On a deserted ancient road, there are hundreds of teams and caravans marching, this place is quite rare in people, more than ten miles away from the inhabited place, many guards wearing armor and knives, vigilantly patrolling the surroundings.

Roar! Roar!

A terrifying and terrifying voice sounded, and a mottled tiger that was more than a foot tall jumped up from nowhere and jumped straight to the caravan, fierce and vicious.


The caravan people all froze on the spot, and their whole bodies were frozen by the roar of the tiger, and even the armored men were horrified, they could deal with some thieves, but how dare such a demon tiger come forward.

Everyone’s minds went blank until a scream sounded, and the giant tiger bit down on the arm of the nearest person.

“Ah, the monster is coming! Monsters eat people, run! Come on! ”

Everyone was terrified, panicked, and quickly pulled their relatives around them straight to the back.

The demon tiger seemed to have a mocking look in its eyes, it loved to tease these humans the most, listened to its wailing, and finally ate them in despair, grinned at the tiger’s mouth, and ignored the screams of the people below, and then a gust of demon wind blew up, directly flying over a distance of more than ten inches and pounced on a group of people.

Those people only felt that the ground was dark, the sun above their heads was obscuring, and when they looked back, they were directly shocked, and they couldn’t move, they could only watch the giant tiger pounce on them, and they could faintly smell the smell of blood.

Just when the hearts of a crowd were desperate and their lives were about to be lost.


A sword roar was accompanied by a flash of dark aura, and with a crisp sound from Weng, the tiger demon’s eyes widened, full of horror and stiffness, and he directly fell to the ground and lost his breath.

A flash of light flashed across the sky, so fast that no one could see what it was.

Everyone had just escaped from danger, their faces were uncertain, their bodies were weak, and they fell to the ground, and when they saw the tiger demon fall to the ground stiffly and still, they looked at each other, and they all saw the trepidation and fear in it.

“This monster is dead?”

“It seems to be, just, just what is that!?” I still seem to see something flash by, and the monster doesn’t move! ”

A leading middle-aged man had the courage to stand up, trembled and walked closer to look at it, and shouted with a happy face: “The monster is really dead!” ”

The people around them were relieved to hear it, and they were all surprised.

The leader’s heart was also loose, and he suddenly remembered that someone had just been bitten by a tiger demon, and immediately ran over to check it out, and he was shocked when he saw it.


The man fell unconscious, but the wounds on his hands strangely stopped bleeding and got better.

“There can be immortals to help!” The leader glanced back and forth, a moment of uncertainty.


In the high sky, a sword light broke through the air and traveled extremely fast, and Fang Qin stood on it, appearing to be flowing and elegant.

“Oh, it feels more and more chaotic….”

Seeing that many of the youkai below were mad, they randomly went with the True Yuan Sword, so that those Youkai had already been beaten by the True Yuan Sword without reacting.

When the people saw this, they knelt down and worshipped, thinking that they had the protection of the gods.

Fang Qin shook his head helplessly, such a special case, after going all the way north, he also encountered a lot, and these demons and ghosts around some towns were relatively few, but once they were farther away, there would be a sudden increase.

He can only see the nature and protect it, this is only what he saw, and the places he did not see were estimated to be more.


Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed, looking at a mountain in the distance was a little strange, there was Yin Qi Demon Qi fluttering there, but it was a little different from the strange Sensen like the tree demon grandmother before.


Guangping Province, Xiuyuan County, this place is the center of the entire Guangping Province, which can be regarded as extremely prosperous.

A few miles away from the county seat, there is a high mountain, and there are some temples on the mountain, but in recent years, the outside has not been very peaceful, so there are fewer people.

It has always been a bit deserted, and few pedestrians come here, but some readers in the county like to come here to play.

A red figure resembling a Lingbo fairy, floating by, extremely fast, but in a few moments the kung fu had already come to the remnants of a deserted temple halfway up the mountainside.

Xin Fourteenth Lady was a little hesitant, and then the lotus step slightly lifted directly into the inside, the light and shadow flashed, the scene inside changed greatly, it was a large courtyard, although it was not so gorgeous, but it was also complete.

A white-haired old man stood in the courtyard, smelled the sound, looked back, and said expressionlessly: “Come back, what’s wrong?” ”

Xin Fourteenth Niang lowered her head and said, “Father, Sister Fox, she has been… I buried her around that cave house. ”

“The demon clan is born to raise, and it is not bad that she can be buried all over her body.”

The old man was silent for a while, sighed and asked, “Do you know the reason?” ”

“Sister Fox… So it was a disaster, and it was a long time before I found it. ”

The old man muttered, indicating that he knew, and then stopped speaking but was silent.

“Daddy, what about Auntie?”

“Your mother went to the Junjun’s place and listened to the Junjun’s teachings, and since you have returned, let’s go and see you later.”

“Yes, I know.”

Xin Fourteenth Lady was slightly worried, looked at it and said, “Father, I will go back to see my sisters first.” ”

Seeing his jaw, the Fourteenth Lady retreated into the depths.

The old man looked back at his fourteen daughters and sighed in his heart, of these nineteen daughters, only this one was the most special, single-minded, kind-hearted, and Guangxiu Fude.

It is indeed not similar to ordinary demons, and it is really wronged to be born in her fox nest.


Xin Fourteenth Lady crossed several buildings and came to a rather beautiful garden.

After a few steps, I saw a few cute foxes and little foxes, playing, listening to the footsteps, turning back, and when they looked at the woman in red, they immediately rejoiced, and ran over with a chirping cry, and fell into the arms of the fourteenth lady.

“Have you guys cultivated well?” Fourteen Niang’s face was somewhat soft, only these sisters loved her, and she was also concerned about them.

Those young foxes all nodded obediently, and when the Fourteenth Lady saw the slight movement of their aura, she also knew that although they were not very industrious, they had at least been practicing cultivation, and they couldn’t help but be a little overjoyed.

“The other sisters are not here, you must be obedient.”

“Fantastic Stay”

“Hee-hee, I went out this time with a lot of good things for you…..”

The fourteenth lady’s always indifferent face melted only when she saw these sisters.

Grandpa and Aunt have not cared about their sisters since they were young, the dozen or so sisters above are obedient fox demons, not to say that evil is not vicious, at least there is no sisterly affection, and the previous few years were scattered, leaving only a few sisters young and taken care of by her.

Some time ago, I got some news to go to Jinhua Mansion to look for Sister Fox, who knows that she is really getting more and more… So much so that it caused such a disaster, and she had no choice but to help her be buried near her cave house.

She went to the village where she had harmed, made up for it for a while, and then left, although she knew that this was only psychological comfort, but it was difficult not to go, and after she was finished, she hurried back to Guangping Province, and several sisters also needed her to take care of it.

She was really afraid that if she ignored it, several sisters would become like their sisters.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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