Above the roots of the huge black tree emerged a human face.

“Yan Chixia, I don’t violate the river water with your well water, why should I provoke you?” And Xiao Qian! How dare you betray me!” ”

The breath on the dead wood’s face surged up, the giant tree shook, and a chilling accent came out, containing a terrible negative emotion of resentment, Xiao Qian only felt that her brain was groggy and her body was in severe pain.


A cold hum directly dispersed the engulfing attack, and Fang Qin’s True Yuan transformed into Yin Qi, protecting Xiao Qian’s body.

Nie Xiaoqian only felt a vast and pure yin cold qi flowing around her, and her body was full of comfort.

“Thank you so much Fang Gongzi.” Nie Xiaoqian opened her eyes and looked at Fang Qin Dao with some weariness, and there was some confusion in her eyes.

“No, you keep your mind and condense your soul!” Fang Qin frowned a little, this Xiao Qian was indeed something wrong with this, but he had already arrived here, try to protect her as much as possible.

Yan Chixia beside her was also shocked by the ghost sound and felt a little dizzy, and a flash of silver light recovered from her body, her eyes were annoyed, and she scolded loudly:

“Oh my! You are a harmful tree demon, if you can’t find your true body at the beginning, I would have rushed over with my sword to exorcise the demon, where can you go crazy until now. ”

However, the tree demon had already ignored him, and looked at Fang Qin with a look of jealousy, his face seemed to be gradually calming, and some of them considered and some respectfully said, “I don’t know who this is sacred?” I don’t think I have a grudge, do I? ”

There were only two people and one ghost here, and although Xiao Qian was somewhat special, it was only the initial condensation of the soul body, which was not enough.

Yan Chixia’s strength is the Jindan Realm, and with a magic weapon, it does not want to provoke at will, but this is her territory’s old nest, with the convenience of geography, it is also extremely confident about defeating Yan Chixia, and it is not even impossible to kill him directly.

Only this completely silent man, like a mortal, did not have any mana fluctuations, but the thought of the vast sword light just now was extremely jealous in his heart.

It could only be him, and Fang was both angry and tempting.

Now that he had seen him lightly dissolve his ghost attack into invisibility, he was already convinced in his heart that this was the master who had just cast the sword light.

Ignoring the dignity of the big demon, he said, “If this gentleman loves my female ghost Xiao Qian, I can give her to you, just hope that I can no longer form a grudge over this.” ”

Nie Xiaoqian’s face turned slightly red, and she gently grabbed Fang Qin’s white clothes, not daring to speak.

Yan Chixia was also shocked, not wanting this thousand-year-old tree demon to directly bow his head and yield before he started fighting, but thinking of the momentum just now, he also felt normal, if he did not give in, he could still win this Yuan Infant Monk.

“Fang Daoyou, this demon harms a lot of people…” Yan Chixia sent a message to Fang Qindao.

Fang Qin nodded slightly, looked at the surrounding corpses and bones, completely did not know how many there were, and then looked at this huge tree like a ghost tree, entangled in this thick anger and anger, he knew that this tree demon must be absorbing the Yang Qi of human essence and blood of unknown periods.

For thousands of years, I don’t know how many human beings have died, and how many wronged souls have been controlled by it and cannot be reincarnated.

“I’m here today to kill you, not necessarily”

The huge black tree roared, as if it were a little angry, and the voice was not respectful.

“Do you really want to do this?” I am also an ally with that old demon of Montenegro, if you act like this, you will definitely attract evil, even if you are a Yuan Infant Monk and cannot be an opponent, how about I take a step back and stop here? ”

The tree demon grandmother was annoyed, but she didn’t dare to do it, once she did it, it was not dead, it was really uncertain.

I just want to convince the unknown monk in front of me with affection.

Yan Chixia was shocked to hear this, this demon actually intersected with the rumored Black Mountain Old Monster, and frowned at the other Qin Chuanyin:

“Fang Daoyou, that old demon of Montenegro is a rare mountain spirit, his heels and feet are really extraordinary, I heard that it has existed for thousands of years, and the end is terrible,

However, there may be something false about the tree demon’s words, although it has become a big demon, but it is still much worse than that kind of youkai, and there can be no big intersection, let alone an alliance. ”

Fang Qin thought in his heart, this old demon of Montenegro was a spirit for Montenegro, and it was estimated that in terms of strength, it was much stronger than this tree demon, and he nodded his head to show that he knew.

The tree demon did not know the situation, and was worried in his heart, seeing Fang Qin nodding, his face was happy, and he hurriedly said: “Sir, I think there must be some misunderstanding in this, I will wait to stop talking and make peace, Xiao Qian, you like, maybe it is worthy of you.” ”

“Give up? Oh, you tree demon, it’s ridiculous! ”

Fang Qin laughed dumbly, don’t say that the old demon of Montenegro is not there, even if he is not there, this tree demon has committed so much blood debt, he did not see it well, he saw that nature was going to kill things.

“You! Be well! Even the Yuan Infant Monk did not dare to say such a big word and die! ”

The Tree Demon Grandma did not even want to move out of the name of the Black Mountain Old Demon, but she could not make him change his mind, and he was furious.


The giant trees swayed, and thousands of branches came like ghost claws, covering the earth, and the black made people feel like the sky was falling.

“Tricks of the trade!”

Yan Chixia couldn’t bear to drink any longer, and directly jumped up, slapping the sword box on the back, a sword roar sounded, and the silver light flickering sword came out!

“Heaven and earth are infinite, the sword of wisdom is sheathed, and the demon is slashed!”


The bronze sword in his hand and the silver sword directly transformed into hundreds of sword shadows, like a lotus blooming, interlacing, swirling and turning, and the sharp edge was revealed from it.

For a moment, the whole space seemed to have countless sharp qi flowing, which made people feel oppressive.


Yan Chixia used her full body mana, prompting the hundreds of sword light and shadows that split out to directly rush towards the ghost claw that had eaten and bitten it.

Directly cut off all the terrible ghost claws that came to invade, countless dead branches were cut off, wood chips flew up, and countless dead branches were on the top of the back.

For a time, the two sides competed, and some stalemates could not be stopped.

“Hey, this place is a tree demon territory is really difficult to deal with, they are these grass and trees, although there are some shackles, untransformed can not be transferred to the same place, but within their territory, it is very difficult to deal with!”

Fang Daoyou, please come and help me sweep the battlefield! ”

The mana in Yan Chixia’s body was rapidly consumed, and some of them frowned, sending the sound of the other Qin Dao.

“Brother Yan, I think it wants to escape!”

Fang Qin’s perception had already extended within a radius of several hundred zhang, everything was invisible in his perception, he sneered, and his body turned into a sword qi.



The dazzling sword light flashed by, and the entire dark ground seemed to have been ploughed once, eliminating a layer, and countless tree roots and wood fragments were shattered into wood chips.


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