The Fourteenth Lady was slightly stunned when she heard the words, and her beautiful eyes couldn’t help but turn to this young prince who had been silent, but was extremely good-looking.

In his heart, he was grateful that he spoke for himself, but he was also afraid that he had offended Junjun, and seeing that there was no trace of mana fluctuations around him, he thought that he was a mortal, and secretly said:

How dare he speak like this, is he not aware of the power of the Junjun? Yes, he’s just an ordinary person who knows this, and if he speaks for me like this, I certainly can’t let him get hurt. ’

Everyone’s eyes looked at Fang Qin, Feng Sheng’s face was embarrassed, just thinking about what he had just done was not forcing the girl, but in his heart he was resentful of him for stirring up his own good deeds.

“Be bold! How dare you be disrespectful to the Junjun! Don’t hurry up and kowtow to apologize! ”

“How dare a mere mortal be so arrogant, really bold!”

The servants and women reacted and shouted angrily.

There was also anger in the eyes of the Junjun, that is, not many people dared to talk to her like this before he died, and after he died, he won the position of Junjun, and the goblins and ghosts around him were even more rebellious to her.

Fury Ji laughed back, “Xiao Langjun is really bold, can you know who the old body is?” ”

Fourteen Niang’s face changed, and immediately her figure moved, came to Fang Qin’s body to block him, and said to Junjun: “Junjun, you are extremely noble, please don’t bother with him.” ”

Qin Qin, who turned back a little anxious, said: “This prince, quickly apologize to the Junjun, the Junjun has a large number of people, and does not count your gaffes.” ”

Fang Qin saw that she had a worried look on her face and looked at herself anxiously, and couldn’t help but smile:

“The girl is kind, I know, but I don’t think I have anything wrong with me, they don’t force you to use their own identity to force you, it’s really ugly.”

The girls don’t have to worry, I’ll get justice for you and teach them a lesson. ”

Fourteen ladies are all going to cry, how can this person be so simple, between these desolate mountains and wild mountains, encountered such things, how to think that the other party can not be an ordinary old woman, how he did not think at all.

She was also extremely intelligent, but now that she encountered such things, she was momentarily shocked, overwhelmed, and lost her square inch, so she did not find anything wrong with Fang Qin’s pleasant and self-satisfied appearance.


Without waiting to speak, a yin wind swept in, and the air around it seemed to be much colder and heavier, making people uncomfortable, and a pressure shrouded them.

The county lord who ruled the nearby area, the Yin God Realm cultivator was already angry!

Junjun looked at Fang Qin and Fourteen Niang with a cold face.

“Fourteenth Lady, I read that it is not easy for you to cultivate, it is rare in a lifetime, and you have only been married to you, can you not even look down on my nephew?”

If you repent, let him go and go with Mi, and I will not care about your confrontation, and as for the boy who does not know manners, I will not harm his life, and just teach him some lessons. ”

Where did the Fourteenth Lady dare to let go, to kill and kill, the days were long, it was not the benevolent and loving Junjun at the beginning, afraid that she would directly kill the person behind her, she couldn’t help but take a few steps back, and the pure and extremely pure demon power protected Fang Qin’s body.

A soft and clear spiritual force enveloped the surroundings, and Fang Qin thoughtfully looked at the shadow in front of him, and the figure appeared both weak and firm.

Fang Qin couldn’t help but smile slightly, and a trace of aura was slightly condensed between his hands.

The Fourteenth Lady didn’t think like this, she just wanted to go to the Tao, only to ask Xiu Xian to ask, she didn’t have the heart to do this, and she hoped that Junjun would forgive her.

Junjun you are benevolent and loving, discerning between right and wrong, and this matter has nothing to do with this prince, so spare him once. ”

Feng Sheng saw the changes in the field and listened to their words, and only then could he confirm that the people here were not mortals except him and Fang Qin, and that the people in this desolate mountain range might be ghosts or goblins.

He couldn’t help but be shocked, but looking in the direction of Xin Fourteenth Niang, he couldn’t help but be attracted by her beauty and obsessed with it, such a stunning color was an extraordinary person, and he didn’t care, if he could marry home, it should be a blessing cultivated in ten lifetimes.

Seeing her protecting Fang Qin’s appearance, and couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, her eyes skimmed to Junjun, and her heart was relaxed, this uncle seemed to be a miraculous ‘person’, but don’t worry, just watch her act.

“Ahem! Where did you only wild fox spirit come from so strong and arrogant, this does not bother with you beforehand, and let go! ”

A yin wind surged and attacked Fang Qin, and the fourteenth lady changed color for a while, this was a yin wind, although it was not fatal for the living, but it would also be comatose for a period of time, if it was serious, it was afraid that it would lose its soul.


The cold demon power surged and gritted his teeth to transport the demon power, determined not to let this wind blow and hurt the people behind him.

That Junjun originally just wanted to teach a lesson, seeing that the Fourteenth Lady resisted the rebellion, when he was really a little angry, his body was shocked, and he protected around Feng Sheng, and the dark qi was triggered, and the surrounding house was full of ghosts crying wolf.


“Ah,, don’t think that you can be so arrogant after you have reached the realm of the demon Dan, you need to give you a good look.”

The Fourteenth Niang’s whole body demon power turned into a semi-circular shield, blocking Fang Qin and his own body, resisting the terrifying Yin Qi Soul Devouring Soul of the Yin God Realm.

Where had Feng Sheng seen such a terrible picture, the surrounding ghost qi was full of ghosts, like a hell scene, and Ah a frightened voice fainted, fortunately, it was okay to have the power of the Junjun to protect it.

Junjun ignored it, his attention was on the Fourteenth Lady, and his heart was also full of amazement, the secret path This girl was really extremely talented, such a young age and cultivation had actually reached this point, and under the attack of her Yin God Realm, she could resist it slightly.

However, it can only resist for a while, but after a while, it is already some of the unsupportable.

Junjun sneered, and couldn’t help but increase his mana, the yin qi seemed to reverberate throughout the mountain, and the whole mountain had some ghosts crying wolf howls, which was extremely frightening.


The ghost qi was thick, and the wind swept through, and countless yin qi seemed to turn into ghost hands and attack towards the slightly glowing shield.

Xin Fourteenth’s body trembled slightly, gritting her teeth and insisting, and her body was corroded by this yin qi, and she felt some chills and discomfort.

The demonic power gradually dried up, the aura shield was somewhat dim and slightly contracted, the forehead was sweating, and under the support of the force, Kankan said: “Gongzi, you come here, I protect you…”

There was no echo behind it, I couldn’t help but be a little anxious, just wanted to say something, a vast spiritual force poured into the body from the outside, the depleted demon power was nourished, began to recover, and some of the unsupported situations began to turn around.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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