The ground was shaking, as if there were countless things swimming around, and the black tree roots were like cobwebs rioting within a hundred square meters!

“Ah! Hateful!! Since you’re going to kill them all! I fought with you! ”

The sharp accent creaked, as if it were the sound of breaking through the planks again, reverberating all around, so disgusting that it was disgusting to the ear.

Those endless dead branches and ghost claws were no longer attacking, and they were taken back.


A stream of screams and wailings came out from the huge trees of the tree, countless ghostly ghosts burst out, the illusory ghosts looked vicious, and their mouths were screaming one after another, overwhelmingly unknown in number, and the yin qi around them was bubbling with anger.

For a moment, the entire outskirts of Guobei City seemed to be shrouded in a terrifying ghost realm, and the eerie and terrible wailing sounded as far as a hundred miles.

It was midnight, countless people were already asleep, and the nearest Guobei County was facing this indiscriminate scream.

Countless people were directly frightened to wake up, their faces were miserable, and they did not dare to go out to check when listening to the harsh and uncomfortable ghost sounds, but could only hide in the quilt and shiver.

Some individual capable people and cultivators hurriedly walked out of the courtyard and looked at the dark ghost qi that shrouded the sky over the northern suburbs of the city in the distance.

An old Daoist priest watched with trepidation, took out his long-held amulet and dragged it in his hand, looking at it with shock and horror, only to feel incredible.

“What’s going on? What about the thousand-year-old Dryad riot? How could it be, this place is so close to Guobei County, is it not afraid of the regurgitation of humanity? ”

You must know that although ordinary human beings are weak, almost all of them will have no life when they encounter demons and ghosts.

But if they are gathered together, a thousand, a million, a million, a million, a thousand people, flesh, yang, human luck, entangled humanitarian breath will make all the evil monsters that come to commit the crime have a suppressive effect.

If at the time of the imperial dynasty’s prosperity, the qi luck is at its peak, and the humane qi luck is like a dragon, those monsters will not say that they are close, that is, if they are close, they will be strangled and killed by the terrible imperial human qi luck.

If today is a time of wind and rain and turmoil, but after all, it has not collapsed, and the Terran towns will have luck to shelter.

Although Guobei County is an unappreciated county, there are quite a large number of people, and they are all people who practice martial arts, there are many capable people, tens of thousands of people gather together, and the humanitarian atmosphere condensed by the imperial qi luck is also extremely terrible.

Although that tree demon coveted the soul of human blood, he could only kill some people who passed by unknowingly in the wild, and he had never dared to fight the ideas of the people in the city.

Listening to the terrible screams coming from afar, the old Daoist was sweating coldly, his thoughts were confused, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and he had some guesses.

This voice seems to have a sense of fear, could it be that someone is lowering demons to exorcise demons? Who was so powerful that he could force the Dryad to fight so hard. ”

Thinking like this, my mind subconsciously remembered that I had met the unpredictable figure of the Immortal before.


In Lan Ruo Temple, the Dao Charm held by Ning Caichen in his hand seemed to emit a slight light, and he covered his ears with a panicked and miserable face.

The terrible wailing seemed to be right next to my ears, and I only felt the whole mind buzzing.


A series of faint eerie laughter came out, frightening Ning Caichen’s whole body to tremble.

Several expressionless ghosts floated in, affected by the terrible yin qi, and some sleeping ghosts directly came out of the parade, greedily looking at Ning Caichen’s living breath in their eyes, and directly pounced on them.

Ning Caichen was a little groggy, seeing the black shadow swooping over, he knew that this must be a ghost, and he had the heart to hide and was not in a hurry, and his heart was shocked.


A fluorescence flashed out from Ning Caichen’s arms, and the matchless power seemed to strike directly at those black shadows.


Those few ghosts had a vicious and terrifying look on their faces, and before they could react, they were already directly scattered.

Ning Caichen seemed to see a black “town” word flash by, and he could no longer hold on, and the blur in front of his eyes directly fainted.


Yan Chixia’s face was shocked by Fang Cai’s terrible sword light, and the terrible change of seeing that tree demon was also moved, the sharp sound in her ear only felt uncomfortable, and the flow of mana in her body was much better.

“Damn, how many people has this tree demon harmed, and how many people this tree demon has ingested countless sperm and blood souls to provide for its cultivation, it is really hateful!”

I’ll purify these ghosts! Heaven and earth are infinite, and the sword of wisdom is sheathed! ”

The hundreds of sword bodies that had split out seemed to be covered with a layer of ghostly light, and they directly shook and rushed towards those ghosts, countless ghosts were directly purified and disappeared, and countless ghosts rushed out from the tree.

“Ah, I want you to die!”

The giant tree towered in the sky, shaking all over the body, and the whole ground was like a dragon turning over, shaking even more intensely.

The ghostly claw branches on the tree all attacked in the direction of Fang Qin and the others.

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he directly wrapped Nie Xiaoqian’s somewhat trembling body around him, and for the first time, his body was really fully operational.


A terrifying sound came out, and the tree demon’s terrible attack was all shocked by this momentum, pausing for a moment, and then at an even more terrifying speed, the roots and branches of the tree all attacked Fang Qin.


The sound of the wind tearing, the energy is flying!

“Ahem!” Fang Qin snorted coldly, when he really didn’t know whether he was dead or alive, the True Element in his body instantly turned into the power of the Yang Force.


A dazzling red light appears! Terrible heat!

A red flame shone and burned, and as soon as Fang appeared, the surrounding area seemed to fall into a scorching heat, and the ghosts that reverberated around were directly burned and dissipated, and even the screams could not be produced.

The dazzling fire was like the first birth of the sun, and in the trance it was as if a round of scorching sun had risen, and the ghost qi around it was directly swept away and purified.

Those roots and branches were directly burned by the scorching heat, directly ignited, and in an instant it seemed to spread, and everywhere there was a burning light.


Before the Dryad’s matchless attack arrived, it could not withstand it, and it hurriedly withdrew to protect itself, and as a result, those roots and whiskers had already burned, so that the burning was even faster.

Yan Chixia was shocked to the point of looking at this terrible scene, her pupils constricted, and her scalp tingling.

“This Fang Daoist Daoist Dao Dao Fa is so advanced and profound now, this is not an extremely mysterious and profound Five Elements Dao Fa, so terrible…”

Nie Xiaoqian also looked at this huge scene with a blank face, being protected by Fang Qin, she only felt that the fire light was not burning at all, a feeling of warmth that she had never felt since she became a ghost body.

“Aaaah, sir received the magic power, the little demon knows that it is wrong, please sir received the magic power!” The little demon is willing to repent and be a demon under the gentleman’s seat! ”

The tree demon was burned to the point of screaming, and her heart was extremely afraid, and she constantly begged for forgiveness.

Fang Qin’s face was expressionless, it was really far away, and for a moment the fire seemed to be even more fierce.

Roar! Roar!

The tree demon cried out that the other party could never let it go, and the dead wood’s face became vicious, ignoring the burning on his body.

In the past thousand years, he has been constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, devouring the blood of human beings, and ingesting the soul of human beings since his cultivation, and the terrible demonic power that has been accumulated has exploded, and he wants to burn a jade stone.

Fang Qin smiled, and the terrible fire light converged, and he gently raised it in his hand, and then split it,


It was as if the red sword light of the hundred zhang was like a thunderbolt and slashed into the middle of the tree demon.

The tree demon only felt the heat dissipate, and before he could be happy, the alarm bell in his heart was loud, and a sense of extreme danger came, and he was greatly shocked, and he did not move.

In the Dryad’s perception, all directions seemed to be shrouded in flames, and the intense pain that seeped into the soul was heard, and it had been slashed by the sword light.


Clicking, the extremely hard body of the tree only lasted for a few moments before it was directly broken by the sword light, and the burning heat was constantly burning from the inside and outside.

The terrible scream lasted for a while and then dissipated.


The speed of the red light did not decrease, and it flashed straight to the back, disappearing into the distance, and the terrifying sound sounded, shaking the mountain in a burst.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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