Xin Fourteenth Lady crossed the mountain between a gorge, came to a dense forest, outside the door of a luxurious mansion, and respectfully said:

“Xin Fourteenth Lady meets Junjun!”

The voice is soft and delicate, very pleasant to the ear, and reverberates slightly in the middle of the night.

“Are you a girl from the Xin family?”


A middle-aged woman came out and looked at Xin Fourteenth Lady, and when she saw her beautiful face and beautiful posture, she couldn’t help but marvel in her heart, this Xin family had such a beautiful woman.

“Girl, come with me.”

After saying that, he led the way in front, and Xin Fourteenth Lady answered, and the lotus step was slightly lifted and followed.

As soon as I walked through the door, there was a slight ripple.

When I came to a temple, there was some silence everywhere, and there were many women walking around, and middle-aged women took the fourteen ladies to a temple.

“Junjun, the fourteenth lady of the Xin family has come to see you.”

Xin Fourteenth Lady hurriedly stepped out and bowed to the white-haired old woman sitting on the high platform in front of her.

“Lady Xin has seen Lady Junjun and has given you peace.”

“Okay, okay, get up.”

An old voice came out, and Junjun Cang’s old cloudy eyes looked back and forth at Xin Fourteen Niang,

See her in a red dress, the posture is absolutely beautiful, beautiful and elegant, there is no general fox demon flattery, it looks dignified and beautiful,

Looking at the condensation of her spiritual power in her body, she thought that it was already the realm of Jiedan, and she was even more envious and amazed, and her mouth said:

“You are the fourteenth lady of the Xin family, when I saw you before, you were still a little girl, but now that a few years have passed, you have looked so beautiful and dignified, really a good child.”

Xin Fourteenth Lady hurriedly said, “Junjun Miao praised, and Fourteenth Lady should not be so appreciative.” ”

Junjun pretended to be displeased: “I said you deserve it, and you naturally deserve it.” ”

Then he laughed again and said, “Good boy come up and talk to me, and I will take a good look at you.” ”

The Fourteenth Lady was slightly worried in her heart, said yes, and gently walked to the Junjun, and the Junjun looked back and forth, as if she was very satisfied, grabbed the Fourteenth Niang’s hand, said some words, taught and admonished, and the Fourteenth Lady responded one by one.

The middle-aged woman who was guarding the side narrowed her eyes slightly, wondering in her heart about Junjun’s attitude, she had never seen Junjun have such a gentle attitude towards these goblins in the past.

Although he was a goblin and ghost who ruled the area near this mountain, after all, this Junjun was an old human concubine before he was born, and he rarely had a good feeling for this kind of heart.

Not to mention that this charm is natural, there are many fox spirits that charm the world, and Junjun is most unaccustomed to this, although he has not done anything, but generally there is no good face.

It is strange that he is now speaking so gently to these fourteen ladies, as if he were very close, and speaking with concern.

Junjun talked to the Fourteenth Lady for a long time, and then another maid came in outside, knelt down and said, “Junjun, there are two men visiting outside.” ”

“Oh? It is strange that someone has visited this desolate and wild land, and I will see you again when I greet people to go to the temple. ”

Junjun was also a little curious, there were people in this world who did not return to the town in the middle of the night, stayed on this mountain, and were not afraid of bumping into evil spirits, and their hearts were curious and wanted to meet.

“Since the Junjun wants to see the guests, he does not dare to disturb them, and the Fourteenth Lady will come to see the Junjun next time.”

The Fourteenth Lady was slightly blessed and wanted to say goodbye.

Junjun smiled and said, “You wait, go to the inner room to rest first, I will meet the visitor first, and then I will talk to you later.” ”

“Yes, the Fourteenth Lady knows.”

Since Junjun had said so, the Fourteenth Lady could only stay, but there were some doubts in her heart, and she didn’t know why Junjun did this to her.

Usually, when Ah Niang went to visit, many times she couldn’t even see her, but why did she seem to have a very good attitude.

A mother-in-law led the way and took the fourteenth lady to a guest room.

Junjun smiled and squinted, and the woman beside her couldn’t help asking, “Junjun, why are you…”

Junjun shook his head with a smile, “I don’t think that wild fox essence can also produce such a brilliant piece of jade, it is really excellent.” ”

“You mean Fourteen Ladies She…”

“Most of the nineteen daughters of the Xin family have been seen, those few little ones who do not understand, do not say that the nature has not been achieved, the first thirteen are some wild and difficult to tame monsters, untamed, and there is no talent, it is difficult to become a great instrument.”

Only these fourteen ladies are extremely talented, and the most important thing is that they are elegant and dignified, and they also have a heart of Taoism in their hearts, and I heard that she often does some good deeds, so it can be seen that she is a person who cultivates blessings and virtues, and in the future, she will not be able to achieve extremely high results, which is much better than my old woman who is in trouble again.

If you can…”

When Junjun said this, she couldn’t help but sigh, she herself was just an ordinary old woman, and it was only when she had the creation of this Junjun that she had arrived.

It’s just that it is difficult to go further, not to mention that when the wind and rain are wandering now, maybe when the dynasty changes, if you are lucky, you can continue to be the king of this county, and if you are unlucky, you will be scattered in an instant.

Although there are many benefits to being worshipped and enjoying this blessed position, there are also many limitations.

When the woman heard this, she couldn’t help but change her color and exclaimed, “I see that although that girl is a heavenly immortal, she never wanted to have such a talent.” ”

Junjun smiled and said to her, “Let’s go, go meet the visiting guests.” ”



Fang Qin looked at the surrounding scene, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dark light flashed by.

“Oh, sir, you said that there are people in this wild countryside outside, how can there be people’s houses, we should not hit the ghost.”

Feng Sheng saw those women retreating, there was no one around, he couldn’t help but turn pale, and whispered to Fang Qin, those unpleasantness in his heart could only be temporarily suppressed in these life and death matters.

Fang Qin glanced at him and smiled, “Who knows, maybe it’s really a ghost house, that’s interesting.” ”

For this student, Fang Qin really couldn’t bring up the mind of friendship, and he found out early on that his mind was narrow-minded, and along the way he went, there were a lot of resentment emotions, it was too frivolous, and Fang Qin was difficult to pay much attention to.

Feng Sheng sighed, even more frightened, and was about to say something when there was a noise outside.

“The Junjun has arrived!”

An old woman was helped by several maids to come, only to see the superficial words, like an ordinary old man.

After seeing both sides, they sat down.

Junjun looked back and forth, his gaze first stayed on Fang Qin’s body for a while, it was really that his descriptive temperament did not look like a mortal at all, just looked at it for a while, and there was no trace of mana around him, thinking that he was an ordinary person, he did not look at it much.

When I looked at Feng Sheng again, I was slightly stunned and looked back and forth.

I couldn’t help but ask, “Are you Feng Yunzi’s grandson?” ”

Feng Shengzheng was a little worried, and he was also stunned when he listened: “Yes, how does the old man know?” ”

Junjun was overjoyed, and with some thoughts in his heart, he looked back and forth and smiled, “You are my nephew’s son.” ”

“Ah, it turned out to be so, but my father has long since passed away, and my ancestors know very little, please instruct.”

Feng Sheng’s heart was inexplicably stable a lot, the other party was actually related to himself, that is, the ghost was afraid that he would not harm himself.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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