Far away from the village, there was a black atmosphere.

The black air rolled around, revealing the situation inside.

A fox figure sat like a human, absorbing the white mist that drifted between the underworld, and the shape of the figure changed into a female figure in a trance.

A faint fluorescence emerged, and the fox giggled.

“Oh, after a while it will be enough, when the time comes, I will produce a demon and become a big demon… Hmm, when the time comes, I’ll see if that stinky girl can still be so arrogant, and I will make her look good! ”

Mentioning a certain temperament and elegant figure in her mouth, a trace of anger emerged, and what Fox Mei hated most was her temperamental appearance, which was very different from the sisters.

“The next step is to suck some human blood to replenish my essence.”

As he looked at the village in front of him, he chuckled again, secretly saying that it was really the best thing to find a village to support himself, which could meet the needs of cultivation and satisfy his appetite.

The advantages are quite numerous, and the place is extremely remote, and there are no Taoist monks or other monks to disturb it.

She had been practicing here for several more decades, and her progress was extremely slow, and now that she was full of demon qi, she was about to condense the demon and really begin to step into the ranks of the big demons.

A trace of red light came out, the eyes were salivating, and the more beautiful face had a slight sinister color, thinking of the delicacy of human flesh, and could no longer resist the desire to eat a full meal.

The figure turned into a black wind, and the smell of the fox spread out, swept through, and flew towards the village with a whirring sound.



A group of villagers were in the midst of sacrifice, suddenly heard the fierce wind, as if something struck, many young people showed their joy, only the village chief and other elderly people some of the face is white and ugly, there seems to be a haze in their eyes.

The black wind rushed straight towards the fox sculpture, and a fierce wind rose up, revealing a figure, the fox was already without the vicious state of talent, and the expressionless face was quite majestic.

Although the village chief was afraid in his heart, he still respectfully bowed down and said, “I have seen Lord Fox Immortal, and I will wait to bow to Lord Fox Immortal.” ”

“I’ve seen Lord Fox Fairy!”

A crowd of villagers also knelt down and said in unison.

The fox fairy didn’t say a word, just staring at the only figure in the whole audience who was still standing, and his eyes were full of murderous anger.

A wave of power dispersed, all the people were pressed to the point of shortness of breath, the village chief in front of him suppressed his fear and looked forward, saw the fox immortal staring in one direction and quickly looked back, saw Fang Qin’s eyes widen, and sighed in his heart.

“That fairy chief…”

The others couldn’t help but look at it and know the reason for it, not knowing what to do.

Only Ah Man had a happy face when he saw him, and he was worried and afraid.

“Why don’t you worship when you see God?”

The fox frowned, full of anger, and when she saw the figure as if she was completely unaffected by her might, she couldn’t help but drink.

The voice seemed to be quite majestic, and the crowd could not help but be afraid in their hearts, and did not even dare to look at it, and bowed down humbly.

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly at the rather beautiful figure in front of him, looking left and right were all human appearances, but the power on his body was quite chaotic, and there were a lot of white aura gathered in the black diffuse, mixed with a lot of blood-colored resentment.

There was a disgusting breath on his body, which made Fang Qin quite displeased.

He had never seen a certain kind of power surrounded by energy, and in terms of momentum strength, it was really the most powerful creature in his perception.

I just don’t know how this side of the world divides the realm, and how the division of demons and human cultivators is.

What level of existence does such a monster belong to in this world?

Fang Qin saw the other party’s increasingly gloomy and scrutinizing gaze, and did not care, slowly coming to the front.

The frightened village chief beside him asked, “Old sir, isn’t this the fox fairy who sheltered you?” Why do I see that you are so afraid, is there any hidden place? Talk to me and listen. ”

The village chief dared to speak in front of the fox immortal, and prostrated his head tremblingly.

Fang Qin sighed when he saw this, and turned back to the woman-like ‘fox immortal’ and said, “They don’t say it, they are afraid if they want to come, why don’t you talk to me?” So let me know. ”

Fox Mei frowned and was a little uncertain in her heart, Fang at first saw the bastard boy who thought it was somewhere, he didn’t know that Shen Wei had offended her,

As a result, a serious look, the other party’s posture and temperament are extremely extraordinary, and there is no reaction at all under their own momentum, so it can be seen that they are not ordinary people, they should be cultivators,

It was just that he looked back and forth several times, but he couldn’t see any traces of mana, nor did he have any demonic aura.

Unlike a human monk or a demon, he couldn’t even see the problem of his heels at all.

The fox’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and some of them couldn’t make up their minds, when they saw a group of humans at the bottom kneeling, a wave of white mist shrouded them, covering themselves and Fang Qin.

Fang Qin was somewhat curious about her movements, and when he saw the fog around him, he felt a little bit and his heart sank.

It is also some spiritual application methods, isolating the outside, but it is not difficult. ’

The solemnity on Fox Mei’s face disappeared, and she smiled slightly, and the human form cultivated by the fox essence was quite beautiful, but it could also be regarded as a beauty, and she gently blessed it:

“I wonder who the prince is? The little sister Xin Humei had seen the Gongzi. ”

But there was a cold thought in my heart, and to see what the origin of this man was, if he was a scare guy, he would swallow him in an instant.

Fang Qin was amazed in his heart, this fox became a jing, transformed into a human form and ordinary people seemed to be no different, if he did not perceive, only with his eyes to see it is also a little difficult to distinguish, around the interest to look at the road:

“My name is Fang Qin, but I am just a passer-by, a newcomer, for you and other such a being, it is I who should be curious.”

Fox Mei frowned slightly, only thinking that the other party was unwilling to speak clearly, and his face did not change: “Gongzi said and smiled, but he didn’t know what to do here for the little sister?” But what’s the matter? ”

“Nothing, I heard the name of the fox fairy, I want to see and see, if there is no evil thing to make friends, now it seems that I can’t get my wish.” Fang Qin smiled and squinted.

The smile on Fox Mei’s face narrowed slightly, and her face was ugly: “Gongzi said with a smile, I shelter the villagers here from that evil spirit, I think this should not be an evil thing, right?” ”

“Yes, that’s not bad, but I look at you, I’m afraid it’s more than that.”

Fox Mei’s murderous heart was great, but she just said again: “Oh, the little sister also just wants to shelter one side, be sacrificed by the people and kneel, and cultivate in this way, although it is a little impure, but it is not enough for an evil thing, if the prince is fine, please leave.” ”

Speaking of this, it is already quite blunt, and the eviction order is general.

If the other party is a Daoist monk, even if she encounters someone of the same level, she is not afraid to shoot directly, but this person really can’t see her heels and feet, and she doesn’t want to take risks in her heart, and she doesn’t want to cause trouble when she breaks through, and can only expect the other party to retreat on her own.


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