Originally watching the liveliness, all the people paid attention to the movements of the Daoist priest, and when they saw him come to a man, they couldn’t help but look at the past, and there was a commotion.

“Well, this man is so handsome, this magnificent man is much stronger than the county brother.”

“Oh, do you like to joke, where do those stupid people have this person’s case, there is no need to compare, obedient, I don’t know where the prince and nobleman are, so to describe.”

“Yeah, so angry, I just didn’t notice him.”

A crowd of people whispered, and some women blushed and couldn’t help but secretly look at it.

Fang Qin did not care about the other people’s discussions, looked at the Daoist with great interest, felt quite interesting, and handed the teapot on the table to the Dao.


The Daoist priest performed a ritual, took it, and thanked him in his mouth: “Thank you so much for this prince, the old man thanked him.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and stopped indicating that he did not have to do this.

The Daoist priest nodded with a smile, took the teapot, came to the place where it had just been buried, and poured the tea down, the water steamed, and everyone shook their heads to see the joke.

This Daoist priest must have been crazy and even poured hot water, and many people felt bored and wanted to leave.

Suddenly, a man exclaimed, “Oh my God, it sprouted, it grew so fast!” ”

A crowd of people looked at it, and they were stunned, and the place where the pear core was buried began to sprout, grow, and became a large pear tree, but in a few moments it had already flowered and borne fruit, and it was full of large pears.

“Oh my God, this is immortality?”

“This is actually a man who is a man of high morality, and he has been born so well!”

There was a loud noise, and everyone was taken aback by the changes in front of them.

The pear seller was also stunned, and when he looked back, he was frightened, and he actually provoked such a tall person, and he felt a pang of regret in his heart.

The Daoist priest smiled and distributed the large pears to the people present, and a few hundred were finished at once, leaving two to the member and one to Fang Qin.

Others only thought it was a fairy fruit, and quickly thanked them for taking it, and immediately ate it, sweet and refreshing, and the aftertaste was endless.

Fang Qin took it and looked at it for a while, shook his head, and sighed: “You can’t do this well, and it is not easy for people to live in chaos.” ”

The Daoist priest’s face was full of smiles, and he looked at Fang Qin with some surprise, and said in his heart: How did this person know, could it be that I have lost sight of it? ’

There seemed to be fluorescent flashes in his eyes, and when he looked closely, he still couldn’t see anything.

Is it guesswork? Still far better than me, so I can’t see it. ’

The latter could not believe it anyway, and the former did

His mind turned sharply, and the Taoist priest’s face hehe: How did this prince know? This country man was so rude and miserly, and it was also a punishment to him once. ”

Fang Qin skimmed his lips, this abbot couldn’t know anything in his perception, the other party just used a blindfold to deceive other ordinary people, but he couldn’t help Fang Qin.

“Ah! My pears! It’s all gone! With a sudden shout, the pear seller finally found out the problem, and after a little thought, he knew that the pears made by the Daoist priest were all his own, no wonder his eyes were so familiar.

“You! You…” The pear seller looked panicked and panicked, his family lived on this pear seller’s money, how could they bear it.

Not only did he want to question the questioner, but he also felt that the other party would not be able to provoke the Immortal Family Spell himself, and did not dare to speak, and for a while he regretted it for a while, and he was overwhelmed there.

Others also reacted, their faces were different, and many people were laughing, saying that he deserved to be so stingy, and some said that he was disrespectful to the high people.

There are also many people who can’t bear it, but they can’t say anything.

Fang Qin said to the pear seller, “I bought this pear, then.” ”

After saying that, he took out a small piece of silver and threw it away.

The man was stunned, hurriedly took a look, and surprisingly sold almost the same number of pears as his own pears, and with a look of surprise, he immediately thanked him: “Thank you so much for this prince, thank you very much for this prince.” ”

Then he looked at the Taoist priest with a look of trepidation, afraid that he had done something again.

The Daoist priest also ignored him and smiled at Fang Qin, “Gongzi is kind-hearted, and these people should do what he does.” ”

“Oh, you’re already a Yuan Infant Monk, and you can count yourself as a cultivator, so why bother with ordinary people like this, do you think you can be as free as you?”

As soon as these words came out, the Daoist priest was suddenly shocked in his heart, the other party was really a cultivator, how could he not see it at all, could it be that the other party’s realm was really higher than his own.

Monk? The thought came out of nowhere.

The path of cultivation is like the path to heaven, every step forward means that the road ahead is more difficult, he has been married for a long time now, and he has not been able to break through the realm after that, and he suddenly feels that there is no hope in this life.

He began to enter the world and travel the world, both to play and hope to have an epiphany and promotion one day.

With some caution, he performed a ritual and said, “The old Dao is the Kunlun One Pulse Monk Song Mo, I don’t know who the friend is?” ”

Fang Qin said his name casually, and seeing that the pear seller was still there and did not dare to speak, the others stopped and watched, and said, “Okay, you should go back, you need to be polite when you encounter things in the future, and the others will scatter since they have nothing to do.” ”

“Yes, I will certainly remember the words of the Gongzi, thank you Gongzi and thank the Gongzi very much.”

Originally, he did not dare to go without the Taoist priest’s statement, but he did not know why, but he subconsciously felt that he listened to this prince’s words, and he quickly agreed, and the others did not dare to disobey the general and scattered in all directions.

Song Mo’s eyes shrank slightly, and he secretly said that Fang surnamed Fang in his heart, and he didn’t know where the monk was.

Fang Qin looked at the member who was standing in the same place with a change of face, and said, “You have a ghost in your house, take the pear back and let people eat it to solve it.” ”

Fang Qin already knew what was going on when he saw this outside of the staff, there was some yin qi and resentment around him, thinking that there was a yin soul in the house, and he saw that the Daoist priest had already shot but did not need himself.

When the staff heard the great joy, they immediately looked at Song Mo, who nodded and said, “I have already cast the spell on the pear, and you can go back and let the juice take it, so go back quickly.” ”

“Yes yes! Thank you, sir! Thank you very much! ”

The man was overjoyed, prostrated his head in thanks, and immediately got up and went back, but he did not notice that this prostration would have attracted attention, but it was as if no one cared.

Song Mo turned around and sighed:

“Fellow Taoists, what I have done cannot conceal anything from you. But I helped this man with a kind heart, and the pear seller was narrow-minded, so I punished him a little to warn him, but I did not do it foolishly. ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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