The sun is rising, the sun is shining, and it is extremely warm.

In the sun, the verdant hills of the mountains seem to be shrouded in a mist that has not faded, with a sense of mystery.

The road down the mountain winds upwards, and there are many people who look like students gathering up, some talking and laughing, which are the readers in the Shuzhai in Xiuyuan County.

This time, I had to be idle, so I made an appointment to come and play together.

Among them was a rather tall and thin young man named Feng Sheng, who had a rather good face, but his behavior was quite frivolous.

“Eh, the scenery here is beautiful, every time I come to a bit of a pleasure, it is a really good place, after studying, it is really good.”

“Haha, that’s of course, I heard that there are some county lords and ladies here who are sheltered, but no demons and ghosts dare to come here.”

“However, I also heard that some elves are hiding in the mountains, and I heard that there were some strange things that happened in the past few years, but now there are fewer and fewer of them, and I have not heard of them again, which is an excellent place.”

“Brother Feng, what do you think?”

One of his friends said to Feng Sheng.

Feng Sheng laughed and said, “Of course it’s good, but if you have good wine, it’s even better!” ”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone else was quite interested, and naturally they had prepared enough things here, and a crowd of people dragged Feng Sheng to a pavilion on the mountain, intending to chant poems there.

Feng Sheng smiled and walked with the people, suddenly saw a red shadow in the distance, stared at it, as if it was a young woman, but the other party was far away and draped in a veil to see clearly, just looking at it from a distance, he felt that the posture was unique, not like ordinary.

I couldn’t help but be stunned, my mind was taken away by it, and I stood stunned on the spot.

When the others saw that he did not go away and call a few times, Feng Sheng replied to his senses, and when he looked again, the girl had already disappeared, and he couldn’t help but lose his soul.

But after all, the addiction to alcohol is like life, a few drinks will be left behind, between the conversation and laughter, time passes, and in the blink of an eye, it will be afternoon.

A crowd of people wanted to leave, that Feng Sheng was a little drunk, but suddenly remembered the woman in red before, and wanted to see each other again, and couldn’t help but reject the idea that a group of people went back together, saying that he would stay for a while and then go back.

The others did not doubt that he was there, after all, although it was relatively safe here, no one dared to be outside in the night, and they all warned him to go back early, and they all left.

Although Feng Sheng looked quite energetic, in fact, he was already a little drunk and hazy, walking in the direction of the woman in red of Fangcai, confused and did not know where to go.

In a trance, I fell to the ground and fell asleep, I don’t know how long I suddenly woke up, looked around, my heart was half cold, the sun had already set, only some faint moonlight starlight.

“Hey, it’s bad, it’s already nighttime.”

Feng Sheng’s face was in a cold sweat, his face was panicked, and suddenly there was a noise in his body, and he immediately screamed and ran, and his heart was extremely panicked.

Everywhere the shadows of the trees, the heart is even more blank, I don’t know how far I ran, suddenly my feet were soft, I fell to the ground, I was in pain, I was shivering, I looked up in panic and looked around, and there was a person standing on the side of the road walking slowly.

Suddenly, a cold breath rushed straight into the heavenly spirit. Horrified, I was shocked in my heart and said that at this already night, who would walk around here, could it be a ghost?

I forgot that I was also one of the people who walked around in the night.

Just when he was secretly shivering and his heart was extremely afraid, he saw the man look back, and suddenly he was excited again, and he was about to run.

“Scholar, if you don’t go back to town on the night, what are you doing here?”

Fang Qin looked at this man dressed as a scholar with some curiosity, this is also considered to be extremely bold, don’t go back to the town on the night, run here, not afraid of hitting ghosts?

The yin qi here is extremely heavy and there are a lot of demon qi gathering, and at a glance, you can see that there are a lot of goblins and ghosts gathering.

He had seen the rising breath here from a great distance earlier, and he felt that there was something strange here, remembering Song Mo’s words before, but he guessed that maybe there might be a worshiped Yin cultivator here who wanted to come here to see him.

For these various cultivators, Fang Qin was quite curious, but unfortunately, only Song Mo and Yan Chixia, two Daoist cultivators, and the tree demon and the demon were only seen now.

There was also some curiosity about this kind of Yin Soul cultivator, and he would like to see if he could find some cultivation methods, after all, Xiao Qian was also like this.

I only heard that such ghost monks would not appear in the daytime, so they did not come directly.

Find an inn in a nearby town, rest for a while and wait until the night comes.

But before he could think of it, he sensed an ordinary student, which was really strangely tight.

Feng Sheng listened to the words and calmed down a lot, and when he saw it, he was shocked at once, a good immortal-like figure, seeing that he looked as usual, he slightly relaxed his heart.

“Under Feng Sheng, under Feng Sheng…”

After saying that, he was a little embarrassed to say his oolong thing, and then he asked with some curiosity: “I don’t know who you are?” Why is this night and night again…”

“Haha, I’m a traveler, there are some things here that have nothing to say.”

Fang Qin said casually, did not care, turned around and continued to walk.

“There are no evil ghosts here, if you have nothing to do, find a place to rest until dawn and walk, and then you will be one step ahead.”

Feng Sheng originally listened to his answer, and there was still some poverty in his heart, thinking that he did not report his identity and name and looked down on himself, and when he saw that he was going to leave, he was immediately shocked, and he quickly followed up, and some of them were shocked: “This gentleman, I am walking with you, walking along.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and didn’t say a word just walked.

That Feng Sheng was a little embarrassed, his literary talent was quite outstanding, and he was a prominent figure among many of his friends, but now the other party did not pay much attention to it, and he couldn’t help but feel humiliated and angry in his heart, but it was just hindered by the current situation, and it was not easy to say anything.

It’s just a little restrained to follow behind and mutter.


After meeting with the sisters, Xin Fourteenth Lady said some considerate words and admonitions, and played with them for a while, and then Ah Niang came back, and after seeing each other, she got up and prepared to meet Junjun.

That Junjun was an old woman who was canonized by the imperial dynasty, who had meritorious service before her death, and was canonized as a Junjun after her death, worshiped by the people, and had excellent luck, so that she was cultivated into a soul body.

Now even in the Yin God Realm, the goblins and ghosts that rule over the whole mountain, she is naturally responsible for the worship of the people, but also restricts the goblins and ghosts in the mountains from harming people, and now she is even more worshiped by the people around her.

However, it can only be this far, and it is basically impossible to go up, but the Yin God Realm and the Dao Cultivation Yuan Infant Realm are equal, but it can really be regarded as a cultivation achievement, and the old woman is also extremely lucky.

Xin Fourteenth Lady informed her father and mother, left the temple and headed for Junjun’s place.


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