Fang Qin was a little thoughtful, this Nie Xiaoqian mainly based on his own soul, absorbing Yin Qi and condensing the spirit body, in order to maintain his current appearance,

Compared with the evil spirits she had seen before, her spirit body was undoubtedly more powerful, and the other evil spirits were mostly some illusory spiritual aggregates, or a trace of residual souls mixed with negative emotions such as resentment, and the appearance alone was somewhat illusory.

And unless Nie Xiaoqian met a cultivator, the other mortals would look like a normal person in their eyes.

There is a huge difference in terms of intelligence and intelligence.

“Nothing, just see your physical state, and…” Fang Qin smiled, with some deep meaning.

“Eh?” Xiao Qian’s face changed, she already sensed that something was wrong, and she hesitated: “Then, you are…”

“Xiao Qian tell me about you, and the tree demon.” Fang Qin smiled gently.

“You know I’m … Soul, right? ”

Nie Xiaoqian’s already pale face was even whiter, and he had already guessed that the person in front of him might be a cultivator.

Before she died, she had heard many stories of Taoist monks and monks descending demons and exorcising demons, and now that she had become a demon and ghost inside, would she also be eliminated?

“Rest assured, I have no interest in killing the soul of a little girl, and talk to me.”

Fang Qin’s voice was gentle as if there was some calming power.

Nie Xiaoqian’s somewhat frightened mood calmed down a lot, and she also heard some of the caring meaning in his words, and she couldn’t help but feel some warmth in her heart.

“No, Grandma she…”

Nie Xiaoqian looked at the man with deep eyes in front of her, and some of them couldn’t help but want to tell him all their grievances, but when they thought of the huge black tree that didn’t know how high it was, the eerie grandmother, her heart trembled.

He was afraid that he would be punished by his grandmother, and he was also afraid that this person would be hurt by his grandmother.

“Don’t worry, the Dryad has just left, and I’ve cut off the voices here.”

Fang Qin saw her concern and couldn’t help but say.

“Ah, is that so, I see, I’ll talk to you…..”

Xiao Qian secretly guessed that it seemed that he was an extremely powerful person, so that he knew it, and felt the intention of care, and he couldn’t help but feel some excitement and joy in his heart, and the grievances and sorrows in his heart all the time, couldn’t help but want to talk to him.

“I was originally the daughter of an official eunuch, and when I was passing through Guobei County, Jinhua, I was killed, and my father temporarily buried my bones here.

As a result, my bones were collected by my grandmother, and I woke up again in a trance, but I was already a ghost.

I was going to be sent by my grandmother to do something, to do something… Bad things, but my soul seems to be a little strange,

Others can absorb some yin qi to condense the soul body, but I have to spend a lot of yin qi for several years to succeed, that is, these few days, my grandmother saw that my soul body has been completed and sent me…..”

Nie Xiaoqian was still a little restrained at first, as if venting, crying and talking, saying that the grievances and unwillingness in her heart were all out, and the depression in her heart seemed to have disappeared, her feelings were condensed, and the speed of absorbing Yin Qi was even faster.

Fang Qin listened to her heart and felt some pity for her, but he was even more surprised by her changes, in his perception, this one seemed to be absorbing the nearby Yin Qi all the time, and the Yin Qi inside was extremely pure.

“What is this special soul?” Is the soul different? Gifted? ”

Fang Qin thought about it, no wonder it took her so long to condense her soul body, the gathered yin qi was extremely pure, and it required an extremely large amount of yin qi to do it.

“I know, I’ll deal with that tree demon, and maybe after a while you’ll be free.”

Fang Qin also learned a lot of things about the thousand-year-old tree demon from this mouth, and compared with the perception just now, he had some understanding of the strength of the tree demon.

‘Well, you can cut, wait and go spawn!’ ’

Nie Xiaoqian was shocked and immediately advised, “Don’t go, Grandma has high magic power and has lived for a thousand years, but it is not easy to deal with, you don’t want to take risks.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “No problem, I can deal with it, I don’t fight a battle that has no chance of winning.” ”

“You… You don’t need that. ”

Nie Xiaoqian’s face turned slightly red, and he secretly asked if he was like this because of me, and wanted to save me like this, but he was already in the clutches of the devil, but he could no longer let others suffer because of himself.


Fang Qin sensed a little, and some speechless just wanted to say, ‘Girl, you misunderstood, not what you think.’ ’

Just look at the look of surprise in her eyes, or didn’t say anything.

“You better hurry up, although you may be strong, but compared to Grandma..”

Nie Xiaoqian only felt very happy, and after a few years of trembling in this gloomy ghost nest, the feeling of being cared for now is particularly cherished.

Just like that, it would be even more impossible for him to get involved in danger, and he said with a slight blush on his face, and some twisting: “If I had been alive in the past, I would have been happy to see you…”

He secretly looked at Fang Qin’s appearance and smiled happily.

Don’t some of the biographical novels I have seen in the past have these similar descriptions, and he must be a hero who came to save himself as he did inside.

It’s just that Grandma is not an ordinary bad person, but a thousand-year-old demon with monstrous powers, and the other party is likely to spoil his life, and he is a ghost, but he can’t be with him.

Thinking of this, he secretly said that he was not afraid of danger and wanted to save me, but I could not make it difficult for him.

“Cough, girl, take me to the tree demon’s lair.”

Fang Qin still interrupted a little, otherwise this girl’s brain didn’t know what the brain had added, and the kung fu of just a while was already like this, and wouldn’t it be even more unaware of what to think of after a while.

Xiao Qian bit her lip and was about to refuse, when suddenly a scream rang out.


“Sister Xiaoqin…”

Xiao Qian’s heart was shocked and she heard the voice of the master.

Fang Qin looked to the side, the corners of his mouth smiled, and secretly said that the scholar was really quite righteous, but he had been a little underestimated before.


“Ah, help, help, hero, hero, come and save me!”

Ning Caichen looked at the figure of the woman floating in front of him, and with some panic, he held a character and shouted in a hurry.

Xiao Qin’s body was in severe pain, and she looked at the characters in Shusheng’s hand with a look of horror, but when she saw that the characters were dim and her face was fierce, she went straight around and pounced on Ning Caichen.


A firework flashed, and Yan Chixia walked in from the door with an ugly face, looking at the dissipated soul.

“This tree demon is really getting more and more arrogant!”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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