Time passed, and gradually it was late at night, and the ancient temple was even more silent, only three rooms with faint lights.


A series of yin winds blew, and two figures floated into the temple.

“Sister Xiaoqin, I…” Xiao Qian wanted to say something and stopped, Xiaoqin glanced at her and sneered:

“If you do not follow your grandmother’s orders, when you go back, I will certainly warn your grandmother, saying that you will not do anything for your grandmother, and I will punish you when the time comes.”

Saying that, he raised his hand and stroked the hair on the delicate cheeks of the little Qianqian, and saw that her face was pale, but there was no ghost at all and felt mad, but the jade face, absolutely beautiful, not like a ghost, let people feel pity.

She was quite posture and even incomparable, and she couldn’t help but be greatly jealous in her heart, and then she thought that what she was going to do now was to say it happily:

“Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian, you are so beautiful, now you are not going to do that happy thing with me and so on, hehe, Grandma is the most important thing among our ghosts, and now you are not going to be the same as me, do you still have such a look after I see you?”

Throwing off his long sleeves, he sneered and chose one of the rooms and floated away.

Xiao Qin thought darkly in her heart that this Xiao Qian rarely ran out, and she certainly didn’t know much about that bearded Daoist, maybe she didn’t know where he lived, nor did she remind her, if she encountered it, it was best to kill her directly.

Xiao Qian did not dare to respond, and when the Xiaoqin disappeared without a trace, she couldn’t help but shed tears.

“Well…” I don’t know how to be good in the midst of sorrow, listening to Grandma’s words, doing that shameless thing, she will never want to do it in her heart, but if she doesn’t do it, the tree demon Grandma will definitely not let her go.

“Father and mother, what should the daughter do?”

Thinking about his life, he was even more sad, he was only two or eight years old and died in another country, and his bones were buried at will in this desolate wilderness, and he became a lone ghost.

The grandmother who was coiled here was in charge of life and death, but fortunately, she seemed to have a rather abnormal soul, and that grandmother was quite attentive to her, which made her feel at ease and condensed her soul body in the past few years.

Unfortunately, it is still time to come, even after a delay of several years, he still has to do some filthy things for that grandmother.

Although she had never done it, many female ghosts under her grandmother had said that it was to seduce passers-by and absorb the essence of living people.

“Xiao Qian, what are you waiting for?”

A slight fluttering voice sounded in Xiao Qian’s ear, trembling all over, afraid and afraid in her heart, but did not dare to disobey.

“Yes, yes, Grandma, Xiao Qian knows.”

Lotus walked to a room in front of his heart, his thoughts were confused, and he didn’t know what to do, so he took a few deep breaths before making a decision, and he looked at the opportunity first.

Knocking softly, biting his red lip slightly, he whispered, “Ah, inside, is there anyone inside?” Me, I want to come in…”

There was no response in the room, as if the people inside were asleep.

“That, is there anybody in there?” Can the door…”

Although the voice is low, but it is also crisp and pleasant, Xiao Qianfu said a few more, but did not respond, only felt aggrieved, tears and misty eyes, gently tapping the door, some unclear words.

“Well… You, you open the door, huh-huh.”

Saying that he could not hold back any longer, the tears flowed down, wiping the tears with white sleeves, his body trembled slightly, and his heart was sad.

For a moment, a delicate cry echoed in the temple.

Tree Demon Grandmother: “…”

Fang Qin: “…”

Yan Chixia: “…”

Fang Qin endured for a moment, almost didn’t laugh out loud, and raised his hand to open the door.

With a creak, the door was opened, Xiao Qian was startled, and looked at it with some stupidity, her face was absolutely beautiful, her eyes were reddish, her eyes were tearful, and she was dressed in white like mist, a beautiful woman.

Fang Qin was amused in his heart and said, “What is the girl crying about?” ”

“Ah, I… Oh ~ Xiao Qian only felt that the other party looked handsome and extraordinary, dressed in white, like a concubine, good to look good, and couldn’t help but look a little stunned.

It should be known that what she has been looking at for the past few years is some ghost qi bushes, sinister and evil pickles, and when she sees Fang Qin’s body and temperament, she only feels the stuffiness that has been stuck in her chest, and she is a little relieved.

Just crying so much that he couldn’t put it back for a while, he could only look at it with misty eyes and couldn’t speak.

“Cough, the girl is coming in?” Fang Qin looked at it playfully, this ghost’s business ability is not good.


Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and in his perception, although the yin qi was thick, it was the purest yin and cold qi, and there was no resentment at all, which was different from the ghosts and demons he had seen in this period of time.

“Uh-huh-huh-uh-uh-u Unable to speak for a moment, Xiao Qian quickly nodded.

Lian Bu walked in, and Xiao Qian only felt that the cold gaze that had been staring at her behind was gone, and she was relieved.

I think it was my grandmother who saw her go in and left, but what to do after that.

Fang Qin looked at the dark distance outside the door, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a trace of ghostly light in his eyes.

‘Gone?’ What did you perceive? Or because of Yan Chixia. But don’t worry, I’ll look at it later, this tree demon can’t run. ’

Turning back, I sat down at a table and looked at the woman in white with interest.

“Girl? I wonder what happened to the late night visit? ”

Xiao Qian opened her mouth, thinking of her grandmother’s command, she was a little ashamed to say it, and she was actually unwilling to do those things that hurt heaven and earth in her heart.

I wanted to say it again and again, but the eyes of the pair of upper Qin were panicked again.

Secretly said: “He looks so good and handsome, if it is him, it seems that he does not hate, ah ~ what am I thinking, Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian, how can you be so shameless, if you let your father know, you will certainly not be happy.” ’

His face was a little red for a while, and he was also a little sad, and the tears in his eyes were blurred.

Seeing her appearance, feeling a wave of sadness rise, Fang Qin sighed, and did not tease her, this girl wanted to come to Nie Xiaoqian, but she was really a poor person, in the nest of ghosts can not be contaminated with the slightest resentment, it can be seen that she is a person with a pure mind.

“Girl, since you are here, don’t be afraid, I will deal with the next thing.”

“Eh?” Xiao Qian took a breath, looking a little dazed and some did not know what it meant.

“What’s your name?”

“The little girl’s name is Nie Xiaoqian, what about you?” Saying that, he secretly looked at Fang Qin for a while.

“Fang Qin.”

Fang Qin secretly said sure enough, and also said his name.

Stepping forward, coming to the beautiful person, the glimmer of light in his hand, a light, a faint line flashed by.

Xiao Qian only felt that her eyebrows were numb, some itching, and her heart was frightened, and she couldn’t help but retreat, and said timidly: “You, what do you do?” ”


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