The atmosphere was quite tense, and Fang Qin didn’t care,

“Leaving nature is to leave, but before you go, you have to pack up your man-eating demons and ghosts before it’s too late.”

Speaking of this, Fang Qin’s face was already a little awe-inspiring, only this fox demon came here, those village chiefs couldn’t help but be afraid to think more, he had already sensed some thoughts, plus these few days of asking about things, he knew about what had happened.

This ‘fox fairy’ is said to be a shelter party, but in fact it is to raise a village of human beings, to sacrifice for her to practice, and to provide her with food.

Every year, many people die, some of them go out and be harmed by sneaking, and the rest go into the belly of this fox.

Although others were somewhat aware, they did not dare to speak, and could only swallow their anger, but they did not dare to blatantly say that they knew with others, for fear of dying faster.

If you resist, you will all die, and although many people will die if you do not resist, many people can also live.

Fox Mei heard a wave of anger, the red light in her eyes burst out, and her mouth said coldly: “Give you face and don’t leave, but you want to do the opposite, ahem!” I’d like to see who you are!” ”

A terrifying black demon force hit Fang Qin directly, not caring about the villagers kneeling behind him.

Since the other party wants to support these people, there is a great possibility that they will not dodge, and one can test the strength of the other party to judge and compare; The two of them were enough with the strength she had accumulated now, and the use value of these people was not much, and they didn’t care whether they were alive or dead.

Fang Qin naturally knew this fox’s intentions, and he didn’t think about avoiding it.

Transporting the thick Xuan Color True Yuan, turning into the Tai Chi Yin and Yang Pattern, a Tai Chi True Meaning, swirling to absorb that strange power, the thick black qi was inhaled into the Tai Chi Diagram, as if transformed into a grain, the Tai Chi Diagram became bigger and bigger.


The fox was charming and shocked and angry, this person was really strangely tight, that force had never been seen before, as if it was mana and it seemed to be not, but just looking at it had a sense of purity and vastness, and it could not be underestimated when it was seen.

Moreover, the other party’s Dao Fa seemed to be quite mysterious, and his own demonic power was actually absorbed by him.

However, Fu sneered again, and his hand turned into a sharp claw, swinging it continuously, and the sharp wind blade went straight to kill like an arrow off the string.


Fang Qin didn’t care, there was still some interest in his heart, except for a short period of growth at the beginning of the martial arts training, his strength was not very strong, the strength behind him grew rapidly, and he had never found the existence of an enemy who could unite with him.

Basically, they all pushed sideways, and when they dropped ten times, they came to this world and encountered strange evil spirits, but they may all be some relatively low-level beings, and there is no threat to Fang Qin.

Until he met this fox demon, his body was full of black qi and quite thick, and even Fang Qin could sense that her strength was extremely good.

If you are an opponent, you may be able to take a few tricks.

Unfazed, the yin and yang pattern in his hand turned into several inches, directly blocking the wind blade, and the Zhenyuan turned and directly waved at the fox demon.

The pattern rose against the wind, and instantly turned into a shroud of ten or twenty zhang.

An awe-inspiring power pervades, containing the power of terror, intuition is a great alarm bell, and if this trick is solid, his tens of centuries of achievements may be burned.

I can’t help but change my face drastically, my body flashed, and I wiped the edge and avoided it.



The white mist that had just shrouded Fang was directly dispersed, and the trend did not decrease, wrapped in the absorbed aura demonic qi, and there was a loud roar, and the clay statue in front of it was shattered, and a huge crater appeared in the center.

Looking up at the height, you can see a huge yin and yang fish pattern.

Fox Mei only felt that the demon power was quite disordered, a stream of blood spurted out, and some of them looked at it with some horror, and couldn’t help but exclaim, “Monk Jindan? ”

Such a terrible power, when it was like a Jindan monk who could use the power of heaven and earth, only the Great Demon who condensed the Demon Dan could fight.

No wonder the other party’s mana was quite peculiar, thinking that it was caused by the cultivation of the Jin Dan Period or the Xuanmiao Dao Fa, which he had never seen before.

I couldn’t help but be afraid in my heart that this man was such a powerful person, and he couldn’t even see half a point when he didn’t shoot.

Such a big movement, coupled with the white fog dissipating without cover, a group of villagers also saw the situation.

They were all shocked, their faces were colorless, and the village chief looked at him with some trepidation, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself tremblingly: “It really is….. I waited for someone to be saved. ”

Ah Man was also shocked by such a momentum, and he was also dazed and did not understand the relationship, but he was a little confused, not knowing why the Immortal Chief had fought with the Fox Immortal Lord.

Fox Mei also ignored the look of these villagers, did not dare to stay any longer, and her body turned into a black wind and attacked into the distance.

Fang Qin looked at it with some thoughtfulness, and wondered in his heart about this fox demon’s flying method, although this fox demon was quite powerful, it was far inferior to him.

But the other party can fly, which somewhat touches Fang Qin’s blind spot.

Of course, thinking about it in your heart, naturally you will not let it go, and the figure disappears in a flash and follows it.

Only a group of stunned villagers remained, and the village chief trembled slightly to say something but did not dare to say it.


Fang Qin’s figure was far behind the fox demon, neither letting her find out nor letting her go.

So I followed the road for hundreds of miles, walking between the dense forests, and came to a hidden cave, and there were occasionally several white bone fields nearby.

As soon as Fang Qin arrived here, his face was slightly dark, and he lost Fang Cai’s interest.

Xin Humei was a little panicked, and the more she thought about it and became more and more afraid when she fled back this time, she only wanted to take some of the things in her cave house and take refuge.

The man didn’t know what was so powerful, a power he had never seen before, so he couldn’t help it.

Picking up a bunch of things from the cave and about to leave, I looked back and saw a figure like a fairy standing in front of the doorway.

The fox’s scalp tingled with shock, and for a while, she gritted her teeth and thought about it, and a smile appeared on her face.

There was a charm all around her, and the female demon of the fox tribe was the best at using the art of charm, plus the figure that came out of the illusion was basically a woman with a good posture, which was even more bonus.

“Gongzi, the little sister does not know where to offend the prince, if the prince is willing to spare the little sister, the little sister is willing to be a maid under the prince’s seat, serving the good prince…”

There seemed to be a flattery in the fox’s eyes, and she looked at Fang Qinjiao with an obsessive look.

In fact, she was not disgusted by this matter in her heart, this monk was very handsome and extraordinary, she had only seen it in her life, and it would be good if she could survive for a spring night.

Find another opportunity to start later!

Fang Qin’s face was expressionless, and he was really clumsy about this fox spirit’s charm technique, not to mention that all three of his martial arts had the characteristics of being inviolable to all evils, and even without these, today’s [gods] would not be confused by these small techniques.

Disgusted in his heart, he said in a cold voice,

“It’s useless to say more, I’ll take your life!”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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