In the darkness of the night, there was a fire that was particularly obvious, which seemed to attract a lot of strange attention.


A black light and shadow floated in, opening its blood-colored mouth to devour the two living people in front of him, and before they could get close, they were burned to the ground, and the screams were too late to scream.

The two figures by the fire did not seem to sense anything approaching, one was asleep, and the other was sitting cross-legged.

Time gradually passed, and in the distance, a white fish belly rose, like a touch of holy light to purify the world, the ghosts and ghosts everywhere seemed to disappear completely, and under the sunlight, the forests everywhere did not have the spooky horror of the night.

Fang Qin ran the exercises, and under the nourishment of the abundant aura, he also gained a lot at night, felt the change, opened his eyes, and looked at the scene in this place, thinking about it.

In the daytime, I couldn’t see anything wrong, just like a very ordinary forest.

It’s just that once it arrives at night, the night night ghosts and evil spirits are rampant, and there are not dozens but also twenty evil spirits killed by Fang Qin in the whole night, and this frequency is simply like being trapped in a ghost nest.

I don’t know if it’s because of the peculiarity of this place, or if the whole world is like this.

If the whole world is like this, then the human people here are really living in the depths of the water, living too painfully.

Even Fang Qin was not afraid of the evil spirits he was currently encountering, and he felt for a while, which was also too disgusting for Nyima.

There are so many evil spirits that ordinary people will die on the spot when they see one, not to mention that even if they avoid the front, the back is a hellish scene.

Fang Qin exhaled, and his figure came to the tall tree, and when he looked around, he found that there seemed to be quite a crowd in the distance.

“Well, I can’t find it when I’m on the night, but it’s back to normal at dawn, and this place is really weird.”

The figure jumped back to the tree, and the sleeping Ah Man also woke up,

Seeing a burst of surprise at the sun’s rays, although he was extremely confident in the Immortal Chief, but when he really survived, he was still ecstatic, and turned around to see Fang Qin’s figure immediately kneeling.

“Xie Xianchang’s grace of protection!”

He knew that he could survive safely, all thanks to the divine protection of the person in front of him.

Fang Qin shook his head and laughed, this guy can sleep when he encounters this kind of thing, and he can also be considered a big heart.

“Well, let’s go, it’s much easier to walk during the day now, go to your village and have a look.”


The two walked for a while before they were taken to a rather quiet village.

“Oh, strange, how there is no one today, is there something that can’t be done…”

Ah Man saw a rather quiet village a little strange. This time is quite lively, and today I didn’t see anyone.

But Sencho in front of you, these also first. Speaking to Fang Qin:

“Xian Chang, this is my village, ah, yes, I want to give the herbs to Ah Niang, Xian Chang…”

Fang Qin frowned and looked at the village and said, “Go, I’ll go and have a look.” ”

Ah Man was overjoyed, although this herb may work, but how it is also unknown, if the immortal is on the side, it is also very good to think, even if he rushes to thank him, he takes Fang Qin to his home, and in the distance he sees that almost all the people in the village are gathered near their own yard.

“Ah Man his mother, mourn.”

“Alas, Ah Man is a filial piety child, how can he encounter such a thing…”

“Sister-in-law, you mourn, but don’t hurt your body again.”

A group of village women gathered inside and shouted comfortingly, while men shook their heads and sighed outside the courtyard, lamenting that the young people in the village had just come of age and …

An old man with white hair on crutches drank angrily, “All right! You long-tongued women are still saying something, hurry up and walk away, don’t argue with people! ”

When Ah Man saw that something had happened, he immediately felt a little anxious about the other party’s Qin Dao, and immediately ran over and said in a loud voice: “What’s wrong, what happened?” My mother-in-law…”

The nearby village man subconsciously turned back: “What else can it be, you don’t even know it, the son of the Qing sister-in-law’s family, Ah Man, did not return last night, alas, I estimate, um!?” Yes!! ”

Before the words were finished, when he saw Ah Man, he immediately screamed like a ghost, and everyone was startled, and when he saw Ah Man, he also inhaled a cool breath, and couldn’t help but retreat, and many people fled in a hurry.

Some daring trembling asked, “Ah Man, are you a man or a ghost?” If it is a ghost, don’t come back to harm people! ”

A crowd of people only thought that the ghost of the man had run back to ask for his life, but he was afraid of it.

Those who had not yet returned in the middle of the night had never been harmed by evil spirits and had never been seen again, and this time naturally thought the same thing.

Ah Man said with a stunned face, “I am naturally a human, how can I be a ghost?” ”

A crowd of people still did not believe it, and before they could speak, the village chief came out of the crowd and carefully examined it for a while, saw the shadow and face on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: “Ah Man is fine, don’t talk blindly!” ”

The villagers listened to the words of the village chief and took them to heart, and the well-informed village chief had never made a mistake.

After the village chief finished speaking, he looked at Ah Man with some strangeness: “Your boy actually has this kind of luck, and he actually has nothing to do when he stays outside.” ”

Speaking of surprise, now the outside seems to be more and more dangerous, there were many people who were lucky to escape before, and now there will be basically no more,

Such luck is already worthy of Hong Fuqitian, which can be said to be the only one he has ever seen.

“Ah, that’s because Senju saved me!”

Ah Man was still a little worried in retrospect, and he couldn’t help but see the curious eyes of a crowd.

Saying that, he rushed to Fang Qin and knelt down in front of him, “It was this Immortal Elder who saved my life, otherwise I would definitely die a long time!” ”

A crowd of people noticed and saw Fang Qin’s figure, looking at his description of temperament are all amazed and whispering, but many people are cautious, and others do not dare to approach although they are not.

They have rarely trusted outsiders in recent decades, and their first reaction is whether the other party will be evil.

Even though Fang Qin really didn’t look like those ghosts and evil spirits, he still didn’t dare to believe it.

When the village chief saw Fang Qin’s pupils shrink, he didn’t know what he had in mind, so he hurried to the front and gave a respectful salute, saying: “The old man in the countryside has seen the immortal chief, and thanks to the immortal chief for saving this man’s life.” ”

Immediately he said respectfully, “I saw that the immortal posture was absolutely very human, and I thought that it must be a heavenly immortal, saying that I must not know the fox immortal lord who sheltered here, I don’t know you…”


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