Fang Qin saw that he looked confused, and also knew that his cultivation speed had frightened him, shook his head and smiled, and took out the tree demon demon from the [space] and handed it to Yan Chixia.

“Oh, what does Fang Daoyou mean?” Yan Chixia looked back and asked with some confusion.

“Brother Yan solved my puzzles and passed on the Royal Sword Method to me, which is a thank you.”

“This can’t work, I can’t collect this demon, it’s too precious, you and I are also acquaintances, don’t have to be so polite.”

I only taught some of the most basic Imperial Sword Techniques, and the talent of Daoist friendship was really shocking, and it was really ashamed that such a moment of kung fu had been cultivated to such a state.

I just don’t teach, and if you want to learn, it will certainly not be difficult for you.

In addition to the various sword techniques practiced by Fang Cai Daoyou, the mysteries were very mysterious, which opened Yan Mou’s eyes and benefited a lot, and it was still me who took advantage of it. ”

Yan Chixia solemnly refused, and indeed thought so in his heart, not to say that this Imperial Sword Technique was not very valuable, it was precious, and that exquisite sword technique was already counterproductive.

“Accept it, this demon is of no use to me, and if it is handed over to you, it may be able to exert greater effect.” Fang Qin naturally did not allow him to refuse more, and directly handed it over.

Yan Chixia could not resign continuously, and had no choice but to take over,

“This, since this is the case, thank you Fang Daoyou for your kindness!”

“Haha, I want to thank Brother Yan a lot, that cultivation realm knowledge is just that, even the Royal Sword Technique is willing to teach me, it is really very grateful.”

“….. I only taught the simplest sword skills. ”

Yan Chixia sighed wordlessly, this person is really angry than a person, the other party can easily understand the Royal Sword Technique and exhibit a powerful sword method from it, such a talent is really unimaginable.

Fang Qinchao didn’t care, this Yan Chixia had already saved him a lot of kung fu by handing over the most basic Imperial Sword Technique, which was really gratifying.

I suddenly remembered the things I had encountered and some sayings in the forest village I had just arrived before, plus what I had seen and heard in this period of time.

He couldn’t help but say, “Brother Yan, I still have something to inquire about.” ”

Then he spoke of what he had seen and heard in the forest, and finally asked:

“What did the old village chief say about the sudden increase in evil spirits decades ago?” Do you know what’s really going on in this world and why it’s changed? ”

“Hey, this fox demon actually behaved like this, and the Daoist friend killed it well!”

Yan Chixia listened to the passage and was a little angry, cheered, and then thought about the reason for the frown:

“Fang Daoyou, I also have doubts in my heart about this matter, I once heard the elders say that it was as if something had happened to the Underworld Mansion, that after the death of the living beings, it was more difficult for the souls to enter the Underground Mansion than before, and the number of souls stranded in the human world increased, resulting in the current situation.

However, it is a pity that the passage between the Fengdu Earth Realm and the human world has not been broken, and I and other human cultivators cannot enter it, I don’t know what happened, I only heard some people say that maybe there may be a change in the earthly government.

“Has the Netherworld changed?” Now this evil is indeed possible. ”

“Yes, now I can’t wait to enter, there are many demons in the world, only to go out of the mountain to exorcise demons, and by the way, purify the soul and send them into the netherworld, but it is so uncurable.”

The two discussed for a while, Fang Qin knew a lot about this matter, and now Yan Chixia’s explanation of the understanding of the world already had a rough idea, not as ignorant as before.

After death, the beings of the world will go into the underworld to reincarnate, of course, some of the souls with heavy attachments or some special reasons have stayed, either dissipating between heaven and earth, or slowly cultivating into soul bodies, or turning into ghosts and evil ghosts.

Originally, this kind of thing was relatively rare, but I don’t know why, decades ago, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed, and the souls of living beings after death were more stranded in the human world, which caused the multiplication of evil.

Today, it coincides with the chaotic era of the imperial dynasty, the people are not happy, the place is either famine, or there is a peasant uprising, which has caused heavy casualties.

The resentment in the human world is intertwined, and the low luck of the imperial dynasty is not enough to suppress it, and it has entered a dead cycle.

This exacerbates this change even more, causing the number of evil spirits and sinisters in the human world to soar.

However, this also gave rise to greater doubts, what really happened to the underworld in charge of the land of life and death?

There is a nether mansion in the world, so is there a heavenly court of gods? Is there a Western Elysium?

Fang Qin thought in his heart, originally thought it was just a more strange world, who knew that the water here seemed to be getting deeper and deeper.

The sun was born, the fish belly rose white, and the sunlight gradually dispelled the darkness.

The two talked about the same, and when Fang Qin saw that the time was almost up, he said to Yan Chixia:

“Brother Yan, since the matter here has been settled, I will continue to travel.”

“Don’t stay a little longer?”

“No, I’m going to go to the world!”

“Haha, I’ll stay here for a while, and if Fang Daoyou has anything to do, come to me.”

“Of course it will, then there will be a period later!”

“There will be a period later!”

Yan Chixia saw Fang Qin’s distant figure and couldn’t help but sigh, “True is a god and a man!” ”


The land boundaries near Guobei County were all boiling over, since the terrible vision that day, there had never been a tree demon harming people, even the lone ghosts in the wild were much less, and countless people were overjoyed for a while.

There are different speculations about what happened to this kind of thing, among which the people of Guobei County are the most determined and have a lot of discussion.

“Hey, I heard that the youkai in the northern suburbs was ambushed, I don’t know if it’s true.”

A younger man said, “Can this still be fake?” People used to be killed, but have you heard of it now? Besides, have you seen the scene that day? Obedient, but it is really like a prison. ”

Everyone who was chatting looked over and was quiet for a while, when suddenly someone asked:

“Eh? Listening to you say this, you dared to go out and see? Come and tell me what that day was like. ”

Although there are many evil people in Guobei County, most of them are people who practice martial arts, and their qi and blood are exuberant, much more powerful than ordinary people, but they are only mortals.

Encountering monsters will not be much better than others, and even if they are more vigorous in qi and blood, they are more likable to those who eat people, and they die more tragically.

The terrifying ghost sounds of that day naturally trembled for a while and did not dare to go out, for fear of provoking evil spirits and harming their lives.

So although it is quite close, there are very few people who have actually seen such scenes.

The man was somewhat pleased to see everyone’s gaze, and said:

“You don’t know, that day, at midnight, there was a round of sun rising, and the gods were very strange, and the demon was instantly reduced to ashes, and it must have been the heavenly gods and immortals who descended to exorcise the demons again.


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