“Ah Man thanks the Immortal Chief for saving his life!”

The beast-robed youth did not die after going through great difficulties, and some of his hearts were still throbbing and grateful.

“Ah Man, hehe, don’t do this, seeing me naturally will not sit idly by, and you get up and talk about the situation in the vicinity for me.”

Fang Qin said softly, there seemed to be a magical power in the words, which made people peaceful, and the young man listened, and his frightened and uncertain mood gradually stabilized a lot.

“Yes, Xian Chang is naturally a man of great virtue, and he doesn’t care about this, but Ah Man doesn’t dare to forget.”

Ah Man was really grateful, if it were not for this immortal to save him, he would have died directly, and the herbs that he had so hard to pick up on his body could not be taken back to the village, and even Ah Mu’s life would not be protected.

Fang Qin smiled, for this teenager is a good look, the spiritual perception of this person’s spiritual fluctuations are also quite pure.

“I’m new to this place, and I’m not familiar with it, how about you show me the way?”

Ah Man naturally would not refuse Sencho’s request, but immediately as if he thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he immediately said anxiously:

“Xianchang, let’s go quickly, at night, this place is extremely unsafe, two miles ahead is my village, let’s go back quickly, there is a village totem protection, it is much safer.”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, totem sheltered? What is this again? The world seems to be getting more and more interesting, but…..

“You mean within a radius of two or three miles, there is your village?” Fang Qin asked with a strange face.

Ah Man quickly nodded, “Yes, I know that the immortals are very powerful, but it is really strange outside, so let’s go back to the village quickly.” ”

“Well, you make sense, but the problem is that there are no villages at all a few miles away.”

Fang Qin frowned a little and said that his range of perception had been refined for a period of time before and could already extend to a distance of several hundred square meters.

Of course, if you only look in one direction, you can also extend farther.

He has been opening up his perception since he came to this world, and he is still quite jealous of the new world, and he will not take it lightly.

And the perceptual range of hundreds of zhang, the range of several miles, did not have any living people except the two of them.

“Ah! This! How is this possible, when the sun goes down, I am almost there. ”

Ah Man was completely convinced of Xian Chang’s words, and exclaimed, somewhat incredible, although the sun was falling, it was already impossible to see, but no matter how around it should not run far.

Fang Qin thought about it, this place is extremely strange, although he is not afraid of the evil inside, but he is also surprised by the strangeness of this place,

This may not be the work of individual ghosts, but the result of the whole action of a whole place.

“Keep up, I’ll try to find it.”

Speaking to the young man, he took the lead in one direction.

The frightened teenager hurried to keep up, and now in such a strange place, only by following the immortal chief could he survive.

“Tell me a little bit about it.”

There was a lot of questioning along the way, but the teenager grew up in the village and later succeeded his dead father and made a living hunting.

I have never seen anyone outside, only one, and I don’t know much about the world.

I could only talk about some ancient things in the village in fear.

Some strange and evil legends, as well as some rumors and stories told by the village.

Most of Fang Qin’s questions could not be answered, and he could only say with a look of shame: “I’m sorry Xianchang, I don’t know much about what you asked.” ”

Then he said with some hope: “But the immortal chief is assured, although I don’t know, but the old people in the village know a lot of things, especially the village chief, but the old man in our village is the longest-lived.”

Knowing a lot of things, everyone in the village respects him, if you can go back, I think he will know that Sencho’s questions can answer you. ”

Saying that he looked at Fang Qin with some trepidation,

Fang Qin shook his head somewhat amusedly, naturally knowing that this careful thought in his heart did not pay attention to it.

He said, “Okay, you don’t have to worry, I also need a place to stay for a while, and naturally I will go to your village to rest.” ”

“Ah, yes, then I will definitely repay Sencho.”

Ah Man heard a look of surprise, as long as he could go all the way with this immortal chief and remember the magnificent fire light just now, he should be extremely safe.

The figures of the two gradually disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

The fine mist drifted and the faint moonlight fell, and it seemed to have changed back to a quiet place.

It’s just that a lot of sudden revelations and sudden disappearances don’t necessarily make some strange and evil shadows look particularly frightening here.


A long tongue spitting out, the cloak emitting a faceless shadow, let out a scream, extremely harsh.

But there was no change, stiffly fixed in place, Fang Qin was somewhat curious to look around in a circle.

“Is this thing a strange monster produced by some kind of spiritual energy mixed with some resentment and evil qi under the influence of the Heaven and Earth Reiki?”

It just doesn’t seem like a ghost just now, as if there is no spirit at all? ”

The True Element turned, turning into a scorching Polar Yang Force, the red light was revealed, and as soon as Fang appeared, it was like a scorching true fire, and before it could touch the evil spirit, its body had already emitted a burning fire, and an unconscious scream continued to sound.

“Well, is it just instinct, there really is no intelligence.”

Fang Qin was a little disappointed, and thought that he could encounter some kind of strange and intelligent ghost body again, and he could study it.

Fang Cai encountered them all directly killed, did not observe, but now they are interested.


The red glow of light was magnificent, and it directly engulfed this evil figure in an instant and disappeared.

Fang Qin said to the stunned Ah Man on the side, “Let’s go, let’s go ahead and look at it.” ”

Talking non-stop, slowly walking forward.

“Ah, yes yes!”

Ah Man played a clever and hurried to keep up, but he couldn’t help but look in the direction just now, and his heart felt a sense of adoration.

Although I had heard the village chief say that some immortals and immortals had the power of magic in the heavens, only they could deal with the evil spirits that ordinary people often could not deal with.

However, when he faced the powerlessness of the evil spirit, and then truly saw this immortal-like immortal means, he was amazed.

Along the way, I also encountered almost a dozen evil spirits appearing, and as a result, without exception, the Fang Immortal Commander was as casual as if he had pinched an ant to death, and was arbitrarily pinched in his hand.

No matter how they behaved, they would be reduced to ashes under the fiery red light.

Ah Man even had a strange and evil feeling in his heart, and his heart was not as scared as before.

Of course, he only sighed, not really thinking that these things were not terrible, but they could only turn into dust when they met the Immortal Chief.

Huishen did not dare to stop and hurry to keep up, the two walked a long way, did not find a human house, and could only stop for the time being, find a quite good place, and rest on the floor.

A flame rises, a raging fire burns, and a fire appears.

Especially in the darkness, Ah Man was a little afraid, but as soon as he saw Fang Qin, he felt that all the evil spirits had come and decided not to help Xian Chang.

So he also settled down, and Fang Qin gently leaned closer to the tree, pretending to sleep.

Ah Man was a little nervous and couldn’t help but look around.

“Don’t look at it, rest well, it’s really weird tight here, but you don’t need to be nervous, wait until the sun rises tomorrow.”

Fang Qin said casually, this dark night, you can’t go out for a while and a half, it is better to make plans the next day.

“Yes and yes.”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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