Junjun asked, “Late at night, in the land of the barren mountains and wild mountains, why are you waiting for this again?” ”

Feng Sheng glanced at Fang Qin, who was silent and only smiling there, and turned back and said:

“I was inspired by the earlier … Later, when he wanted to see her again, he wanted to look for her, but he slept in a daze, and when he woke up, he found that it was dark. ”

“The woman in red?”

Junjun was stunned, and looked back at the woman who had been serving beside him, and he was a little surprised.

There were many women in the Na Xin family at the top of this mountain, and the discipline had been strict a few years ago, and those fox spirits had scattered in one fell swoop, leaving only fourteen maidens and a few young foxes, who had not yet cultivated into demon bodies.

In this way, there were only the fourteen ladies, and the red clothes were right.

“Maybe you are talking about the girl of the Xin family, Lady Xin Fourteen, and did not think that her nephew was interested in her?” But also, she looks as beautiful as a heavenly immortal, I am afraid that the men in the world do not like it when they see it. ”

Feng Sheng sighed and said with a surprised face, “You know her?” ”

He said, “As soon as I saw the girl, I felt amazing, and if I could see the girl again, I would be willing to die.” ”

Junjun smiled, “You are very old and old, Hugh said that he is dead or dead, I already know that you have such thoughts, I have called her to come and meet you, if you like it, this affair will be settled.” ”

There was also a secret passage in her heart, she had some thoughts, this nephew of her own family came to her eyes, but it was not a good fate from heaven.

With this relationship, the fourteenth lady will cultivate the Dao Fruit in the future, and it is also on her own side, and it is also good to protect this side of the family, and even she can benefit from it.

Feng Sheng’s heart was pounding, and he didn’t think about this newly recognized aunt, so he sent this big gift as soon as he came, and his face flushed with joy: “Thank you for your uncle’s kindness!” ”

Junjun smiled and said to the woman next to him, “Go and call the Fourteenth Lady over.” ”

The woman answered and went out, leaving only Junjun and Feng Sheng to say something about the family, mostly Junjun asked, and Feng Sheng answered.

Fang Qin on the side was snubbed, and the first Junjun did not value mortals, if it were not for Feng Sheng being her nephew, she would not have left much to speak, and naturally had no intention of paying attention to mortals.

Feng Sheng of the two had quite a grudge against Fang Qin’s attitude all along, so he ignored him, secretly sneering at himself, and excited that he was going to hug the beautiful return, and occasionally couldn’t help but look at Fang Qin with some pride.

Fang Qin, who was only next to him, was speechless in his heart, looked at Junjun and Feng Sheng, listened to the conversation just now, and finally felt somewhat familiar.

“Lady Xin Fourteen?” It seems to be chatting about fasting…”

Fang Qin thought about it, he was not very familiar with this, he had only heard some reputation, so he decided not to speak first, and he was also a little curious about the next development.

After a while, there was a voice outside the door, “Fourteen ladies have arrived.” ”

After a while of kung fu, a shadow dressed in red came, like a Lingbo fairy, with a beautiful body.

“Fourteen Niangniang has seen Junjun.”

When Fang Qin saw this young woman, he also admired her beauty in his heart, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he saw that this was a white fox.

It’s just that between the aura floating around him, obviously, there is no such thing as anger and resentment, which shows that he is a goblin who has not harmed anyone, and he can’t help but feel some good feelings in his heart.

Having been in this world for such a long time, seeing goblins and ghosts are mostly tyrannical and cruel monsters, these are the first time they have seen such beautiful and elegant goblins.

That Feng Sheng was already a demented person, dazed and speechless.

As soon as Xin Fourteenth Lady came in, she saluted the Junjun, and only then did she get up and look at it, and saw that there were two other men present.

A man dressed as a scholar, looking at himself with a confused look, a state of coveting, frowning in his heart;

Looking at the other one, I couldn’t help but be stunned, and I admired the handsome man with a good temperament, saw her look over, and nodded to her.

He nodded his head slightly in return, but in his heart he was confused, not knowing what Junjun had asked him to come here.

Junjun looked at Feng Sheng, saw him with a foolish smile, and said to the Fourteenth Lady, “You don’t have to behave like this in the future, it is time to change your mouth.” ”

Xin Fourteenth Lady was stunned when she heard Junjun’s words, and couldn’t help but ask, “What does Junjun mean by this?” ”

“And you are late.”

Fourteen Niang was puzzled in her heart, and when she came to Junjun’s near, Junjun took her hand, looked at her with some joy, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became, pointing at Feng Sheng:

“This nephew of mine loved you, so you married him as his wife, he was a scholar, and his ancestors had a meritorious name, so it is not a disgrace to you.”

Xin Fourteenth’s face stiffened, and after taking a look at Feng Sheng, she didn’t say a word.

When Junjun saw that she did not answer, he couldn’t help but smile and make eyes at Feng Sheng, who was sitting next to him.

That Feng Sheng had long been fascinated, and even rushed forward to greet the fourteenth lady: “Xiaosheng Feng Sheng, I have seen the girl, I saw the girl as soon as possible, I felt admiration in my heart, I want to marry the girl as a wife, in this life you do not marry, I hope the girl does not excuse.” ”

The Fourteenth Lady lowered her face and did not speak.

Junjun frowned and said, “My nephew loves you so much, it is also your blessing, come man, go clean a room for my two nephews to have a good cave room, and today I will tie this kiss.” ”

Feng Sheng listened to a burst of excitement, and saw that the fourteenth lady was as beautiful as a heavenly immortal, and she had already itched in her heart and thanked her again and again.

The Fourteenth Lady Su Bai’s thin hand trembled slightly, and this Junjun, when she was such a person, actually belittled her, and gritted her teeth:

“The fourteenth lady’s faint body is not worthy of Feng Gongzi, and the little girl is bent on the Tao, only seeking to achieve the right results of cultivation, and does not want this love affair in the world.”

Junjun frowned, and his face was straight: “, the girl’s family is the right way to marry a woman, and if you marry into the Feng family, the cultivation will not affect, and my nephew is also very good-looking…”

Yu Guang swept to the corner of the indifferent Fang Qin, the words below could not be said, it was really not good to go to this handsome and extraordinary person to praise the appearance of people.

Concealing without saying anything, he coughed dryly and said, “He is a scholarly door, and for you, it can also be regarded as an extremely good match, and you must not know what to do.” ”

Xin Fourteen Niang’s face was miserable, her eyes were slightly red, and she said, “This matter needs to be told to Grandpa and Niang, I…”

“After that, just tell your parents, can I make a bad matchmaker?”

Junjun was already a little impatient when he said this, and said to the next person: “Clean up the room quickly, today is a good day.” ”

“Lady Jun, I… Although the little girl is not a famous girl, if so, I will die and not follow! ”

Xin Fourteenth’s heart was desolate, this Junjun who was still so amiable, only after a while, it was this kind of face, and he did not take her dignity in his eyes at all, and he actually despised her like this.

Junjun saw that her eyes were slightly red, and the tears were left, but she looked like she would rather die than comply, nor did she dare to persecute too much, but instead laughed:

“Fourteen Niangniang is indestitute, well, in this way, you leave the Youdan here with me as a promise of love, go back to your parents to pray, and after you pick a time to get married, I will let my nephew return the Youdan to you, and it will also be a beautiful talk.”


Fourteen Niang looked at the white-haired old woman in front of her with a shocked face, her heart was unbelievable, after this demon realm, the demon dan formed by condensing the demon power of the whole body was the life base of the goblin, where could it be taken out to show people, this is not to hand over the life of the family to others.

The other party was so vicious in his mind, wanting to force it, his body trembled slightly, and he didn’t know how to be good for a while, if he was alone, he would definitely die and not follow.

But Grandpa and her sisters are here, ruled by the county king, unless they don’t care at all, they can go anywhere.

Although Feng Sheng couldn’t hear it clearly, seeing the appearance of the Fourteenth Lady with such a pear blossom and rain, he couldn’t bear it in his heart, but it was not easy to say anything, after all, he had taken advantage of himself, and he could only secretly say that as long as he married me, I would definitely treat her well.

Just when the atmosphere was somewhat stiff, a sudden sigh and mockery appeared.

“I thought that this place was a kind elder, and I wanted to come to visit, but I didn’t think that it was a person who persecuted a good family, such a rude and shameless old woman, and she was really disappointed!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly condensed, and the servants present were stunned and horrified.


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