A huge yin and yang pattern swirled around, and the terrifying yin qi around him had all disappeared, and as soon as Fang Qin’s mind moved, the yin and yang pattern dissipated, turning into scattered streams of light and so on, disappearing.

The ghosts in this range were full of faces for the rest of their lives, and although the terrifying yin and yang pattern was not an attack method, these ghosts were also a shock to the heart, if there was a sense of great crisis, and the yin qi around them was also sucked away a lot, full of weakness.

‘Such a wonderful Dao Fa can actually dissolve Yin Qi, but it should not be able to use it continuously…

Just looking at this hand is already extremely amazing, and it must not be underestimated.

Although his own means have not yet been completed, there are also chances of winning by asking himself, but the other party is such a powerful person, so if he can not be guilty, he will not be guilty.

Even if she was offended, see if she could make up for it, after all, the Yuan Infant Realm would not die easily, that is, she was sure of victory, but she was not sure of killing a cultivator of the same realm, and if the other party was strong, she would not be able to please herself.

I couldn’t help but think about it: “Sir is really good magic, the old body admires, the previous things are the old body’s wrong, now do not fight and do not know, it is also a skip here, how about we stop here?” The old body pays you a no. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was a little shocked, even Junjun was soft, was his method so powerful?

“Oh, it’s ridiculous.”

Fang Qin sneered, when the other party just struck, he couldn’t see any scruples at all, if he was a mortal, he was afraid that if he didn’t die, he would lose his soul and be unconscious for a lifetime.

Now that he knew how strong he was, he immediately said that he would give up and be soft, how could he let her go so easily.

Xin Fourteenth Lady also shook her head slightly in the back, and now she said that it was too late to give up, but her eyes looked at Junjun with some subtlety,

In the past, I was also in some awe of this Yin God overhaul around the mountain, but this time, after the incident, my good feelings in my heart suddenly disappeared, and there was no trace of good intentions.

There was some disgust in her heart for her domineering rudeness, that is, it was completely out of her dignity.

Junjun’s face was ugly, and the anger he had just endured rose again, and he shouted angrily: “Don’t think that there are some means I am afraid that you will not succeed, the old man is a Junjun, do you think that this is the means?” ”

Countless black qi rose up from the ground and intertwined with each other, and an extremely heavy majesty spread around them.


Many of the ghost servants around them did not react yet, and their souls were scattered, and the others that did not dissipate were also a look of pain, unable to move.

This is still innocently affected, and Fang Qin and Fourteen Niang, who are the key care here, are the most important focus of this pressure.

It was as if an extremely heavy pressure was shrouded around it, just like the top of Mount Tai.

Fourteen Niangniang’s breathing was a little difficult, her body was full of mana to resist, her forehead was sweating, her face was pale, her body was shaking slightly, it was when she was weak and couldn’t help but fall.

A gentle breath struck, a heat around the waist, he was already supported, he couldn’t help but blush, his body was already a little weak, and he could only gently lean on the other side.

“Girl, come here, and I’ll protect you.”

Some familiar words came, facing those smiling eyes, and listening to his somewhat ridiculous words, I couldn’t help but look at him with some disgust and gently muttered

“Oh well! Only then did I protect the media for you, you did not agree, turned to the people, very good! ”

Junjun saw the movements of the two people below, and he was extremely angry.

The other party just looked dead, but now he is directly Qing Qing and I get up.

Under the extreme fury, the pressure was even more terrifying, and the inky black yin qi was like the mouth of a giant beast, wanting to devour these two people.

There was a dark light in Fang Qin’s eyes, and the scene within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area appeared in his mind, looking at Junjun Shiwei, he was a little in a trance when he saw it.

This coercion was not within the power of the Junjun, but with the help of the power contained in the entire mountain, somewhat similar to the power of the land gods.

This cultivator’s path was really quite magical, each one had different directions and characteristics, and Fang Qin saw a light in his eyes and seemed to have some understanding.

With a roar, the surrounding area was sunken, and the terrifying yin qi mixed with the heavy pressure of heaven and earth was directly unleashed.

Xin Fourteenth Lady was protected by Fang Qin and her face changed a little, which really saw the full strength of the Fourth Realm of Tianguan, it was really like Tianwei, such a terrible strength was much more powerful than the Jindan Realm.

What he had just resisted was the random actions of the Junjun, if he faced such an attack directly, would he really be able to survive, I am afraid that he would not be able to resist it for a moment.

Thinking in his heart, he couldn’t help but look at Fang Qin with some concern.

Fang Qin ignored the pressure, there seemed to be a dark light flickering in his eyes, and his heart already knew something about the mystery in it, and when he saw the terrible attacks coming from all directions, he smiled disdainfully.


Scorching! The red light shone like the sun had just risen, and a great sun was shining with a scorching flame of light, shining brightly.


The Great Sun confronted the dark yin qi and made a terrifying collision sound.

There was a terrible burning sensation at the edge, the cold and the scorching heat intersected with each other, and under the two heavens of ice and fire, some of the ghosts closest to them were directly burned and dissipated, and even the screams were not issued.

The rest were also shaken by the aftershock, and their souls fluttered, and ninety percent of their cultivation was destroyed, and there was no color of any heartache but only a strong color of happiness, and they flew away as if they were running away.

Don’t dare to stay any longer, the immortals fight and mortals suffer.

Light and darkness are in opposition to each other, as if they were somewhat comparable.

“This man is so powerful…”

Junjun raised an eyebrow, his face was cold, but his heart was a jump, this is already a full effort, the other party is so good, directly took this move.

However, after taking another look, he said in a cold voice, “Hmm, without the help of the power of heaven and earth, I see how you can last longer than me.” ”

However, he saw that Fang Qin’s terrible Dao Fa did not use the power of heaven and earth, but only acted on his own.

It was not only secretly shocked that the other party’s mana was thick enough to have such a vast mana, but also sneered, thinking that he was arrogant and did not borrow the power of heaven and earth.

After holding several handprints in a row, the mana was extremely depleted, and Junjun’s face turned pale, and under the full strength, he was also somewhat uncomfortable and injured.

With a roar, the yin qi around them was even more violent, the pressure was even more terrifying, and the surrounding area was already a dead zone.

Except for a few of them, all the beings inside were either dead or injured and fled, only one Feng Sheng was protected by the Junjun and fainted in a hidden place, and there was a faint flicker of light around him.

Fang Qin frowned, the secret path was indeed worthy of being a first-class cultivator of the Yuan Infant, and it was true that the power of this momentum was already beyond the tree demon and the geometry.

Seeing that the pressure around him was gradually rising, it was also involuntary, reaching out to take the Fourteenth Lady into his arms, the fragrance fell into his arms, and the thick Zhenyuan protected her body.

Fourteen Niang’s face was slightly red, but she did not say anything, knowing that the other party was protecting herself, although she was extremely worried, but she could not help much, and could only be obedient not to add chaos to him.

Gently leaning into the warm arms of the other party, lifting the beautiful eyes to secretly take a look, the beautiful and indifferent face could not help but be slightly shy.

Feeling the heavier and heavier momentum, Fang Qin flashed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and there was some warmth in his eyes, and he secretly said that this feeling was a battle.

“Haha! I’m going to see what you can do!” ”


A deep cold sword rose up, accompanied by a crisp sword sound, melodious Qingyue.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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