The sun was tilted to the west, the sun was gradually dimming, and the people in the small village looked panicked, revealing the color of fear, and their faces were like gold paper, and one of the elderly people came to the village chief with trepidation and said:

“Old village head, what do you say to do now?” The sun is about to set, if there is no protection from the fox fairy I will wait…..

We old guys are dead when they’re dead, but the other kids, how good. ”

Saying that there is already some inability to say here, here is full of weirdness, although the fox fairy often comes to eat people, but at least it can be sheltered,

If they could still live, if there was no fox fairy, the people of their own village would only be killed by those lone ghosts.

The old village chief also had a dark face, looking at the sculpture shattered into dirt blocks in the ground and sighing secretly, this sculpture totem was the means left by the fox fairy, and it was by relying on the protection of this thing that they could not break into the village without evil spirits and survive.

Now that the fox immortal had encountered an even more powerful immortal chief, he didn’t know what would happen, and the immortal chief didn’t know what he would do.

After thinking about it for a while, he had experienced a lot but really knew some of the earth laws, and when he saw the eyes of a large number of people, he said cautiously:

“Let’s go to the ancestral hall together, ask the ancestors for protection, maybe it can have some effect, plus there are many people with strong flesh, those individual evil spirits should not dare to come near, maybe …”

Before he could finish speaking, he stopped, looked at the figure in front of him in a daze, and suddenly looked surprised, and hurriedly ran to Fang Qin and knelt down:

“In front of the chief of the immortals, please have mercy on the chief of the immortals!” Save the lives of people in a village like me! ”

The other people were also shocked by the action of the village chief, and even when they saw that the immortal chief who had great powers had returned, he was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed down: “Please Immortal Chief, have mercy!” ”

Fang Qin was a little helpless, and a force lifted up this crowd and said, “Get up…..”

A crowd of people felt a gentle force even more in awe, the secret path immortal’s means were really powerful, and the village chief sighed with a look on his face: “The chief of the hope immortal forgives me for my previous disrespect…”

Speaking somewhat hurriedly explained:

“Xianchang, this area is deserted, only our village is left here, strange and evil are born, and we are helpless,

Those evil spirits are really evil, and I will be twelve points of vigilance against outsiders, but I and others have been taught a bloody lesson, and I dare not be casual…

Before, I and other people in the village did not know the immortal chief, and it was really indecent for the immortal chief not to kneel and pay his respects, and the immortal elder spared me a lot of things that were inappropriate. It is not easy for mortals to survive such as immortals, save me and so on! ”

The old village chief was in tears, quite sad, and the rest of the people were all tongue-tied, remorseful in their hearts, and quickly apologized for their sins.

In the change just now, Ah Man also learned the truth about the fox fairy from the mouth of the village chief and some old people, and his heart was angry and sad, but he had no choice.

Seeing Fang Qin return now, for a while, those demons and evil spirits in the secret passage could not be believed, either they were specifically harming people, or they had a strange purpose, and none of them had a good heart, only the people of the world were pitiful.

And Ah Man can also be regarded as the person in the village who has the longest contact with Fang Qin, his temperament and personality, easy-going and sincere, and he also quickly knelt down and said: “Immortal Chief, please help us!” ”

Fang Qin was a little helpless, these people were saying apologies in a burst of artillery, and they really didn’t care about those things.

In addition, although these people were suspicious before, they were all quite in awe of him, although they did not dare to approach because of their worries, but they would bow down and salute when they saw them, and they could not have any disgust for them.

He whispered, “Get up, I’m thinking, you don’t have to worry.” ”

The village chief said with great joy in his heart: “Yes! Thank you immortals, I wait to thank you! ”

“I’m waiting to thank the Immortals!”

Ah Man had a happy face, and then his face froze, watching the sun gradually fade, a shock in his heart, watching Fang Qin want to talk and stop, the others also found the problems that were coming, and their faces turned pale.

The village chief carried the expectations of a crowd of people, and said to Fang Qin with trepidation:

“Xianchang, the sun is going down, this place is fine during the day, there are suns and stars shining, and ordinary evil spirits do not dare to come out to harm people,

But as soon as it reaches the night, it is the time when demons and ghosts are rampant, and before we relied on the fox and the sculpture totem of the fox fairy to basically keep the night free from evil intrusion, and now…”

Speaking of this, my heart panicked, as soon as the sun set, there was no previous shelter, and I didn’t know how many strange things would come.

The man-eating fox immortal and this immortal did not know what the result of the fight between the fox immortal and the immortal chief did not know what the result was, and seeing that the immortal came back and thought that he had won, but it was not clear what happened to the fox immortal.

Fang Qin nodded, he also came back because of this matter, if he killed the fox demon, and ignored these people, it was foreseeable that they would not live long, then wouldn’t it be worse than the fox demon?

Fang Qin sensed the fragments of the sculpture for a moment, and there was still the slight demon power of the fox demon on it, and he roughly understood a little.

This fox demon guarded this place with demonic power, and relied on the sacrificial blessings of a large number of people, and then sketched out in a rather strange picture, which was quite mysterious, but it made a group of evil spirits without wisdom not approach.

Fang Qin had an idea in his heart, swept around, and came directly to a boulder shaped like a small mountain.


A direct air sword removes a layer like cutting tofu, revealing a smooth stone surface.

The Xuan-colored True Element turned, and the yin and yang colors rose up, and in the eyes of a large number of people, this immortal who was already floating out of the dust was even more like a mortal under the gods, revealing his divine might.


A flash of cold sword light flashed by, and a crowd of people felt a darkness in front of their eyes from a long distance, and a sharp feeling came from the face, and the faces of the people who were directly scraped were painful and their eyes were bitter, and their faces were painful, and they did not dare to close their eyes again.


After a while, the movement stopped, and many people really opened their eyes in awe.

Fang Qin turned around and smiled at the crowd, “So there should be no problem, you don’t need to worry!” ”

A crowd of people hurriedly looked at the boulder exposed in the middle of the village, only to see that there were four big characters written on it, and the dragon and snake were flying, which was extremely good to see, which made people’s hearts feel relaxed and happy.

Unfortunately, there are very few literate people here, and only a very small number of people understand.

“All evils do not invade…” Some individual literate people read it out.

The village chief saw the excitement for a while, and he had some conjecture in his heart, and he quickly thanked him: “Thank you for the mercy of the immortal chief, the old man thanks the immortal chief for the protection of the whole village!” ”

“There is no need to be polite, this thing has the effect of suppressing evil, and it is much more powerful than the totem of the fox demon, and you can rest assured.”

Fang Qin secretly said that his own spirit and spirit three practitioners were really right, and as long as he knew the principle of many things, he could basically understand and display them quickly.


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