Lan Ruo Temple, here is no longer as eerie as before, but somewhat elegant and quiet.

The rain and dew are dotted, and the forest leaves seem to have a layer of bright color.

Ning Caichen circled a blank piece of paper, carefully An Fanghao, and then packed up his things and went out the door.

Outside, Yan Chixia held a sword in her hand, wielding a sword technique, and every move and style was neutral and peaceful, with some simple atmosphere.

I was a little happy in my heart, I had seen Fang Qin Daoyou’s sword technique on that day in the past few days, and now through a few days of practicing and understanding, there was actually a lot of progress.

Although he was a Jin Dan cultivator, the Imperial Sword Technique was quite proficient, but in terms of his simple skills and sword skills in his hands, he was far worse than that Fang Qin Daoyou, and it was quite good to say that it was a world of difference.

Hearing this, he looked back, played a sword flower, withdrew his sword, and smiled:

“Student, are you packing up your things and going back?”

Ning Caichen experienced this incident, it can be said that he has grown a lot, and he also got along quite well with this capable alien Yan Chixia, and was commensurate as a brother.

For this demon exorcism, and for the person who has the grace to save his life, he hurriedly went forward to pray:

“Elder Brother Yan, Xiaosheng has been staying here for a few days, this account matter should also be settled, there is still a mother at home who needs to wait, but it cannot be delayed too long.”

Can only leave first, Xiaosheng really thanks Brother Yan for saving his life, if he has leisure in the future, he will definitely come back to visit Brother Yan. ”

Yan Chixia laughed and said, “Since there is a mother in the family who needs to be served, it is definitely necessary to go back, but there is no need to come to me, I don’t know how long to stay here, and there is a lot of chaos outside this world, it is better to go out less.” ”

For knowing this rare scholar with a good heart, Yan Chixia was also quite happy, and said:

“By the way, the Dao Charm handed to you must be put away well, especially the character of Fang Daoyou, you need to collect it well, and at the critical moment, it is said that it cannot save your life.”

Ning Caichen naturally rushed to say yes, and then said with a look of regret: “It’s just a pity that I got up that day, and I didn’t say goodbye to Mr. Fang, it was really …”

For this Mr. Fang, Ning Caichen’s heart could be described as a god, not only because of the grace of saving his life, but also because the other party really gave him a feeling of being a worldly immortal.

He knew that Brother Yan and Mr. Fang were both cultivators, but Brother Yan gave him more of a sense of chivalry and heroism, while Fang Qin seemed to be a god among immortals, which made people feel both respect and fear in their hearts.

In the past few days, he often observes the character, and the more he looks at it, the more he feels that the calligraphy in this place is far away, and he does not know whether it is an illusion, but after seeing more, he always feels that his spirit is a little better.

Yan Chixia shook her head, “You don’t have to do this, even the cultivators also feel that Fang Daoyou’s description of temperament is superb, he is really an extraordinary person, and it is already a blessing to meet him, not to mention that you still have to have a sub-character…”

Speaking of this, he said with some immortality: “Cough, Shusheng, otherwise, how about I exchange that calligraphy and painting with you with this brass sword, my sword also has the effect of suppressing evil spirits through cultivation, and it is not bad.” ”

He also saw a few of those characters behind him, he saw the sword meaning and a certain trajectory contained in the outline inside, and his eyes were hungry, if he could get a good understanding and understanding, maybe the sword technique could go to a higher level.

Even at the expense of the brass sword, this brass sword was the magic sword he had built when he built the foundation, and although some of it could not keep up with his strength now, it was also extremely good.

“Ah, cough, this Mr. Fang sent things can not be exchanged, Brother Yan still do not want to play this character idea, if the eldest brother is interested, you can come to my house as a guest, this character will be handed over to the eldest brother to observe.”

Ning Caichen did not dare to change Mr. Fang’s character at will, but he just felt that this was really not good, and he could only say in a compromise.

“Haha, that’s all, I’m just saying it, I’ll talk about it later.” Yan Chixia laughed a little, and did not care, this thing pays attention to fate, and his character will not be persecuted.

The two talked for a while, and Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia said goodbye and packed their bags and headed for the county seat.

“Huh, there is only one Yan left to hang out…” Yan Chixia’s face was azure, and once the tree demon here was removed, he was also ready to practice well during this time and digest the gains of this time.


Ning Caichen returned to Guobei County, headed for the previous inn, and when he walked outside the door, he heard the sound of eager discussion.

“That immortal is so powerful that he can burn the youkai to death, and it seems that the yokai has been here for a long time, so it must have been hundreds of years.”

“Cut, lonely and unheard, I have asked some old people, and those old people have said that this monster has existed since a long time ago, definitely more than a hundred years, maybe even hundreds of years, maybe even more than a thousand years.”

“Well, it’s a thousand-year-old youkai, and it’s really shocking.”

“Who says it’s not, but in my opinion, the person who casts down demons and exorcises demons is not necessarily a god, or a person who has attained the highest level of wisdom and has great powers.”

Many people think that they are gods and immortals, of course, there are some knowledgeable people who know some things, guessing that a certain monk can’t bear to be harmed by this demon in the human world, and sends down demons to exorcise demons.

Ning Caichen listened for a while and knew that they were talking about Mr. Fang, and he couldn’t help but be moved in his heart, secretly saying that things were known here that day, and he didn’t know what kind of situation it was, but unfortunately he fainted, but he didn’t see anything close to the close.

It was even more surprising to hear this, although I already knew it and speculated about it, but I didn’t want that Mr. Fang to be so powerful.

After listening for a while, the little two or four inside saw someone parked at the door, and couldn’t help but rush forward and say: “Inside the guest officer, please.” ”

Ning Caichen returned to God, knowing that these people were not in good terms, and quickly walked directly into the treasurer who was a little out of his mind:

“Treasurer, I am Ning Caichen, who collects the account of Qibaozhai.”

The middle-aged treasurer looked back at him and sneered, “Hey, you’re a student who hasn’t left yet, do you want to try the taste of being driven away again?” ”

“Treasurer, this time I have already set the ledger, you have looked over, please do not be embarrassed.”

Ning Caichen said without humility, there was also some strangeness in his heart, and he didn’t know if he had experienced a lot, but he didn’t have the previous timidity and was quite calm.

“Oh, hehe, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, hurry up, the old man doesn’t care about you.” The treasurer was also quite surprised to see his expression, but it was naturally impossible to pay for it.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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