A strange old woman’s figure shifted and flashed, and she hurried back to the nest and merged into the huge tree in the center, and the body of the tree was rattling and waving.

“Come, man, summon all the ghosts and monsters back!”

A strange and heavy voice came out, and a female ghost hidden in the branches said yes, and it floated out.


The tree demon was uneasy about himself, and he climbed the underground roots down, not knowing where he had entered.

After a while, I made some preparations to relax a little, and the uneasiness in my heart was better.

“What’s going on? Why was there a sudden panic… Could it be that Yan Chixia? I and he should be well water and not river water, and if it were not for his amazing magic weapon, I would not need to be afraid at all, why do I have such a strange feeling today. ”

The tree demon grandmother was a little surprised, originally at the beginning sent two ghosts over, one was for the human spirit, the other was to see the special point of Nie Xiaoqian, and the third was also to test that Yan Chixia.

Who knows that it has not been long since he went, urging Xiao Qian to do things, and as a result, when the door opened, there was no reason for a flurry, only to feel a big crisis coming, frightened that it did not look closely at all, and directly ran.

By the time it broke through the realm, the demon had become a demon, and it had not felt such a strange feeling for a long time.

“Could it be that Yan Chixia has already broken through?” Or hide some powerful magic weapon. ”

Thinking about it, there is no firm idea, can only be secretly vigilant, but unfortunately it is a kind of tree goblin monster, non-incarnate realm can not run away, can only illusion some of the doppelgangers out, the body can only be in this same place.

“Ahem! Even if that Yan Chixia came, I am not afraid, this is my territory that does not allow human beings to be wanton here! ”

The black trees shook and rattled, and the black branches seemed to extend and lengthen.


There are ghosts and ghosts wandering around, and many demons and ghosts are shaking around, making terrifying noises.


“It’s here.”

Fang Qin saw the thick resentment rising in front of him, and he knew that the tree demon was there.

“Haha, this tree demon’s real body was originally hiding in such a hidden place, no wonder he came out to look for it several times before he didn’t see it, Fang Daoyou, next you have to pay attention!”

Yan Chixia carried the sword box on her back, holding a simple bronze sword, and scanned around.

“It is the front, and the prince must put himself first.” Nie Xiaoqian looked at the front and was afraid, but also a little worried about the other party Qin Dao.

“Rest assured, it’s all right.”


A wandering ghost seemed to spot them and let out a scream! The sound echoed around, and there was some movement in the distance.


A fluorescent flash flashed, and the ghost had already scattered before it could scream.

“Royal Sword Technique?”

Fang Qin looked at Chixia with some surprise, it was a copper sword, it was the one that Yan Chixia had been holding in his hand.

“Haha, Yan Mou majored in sword arts, and he was quite good at this.”

Yan Chixia recalled the bronze sword, and some laughed, naturally there was nothing good to say with ordinary people, but there was still some struggle for this hidden Daoist friend.

“When it is really mysterious, after the matter is settled, I will definitely consult with Brother Yan.”

“I can’t ask for it.”


The scream of Fang Cai seemed to alarm the group of demons inside, and countless ghosts suddenly floated out, emitting terrifying screams.

A natural ignory, but hundreds of ghosts called out in unison, as if forming a terrifying sound wave, and the carrier’s thick yin qi attacked Fang Qin and the others.

“Ah, Yan Mou will purify you pickles!”


Yan Chixia saw the number of ghosts here, and with a roar of anger in her heart, the bronze sword in her hand flew straight up, dividing into hundreds of sword rays in the air, and stabbed at all the ghosts as quickly as streamers.


A hundred or so ghosts were quickly stabbed by this sword light and dissipated in a scream.

Fang Qin’s eyes lit up, and he secretly said that this Imperial Sword Technique was really mysterious, and there were many differences between his own martial arts, and he smiled:

“Brother Yan is powerful, but he can’t let you concentrate on the front.”

True elements flow, to refer to the sword, and the matchless sword shines.


Fang Qin casually slashed, a sharp sword qi of ten zhang, Fang Yi appeared before he could get close, he made a group of ghosts scream and scream, the terrible momentum flashed by, and all the remaining ghosts were directly swept away, and the ghostly qi seemed to be directly purified.

Yan Chixia only felt an extremely sharp feeling coming, a trace of silver light flickering, and when she reacted, hundreds of ghosts in the vicinity had been swept away and disappeared.


“Huh!? Who is this sacred? What a terrible sword qi! In the dark darkness of the distance, the human face on the trunk of the tree opened its eyes and looked into the distance with a look of jealousy.

A flash of silver light flashed by, and the tree demon grandmother couldn’t help but tighten her heart, secretly worried, this is so powerful from such a distance, it can be imagined that the humane behavior is extremely powerful.

“It absolutely can’t be Yan Chixia and the like, who is it!?” Damn it! ”

I have the heart to escape, but I am not willing to do my own hundreds of years of Taoism.

It is a monster of grass and trees, through the three realms of enlightenment, demon body, and demon dan, it has not been easy to reach such a state in a thousand years, and it is not known how long it will take to break through to the realm of incarnation, then it will no longer be restricted here.

If you forcibly escape, you will lose hundreds of years of your own Daoist deeds, and it is naturally not happy to pay such a huge price, and it wants to see if it can spend some means to let that person go.


The sword light had disappeared, but there was still an endless sharp aura left here.


Yan Chixia saw this terrible scene, couldn’t help but take a breath, a look of shock, how deep the Dao Skill and the Advanced Sword Technique must be able to achieve such an understatement, originally already looked up to this Fang Daoyou, did not expect it to be low, he was so powerful.

“Fang Daoyou, could it be that you have achieved the realm of the Yuan Infant?”

Yan Chixia blurted out with a shocked face, the Yuan Infant Cultivator’s divine consciousness increased greatly, it was easier to communicate the power of heaven and earth, and at the slightest thought, there was a terrible and vast might, accompanied by the power of heaven and earth.

And that realm is also the beginning of the monk’s great power.

Xiao Qian on the side was also full of brilliance in his eyes, he did not think that he was so powerful, it seemed that he was even more powerful than his grandmother, so there should be no danger, and he couldn’t help but rejoice in his heart.

“Yuan baby?” Oh, let’s talk about this matter later, I’ll wait to go in, otherwise it won’t be good if the monster escapes. ”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it was a rather familiar word, and he was a little curious about the realm of this world, but now was not the time to talk in detail, and it could only be left to understand after the matter was over.

“This is natural, but the tree demon has no incarnation, and it can’t escape unless it is willing to give up its own path for hundreds of years.”

Yan Chixia naturally knew the weight, but with this powerful figure joining, it would be very simple to think that this time the demon would be very simple.


I don’t know if it was Fang Cai Qin’s terrifying sword qi that frightened him, and many ghosts saw it in the distance and immediately panicked and fled.

However, under Yan Chixia’s Imperial Sword Technique, the tools all dissipated.

However, after a little kung fu, he also came directly to an open place, full of ghosts everywhere, surrounded by anger and resentment, and a huge black tree towered in the sky.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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