“Girl, girl, I brought some fruits and vegetables, can you be at home?”

A woman with slightly whitish hair knocked on the wooden door in front of the small room, and Yu Guang looked slightly at a small room next to it, and could not help but look at it with respect.

There was the small house where Sencho once lived, and now it was expensive, and the people of a village needed to score some work to help clean it every day and not let the dust stain it.

Every day there are people rushing to do it, and everyone is grateful to the immortal chief who is very kind and good.

These rural people have nothing to reciprocate, they can only express their hearts in these small things, and the stone monument in the center of the village is that people go to kneel and pray every day, which has become a daily thing to do in the village.

Recently, Ah Man seemed to have gained some benefits on the stone tablet, his body gradually became stronger, and the hunting guy was much better than before, which was all due to the Immortal Chief.

Sister-in-law Qing thought for a while, waited for a while, and there was no response for a long time, and she couldn’t help but frown.

“It’s strange, the girl Ping Su got up very early, why hasn’t she responded for so long today?”

Suddenly the face darkened, it should not be that something happened, this weak and weak little girl, looking like a fairy in the sky, is just to see it and make people happy.

Lian Lian gently pushed the door, but it was not locked, and it opened with a push, and the young sister-in-law was even more worried, and she trotted in, opened the small room to see, and was immediately stunned.


He rushed to the village chief and told the village about the matter.

However, half an hour later, there was a sensation in the village, and many people were talking about it.

“Oh my God, how could there be so much in that girl’s house?”

“Yes, there are a lot of grains and precious herbs in it, I can’t count them, they are all good things.”

“This girl said that she can’t be a god, since she came, things in the village have gone a lot smoothly, and I think I have been blessed by her.”

“I just glanced over and it looked like there were some bottles and cans that I didn’t know what to do, and what was the use.”

“In my opinion, this must be the case, hiss, I have seen her stay in front of the stone tablet from a distance, should she not have been with the immortal for a long time?”

“When you say this, it is also ah, only such a fairy can be matched with the Immortal Chief, she originally came to look for the Immortal Chief.”

The old village chief went to the house to look at it, and he was also surprised, and came back: “Okay, you have nothing to do with this mess anymore, I will keep the things and distribute them to everyone tomorrow.” ”

There was a letter left there, saying that he had been here for a while, that he had been taken care of, and that he had left something for the people of the village and that the village chief had distributed to everyone.

After the village chief saw it, there was no doubt, the girl must also be a god like the immortal.

Alas, it is a blessing that my little village has such luck, and it is a blessing to meet two god-like figures, and I hope that the girl can find the fairy chief.” ’


Jinhua Province is located in the land of Jiangnan, and although the wind and rain are wandering and the situation is turbulent, this side is less affected, and the situation is slightly better than other places, although it is not going anywhere.

In a small county, Fang Qin walked at will, but this road was somewhat aimless and casual, and he didn’t care where the end was, and after several days, he came here.

During this period, there was a burst of demon slaying and exorcism, and the number of qi luck points obtained by slaying demons was quite amazing, and along the way, a rather peaceful road was cleared, so that the people who came and went were surprised for a while, thinking that there was a god.

I came to a stall in a market, ordered some tea, sat down to drink tea, and took out a simple booklet to look at at it casually.

These were some of the ordinary cultivation decisions he had asked Yan Chixia for, and although Yan Chixia, the True Gate Mind Technique of their Daomen, did not dare to pass them out at will, this ordinary cultivation method was not a big deal.

Yan Chixia majored in the Imperial Sword Method, but the other Dao Methods were not very proficient.

And Fang Qin didn’t insist on it, he just needed the most basic one to see how the cultivation method of this world was.

This period of time is almost clear, some inspiration, but also some help for his subsequent breakthrough.

“Selling pears, selling pears, crisp and sweet pears.”

The market was constantly shouting, Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed to a place, there was a middle-aged man selling pears here to drink,

Fang Qin did not look at him, but looked straight to the side of the corner, a Taoist monk with tattered clothes, who looked like he was forty or fifty years old, but his appearance was ordinary.

“This man… A monk of the Yuan Infant Realm. ”

I was quite surprised in my heart, I had seen a small number of cultivators along the way, and they were all in a rather low realm, only in the realm of practicing qi, and the highest was Yan Chixia, and I never thought that I would meet a great cultivator of this realm again.

“Old brother, the old man has a dry mouth, can you give me a pear to eat?”

The Daoist priest did not realize that someone was paying attention to him, and came to the pear seller and begged.

The sight of the pear seller turned out to be a beggar-like Taoist monk, frowning and driving away:

“Go away, my big pear is expensive, you don’t want to stand here and disturb my business.”

The Daoist priest didn’t care, and begged again and again, saying that only a pear was good, and the small bad ones were fine.

The pear seller looked impatient, and he was even more furious when he heard it:

“My pear is big, crisp and sweet, where there will be bad and small, you Daoist priest is not ashamed, I am serious about business, you want to eat and take money to buy it, otherwise don’t come to hinder my business.”

Some disputes broke out, and people nearby also came to see the liveliness at first sight, and many people advised the pear seller to give him a pear, and he did not have to be so stingy.

The pear seller blushed and refused to give in, and there was a person dressed up, who was originally worried, but when he saw this, he sighed and couldn’t see it, and went forward to buy a pear for the Taoist priest.

“When you Daoist priest eats a pear, don’t disturb other people’s business.”

When he was about to leave, he was stopped by the Taoist priest and said:

“Since you have invited me to eat pears, I will also return the salute, so please eat pears for everyone here.”

The man frowned and did not speak, the pear seller listened to the cold hum and did not speak, and the other people only felt that this Daoist priest was afraid that he was stupid, and he had to beg for pears, and where there were other pears for others to eat.

The Taoist priest met the eyes of a crowd of people, did not care, ate the big pear, only the pear core was left, picked up a shovel and dug a small pit and buried the core.

Looking around again, when he saw the tea shop on Fang Qin’s side, his eyes lit up, so he came to the front and asked, “This prince, can you borrow water for a use?” ”

His eyes looked at Fang Qin, and he sighed in his heart that he had a good immortal, such a description of temperament was the only thing he had ever seen in his life, he had cultivated for most of his life, and he had never seen such a temperament more than him.

I couldn’t help but look at it a few more times, and secretly said, “There is no trace of mana on my body, it seems that I am not a monk, it is a pity that I have too much heart.” ’


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