the dusky sun shone, the woods were somewhat quiet, and the sound of the beasts could not be heard, which seemed eerie.

A young man dressed in animal robes and holding a worn-out machete ran in some panic, seeing the sun tilt to the west, gradually fading, and could not help but turn pale.

“When it’s over, we must catch up, we must catch up, I don’t want to die, Ah Niang’s herbs have been picked and must be sent back.”

Between his runs, he was quite fast, his body was as fast as a cheetah, and at a glance, he knew that he was an experienced hunter, but he did not know why he was so panicked.

Seeing that the dusk sun was gradually dimming, the teenager’s face turned pale, and his footsteps were faster under the desperation, and Yu Guang couldn’t help but look at the dense forest around him.

Between the dense forests, strange shadows are rugged, and the shadows of those dead trees reflected in the dim sunlight in the ground are like strange beasts with teeth and claws, choosing people to devour, which makes people shudder.


The young man’s pupils narrowed, remembering the legends that had been circulating all along, and the things that the village chief had told him before leaving, and a cold breath went straight up to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

Looking at the distance that was still quite a distance away, I couldn’t help but look frightened, and secretly prayed that time would pass more slowly and the sun would go down more slowly.

However, the world does not change with personal thoughts, but in a few moments, the sun has completely disappeared.

There were still a lot of dusky sunlight as if it had been swallowed up, and it immediately disappeared, and the surrounding area was strangely plunged into a darkness.

The young man only felt that the small village in front of him, which was not far away, had disappeared, and there was only one or two inches visible in front of him, and the scenery farther away was like hiding in the fog, not knowing anything.

He didn’t dare to stop, he didn’t dare to shout, he didn’t even dare to breathe too loudly, his mind was blank under the cold, and he ran in the direction of Fang Cai’s travel.

There were still some flukes in his heart, in case he could go out, in case there was nothing to do, and nothing would be staring at him.

“Help! Help me! Who is going to save me! ”

Suddenly, a frightened exclamation came from behind, and the voice was delicate and good, as if a beautiful woman was calling for help!

When the teenager heard his heart tremble a little, all the strength of his body was used, and he ran straight forward and ran desperately, without the idea of going back to save people.

“Son, save me…”

The owner of the voice seemed to have found him, a cry of surprise, the teenager’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t help but feel a tingling of his scalp and despair, with only one thought:

My life is over!

“Desolate wilderness, sneaky, see no one to believe, especially when you hear what sounds call for help, shouts, whatever, don’t turn your head back, when nothing happens, absolutely don’t provoke.”

Of course, this is also to say, it all depends on luck, if the luck is not found you, it will be alive, really encountered by the target, you can not run away, wait for death! ”

The village chief kept telling the nagging words and couldn’t help but think back.

Sure enough, not long after he ran, the delicate sound reverberated in his ears as if he were right next to him.

“Son, where are you going?” Shouting for so long that you won’t come to my rescue~”

At first, it was still delicate and beautiful, but in the back, it had completely changed into a cold and eerie accent, which sounded extremely shocking.

The teenager was so frightened that he closed his eyes and shouted, constantly wielding a wood knife in his hand, chopping and chopping randomly, and it seemed that there was no sound for a while before he gradually opened his eyes.

What came into front of him was an extremely frightening face, a miserable white face, and the eyeballless eye sockets flowed with dry blood marks, although there were no eyes, but people had a feeling that the other party was staring at themselves.


Although the young man was not the first time to see the evil spirit, it was still the first time he had seen such a terrifying ghost, and his heart was extremely afraid, but it was also a horizontal one, and he directly slashed with a knife.

As soon as the strength came out, it seemed to split into the air, and a feeling of nausea came through.

“Hiss~” The evil spirit opened his face, as if he was mocking, grinned at the blood plate, and went straight to the teenager to bite!

To die!

This was the only thought of the teenager, looking at the blood mouth that was getting closer and closer, and even seeing the squirming flesh and blood in it, extremely disgusting.

Father! Rumble!

Just when his life was at stake, a scorching and magnificent sword light was like a thunderbolt, hitting the evil spirit directly.

Penetrated without any obstacles, the sword light did not decrease, as if it was going to penetrate further forward, but somehow it suddenly dissipated and disappeared.


A strange scream sounded, and a flame opened in the middle of the ghost, and it disappeared into the flames in an instant.

The light of the fire seemed to burn only this evil spirit, and as soon as the evil disappeared, it disappeared with it.

A handsome and extraordinary figure walked up to the front and looked at the teenager with some curiosity, and said to the teenager next to him: “Are you okay?” ”

The teenager sat on the ground in a daze, looking at this scene in shock, and did not return to his mind for a long time.

When Fang Qin saw the youth’s appearance, he knew that he was not lightly frightened, nor did he care, and he looked at Fang Cai’s evil place with some thoughts.

As soon as he crossed the world and came to a dense forest, he found an extremely pure aura that could be found without even perceiving.

It seems that the flow of True Elements is increasing all the time, and this efficiency is much better than in the previous martial arts world.

I couldn’t help but secretly wonder that I had come to a world full of aura, and then I found some strange places in the forest.

Seeing a lot of strange and evil spirits, it was a burst of cleansing, but fortunately, his spirit and spirit were cultivating together, almost developing in an all-powerful direction, and he also had great restraint over these evil spirits.

If it was a martial artist who only cultivated internal qi, he might not be able to cope with these strange and evil things.

The range behind a hundred meters away sensed that there was movement here, so he came to see it and saved the teenager with his hand.

The young man finally came back to his senses, his face was uncertain, and he prostrated his head in a hurry: “Thank you Immortal Chief for saving your life!” Thank you Sencho for saving his life! ”

If he had followed his previous cleverness, he would have doubted whether the person who appeared in front of him during the night would also be sneaky.

But as soon as I saw this figure, all the doubts in my heart disappeared.

This person is like a heavenly immortal incarnate, where it may be that evil spirits can pretend, it can only be those immortals who have attained enlightenment.

My heart was full of surprise, and it seemed that my life was saved.

“Get up, you’re brave.”

Fang Qin stopped and praised in his mouth.

It was true that in his heart, this young man had the courage to see these things without being frightened, let alone the courage to resist.

Even Fang Qin had just come here, and the first time he encountered evil spirits, he also had some hair, although he had experienced crossing, he could be regarded as the first person in the world in both worlds, and the martial arts were called ancestors.

However, this kind of spiritual evil was still the first time he had seen it, and it was conceivable that as soon as he saw the thick and thick Zhenyuan pasty face, the ghost was directly beaten by him and could not be hung up.

Infinite curiosity about this world also arose in my heart, what kind of world is this Nyima? If such ghosts and evil spirits appear, it should be much higher than the power system of the martial arts world.


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