In Xinghua County, in a private room of the drunken apricot building, many young people in luxurious clothes drank and talked about it again, and the topic talked about the laughter during this time, and they couldn’t help but look at each other and laugh.

“Haha, this Lin idiot is really ridiculous, even if the immortals are in person, how can they accept such a person who has fallen into the family?”

“It is the extreme, the gods and immortals are really here, how can they not accept such a delusional person, if they want to accept such young talents as me.”

“Who doesn’t want to learn the Immortal Dao Fa, where is the turn to get him, that Lin Xuan heard that he loved these things since he was a child, and he didn’t know how much money he spent, and now that his parents are dead, his family is in the middle of the road, or he is still so delusional.”

Countless people sneered and sneered, thinking that this idiot was really incredible, this immortal thing, everyone had spread the word before, but because of the awe and uncertainty in their hearts, they did not dare to disturb the immortals in it, why did he dare to go to the bamboo forest to kneel day and night.

Everyone was watching his jokes, naturally they didn’t want others to get the benefits, and now when they saw Lin Xuan unconscious and being carried back, he suddenly laughed and said cool words.

However, in two or three days, the whole county spread the story of the Lin family’s nerds, and many people saw the joke.

In the courtyard of the Lin family, there were many figures hurrying around.

Lin Bo stood in the courtyard sighing, anxious, now the prince has not woken up for three days and three nights, and he does not know what is going on, and he can’t find the reason after inviting the doctors of the whole city.

After those doctors took the pulse, they all shook their heads and sighed, and they all said strangely, there was nothing wrong with this man, but his face gradually became rosy, and his health was unbelievable, how could he be unconscious for no reason.

Saying that there may be evil violations, it may be effective to ask some Taoist masters.

In desperation, he invited some people such as Taoist monks and witches, hoping that these people would awaken the Gongzi, but none of them had any effect, and one of the most famous white-bearded Daoist chiefs in the county was shocked to see his own Gongzi.

Before leaving, he also said, “This is not the work of the elves and demons, I dare not say.” ”

He said goodbye in the direction of the bamboo forest and hurried away.

Lin Bo listened to nature with a pang of trepidation, could the prince of the secret path have provoked the dissatisfaction of the immortals? That’s why it is.

The other doctors naturally heard about this matter, and after spreading the news, they were afraid that they also had this kind of thoughts, and gradually they did not dare to come back, for fear that this brother really provoked the immortals and provoked the immortals to be angry.

Fortunately, there are several doctors who are benevolent, and they can’t bear to stay and take care of it, but they have not found out where the questions and answers are, and there is no improvement.

“Alas, now that the old man and his wife have passed away for a few years, only the son is left, but there must be something wrong.”

With a sigh, I was about to deal with some business when I suddenly heard a noise coming from the house.

“Gongzi is awake, Gongzi is awake!”

Lin Bo was immediately shocked and immediately overjoyed, rushed in, and saw that the prince had already sat up, ignoring the screams of the mane, and looking at the scenery outside the window with some surprise.

I couldn’t help but cry with joy, “Oh, son, you can be considered awake, old man, I’ve been worried for a while, Xiao Cui, go call the doctor to come and see.” ”

I looked at it for a while and breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, no matter how I finally woke up, I didn’t care about anything else.

Lin Xuan’s eyes seemed to have a silver flash, and he turned back to God and smiled gently at Lin Bo: “I have nothing to do, Lin Bo has worked hard for a while, thank you for your care.” ”

“But don’t say it again, the old man is the owner of the house early, he will take good care of you, naturally he does not dare to be sloppy, but Gongzi, we still don’t want to go to the bamboo forest again, for fear of provoking the dissatisfaction of the immortals, there is such a punishment.”

There were all kinds of theories in this county, and even Lin Bo couldn’t help but be a little worried about it.

Lin Xuan was silent for a while, thinking about the mysterious chapter in his mind and the Ten Thousand Sword Mountain in his dream, the corners of his mouth curled up for a while, and he smiled: “No! Still have to go! ”

“Ah! This, this, son, how can you be so stubborn…”

Lin Bo was shocked when he heard it, he dared to go over like this, wasn’t he really going to provoke the immortals to be unhappy, then it would not be as simple as being unconscious, and he wanted to persuade him.

Immediately after that, he took out some of the more euphemistic rumors in the county town recently, hoping that he could dispel this idea.

If it had been in the past, Lin Xuan would have been disappointed for a while, and it would take some time to gain confidence, but this time, he just listened with a smile, and he would not interrupt or speak, as if he did not care at all.

After listening to Lin Bo’s persuasion, he slowly replied, “Lin Bo, and you listen to me, this time I went to the bamboo forest not to ask to see the immortals…”

Lin Bo was a little uncertain, did not dare to stimulate him too much, and asked thoughtfully: “I don’t know what Gongzi plans to do?” ”

“Haha, I am going to kneel and pray to the immortal master’s grace of preaching, this grace is like reconstruction, can I not go to kneel and worship!”

There was joy in Lin Xuan’s words, and at the end, he looked respectful and respectful.


Lin Bo is a forty or fifty-year-old man who has experienced a lot, and his pupils shrink when he hears the words, and he directly loses color.

“Gongzi, he succeeded, and the immortals taught him the immortal arts?”

I couldn’t believe it in my heart, but I was a little more than expected.

It was both ecstasy and excitement, and after losing his mind for a while, he reacted, looked around, saw no one, and hurriedly lowered his voice:

“Gongzi should not let others know about this matter, everyone is talking about it now, they are all mocking, if you know about Gongzi’s heavenly encounter, I am afraid that I will be jealous and crazy, and it is difficult to guarantee that I will do anything.”

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded slightly:

“I know what Lin Bo said. Except for Lin Bo, I will not pass it out.

And rest assured, although I am still a mortal now, thanks to the love of the Immortal Master, I have some methods of self-preservation, and ordinary people can’t help me. ”

Lin Bo breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his own son was actually very intelligent, his mind was clear, and he also relaxed his heart, and then he was ecstatic and couldn’t help but say:

“Our Lin family has actually produced a blessed person like you, who has the opportunity to enter that immortal path, and the old lady knows about it, and she will certainly be happy, and I need to go to the bamboo forest to worship well.”


The news of the Lin family’s awakening soon spread out, which caused a burst of ridicule, but the Lin family did not respond at all, and even cleaned up for a while and ran to the bamboo forest, so that the crowd looked like a joke.

Lin Xuan naturally ignored their ridicule, and now that he had obtained the Immortal Edge, his heart was happy, and he only felt that everything in the world was not in his heart, and where would he care about what they said.

Once again, I came to the bamboo forest, and with a respectful and pious face, I knelt up, and then I found that the fine mist that had been shrouded in the bamboo forest had disappeared, and a series of kneeling walks actually came to the depths of the bamboo forest and saw a simple hut.

“Could this be the place of the Immortal Master…”

Lin Xuan was stunned for a while, his heart was surging and he hurriedly took a few steps forward and knelt down: “Lin Xuan met the Immortal Master, thank you for the grace of the Immortal Master….”

In his mouth, he said respectfully, for a long time there was no response, he couldn’t help but have some doubts, but he didn’t dare to look, he knelt down for a long time without responding, and only then did he react, the immortal master had already left.

Standing up for a long time, he sighed, “Lin Xuan has no chance to see the Immortal Master’s appearance, and in the future, he will definitely practice well, do more good deeds, and cultivate merit, looking forward to seeing the Master one day!” ”


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