The fox’s face changed drastically, this man could not be hard-hearted, he was so delicate and good-looking, he actually looked down on it, and he was secretly angry in his heart, and there was a sense of life and death crisis.

“Since you won’t give up, I’ll fight with you!”

As soon as his face turned sideways, a black qi spread out and swelled up violently, and the black qi had already changed into a red fox of five or six zhang, opening its mouth to bite Fang Qin,

Approaching, Fox Mei saw that Fang Qin seemed to have no reaction, and was shocked, this person dared to be so big and let the Demon Clan get close, it was simply a way to die.

Before I could surprise it, a sharp pain came!

Bang! Rumble!

Fang Qin swept at random, and with great force, the fox demon flew directly to the ground, smashing out a cracked pit.

There was a rumbling sound, dust was everywhere, pain came from the whole body, all the internal organs and bones seemed to be about to split, and the fox couldn’t help but tremble and scream.

“How is this possible!”

With a shock in his heart, the other party seemed to have not used mana, and he was much stronger than himself with only his physical strength, and that terrible huge force was really unheard of.

Although he was not as strong as some xeno demons, he should be much stronger than humans! Even the physical physique of the cultivators of the Jin Dan Period was not as good as that of the demon clan!

The human cultivator’s magic is powerful and his understanding is amazing, but he has never heard that human flesh is more terrible than the demon clan, is this really not an illusion! What is the origin of this man?

Wait a minute! It could be that the other party is not a human, but some terrible xenomorph demon, but the other party’s attitude towards humans seems to be human beings again.

Thinking of this is like thinking of a certain Qingli Qianying, and I can’t help but be angry.

“Damn, all of them are like this, those ant-like humans kill and kill…”

But although angry, such a terrible difference in strength also made the fox’s heart sink straight down, and it also stimulated the fierceness in her heart, grinning her teeth, crazy in her eyes, encouraging the whole body to turn the demon, and the black qi of the fox body several feet tall was boiling.

Already wanted to directly break through this, condensing the demon, the red light in the fox’s eyes was straight up,

‘Damn asshole, so even if I break through, I will leave a huge flaw, and I don’t think I will improve in the future!’ ’

Cutting off people’s cultivation path can be described as a mortal vendetta.

The resentment in his heart was very strong, and the boiling demon qi swelled out even more, and an illusory demon inside gradually began to condense out, and for a time, the momentum was even more terrifying and amazing!

“Humans! I want you to die! A screaming sound came.

A strong force came, which increased the absolute confidence of the fox, and now that he was condensing the Demon Dan, even if he was not as good as him, he had to be seriously injured!

The body shape is affected by the demon qi and is more pampered. The demon body of more than ten zhang, fiery red mixed with black, black qi filled the air, and once again rushed towards Fang Qin with great ferocity.

The power was even more terrifying for a while, and the four currents surged forward.

‘Condensing into Dan…’

Fang Qin watched the whole process silently, the fox’s realm breakthrough had a lot of understanding, and his heart was clear.

“Just do you think it will be useful?”

Fang Qin did not look at her again, nor was he interested in looking at her again, and the black qi that emerged made Fang Qin quite disgusted.

Feeling the white bones in the vicinity, I didn’t know how many humans this fox demon had eaten, and then felt the resentment that pervaded the surroundings and the cloudy and disgusting qi on the fox demon’s body, Fang Qin couldn’t help but feel angry.

Seeing that fox demon’s vicious appearance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he had no interest in the news that he had planned to inquire about this world before, and the news could go out and inquire again, anywhere, but his displeasure in his heart was that he needed to vent directly.

The thick Zhenyuan seemed to boil up, flowing non-stop, and an extremely terrible power rose, and the right hand was gently raised and slapped out!

Shock a hundred miles!


Using this palm technique in Fang Qin’s realm now was really shocking, and the fierce force was threatening to overwhelm the surroundings.

A dragon groan that resounded through the surrounding dense forest was accompanied by the Ultimate True Yang transformed by the Xuanshi True Yuan, and a huge red dragon shadow roared past, sweeping through the fox demon’s stunned and terrified look!

“No!” The terrible scream came to an abrupt halt in an instant.

Fox Mei only felt that the other party had not yet fully shot, and the boiling and transforming demon power of the body seemed to be frozen, and the body was stiff and unable to move, and in a blink of an eye, an extremely hot huge force came.

The body was burned and destroyed, and the powerful demon body was like a paper paste in front of such power, and the demon power of the whole body seemed to be burned away, and the demon that had just condensed out shattered and dissipated.

The fox lost all consciousness in pain, and all that remained in her mind was the terrible dragon’s groan, and she lost her voice when she saw the darkness of her eyes and no longer saw the brilliance.


The stone cave behind it shattered and collapsed, dust drifting everywhere, and the dragon’s groan echoed endlessly.

The surrounding resentment seemed to be swept away by this fierce and abnormal sound, and when everything stopped, the surrounding dense forest was very quiet, as if everything did not dare to make a sound.

With a gentle wave of Fang Qin’s hand, the dust disappeared everywhere, and his face came to the near front coldly.

The fox demon had already changed back into its original form, a fox of normal size, covered in black and scorched black, and had lost its voice.

Fang Qin thought about it, after all, this was not the same as the original two worlds, the body was dead when it died, and there was no such thick aura to maintain the soul.

This world can generate ghosts and evil spirits, and if the soul is not exhausted, there is also a chance to live again.

Fang Qin would not take it lightly, and the spiritual power filled out and found that there was no problem before he was sure that this fox demon was completely dead, and picked up a small black pouch that had fallen to the ground in his hand.

A gentle sweep is a rather small space bag.

“Space bags? There are even such things…” Fang Qin was a little surprised and looked at it for a while.

There were only a few white jade vials inside, and the spiritual power was swept out, and a strong smell of blood came out,

Fang Qin frowned, there was a thick blood qi contained here, it was estimated that each bottle must be refined by hundreds of mortal blood, and some frowned.

A stream of fire in his hand arose, and the scorching flames directly burned the entire Dan Bottle, and a trace of flesh qi seemed to dissolve the resentment in it and float in the air.

“Rest in peace…”

Fang Qin shook his head, threw the space bag into the system [space], studied it later, and did not look at the charred fox corpse, seeing that the sun was about to go down, and the figure disappeared in an instant.

This place returned to normal, but the fox demon that had been around here for decades died quietly.


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