With the sound of the sword, the darkness everywhere began to glow like a firework in the night.


The ghost qi yin qi that swept around and stirred around couldn’t help but stagnate slightly, as if it had been affected by something and was induced.

Junjun’s heart jumped, his consciousness swept away, and he found that everywhere within a hundred meters of the square was fluorescent light, fluttering like a rhythm, and there was a sound of sword sounds.

I couldn’t help but be horrified in my heart, could it be that Fang Cai was able to absorb the strange Dao Fa of Yin Qi and continue to perform it so quickly?

But then there was another sneer, this time it was not as simple as Fangcai, she had blessed the power of heaven and earth with all her mana, and the power contained in this way could be described as terrifying.

Even if the other party could use the mysterious Dao Fa just now, it would be useless, and it would not be able to resist its own all-out attack.

The heart is also cautious, not waiting much, and the seal is held in the hand.

The whole mountain stream suddenly shook slightly, and a mysterious power blessed it down.

The terrible attack was not gathering power, and suddenly turned into a monstrous black curtain, surrounded by all directions, and rushed towards Fang Qin.

This is to seal all the retreat paths of the other party, that is, as long as the cultivators of the same realm hit, they must at least be seriously injured.

The wind howled so hard that the fluorescence that shone everywhere seemed to be chaotic.

Junjun couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this, the secret path had been decided, and he looked at Fang Qin, his brow frowned and smiled, and he couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

Only to see Fang Qin’s face was indifferent, as if he was completely unaware of the attack that was attacking him.

Xin Fourteen Niang, who was buried in Fang Qin’s arms, felt the terrifying power and felt some uneasiness in her heart, but she did not move, and chose to believe the man in front of her.

Fang Qin was triggered by the True Yuan, and the fluorescence everywhere instantly increased.


The light rose, and a yin and yang pattern appeared from the ground, enveloping the hundreds of square meters.

The terrifying Yin Qi that struck was stagnant, countless rays of light seemed to be rhythmic, and the Yin and Yang patterns under the ground were constantly rotating, as if there was some kind of power that wanted to imprison the monstrous black Yin Qi.

After all, that Yin Qi condensed the all-out attack of the Junjun Yin Divine Cultivation, which was particularly terrifying, and naturally it was not so easy to imprison.

Fang Qin didn’t care either, the underground Taiji Yin Yang Diagram had just consumed some True Elements when it was just cast, but this second cast was based on the Yin Qi aura that he had absorbed before.

It was also expected that it would not be able to resist the full strength of the other party.

The True Element in the body turned, and the yin and yang pattern under the ground was greatly bright, and the power of imprisonment increased greatly.

The impact speed of the Ghost Qi Yin Qi dropped extremely quickly, as if it were condensed, and the pressure in all directions seemed to be canceled out.

“How could it be! This is my all-out attack, so simple to resist it!? ”

Junjun’s face changed drastically, and there was a sudden sense of crisis in his heart, dark and frightened, so he didn’t know why, seeing the fluorescence everywhere and the huge yin and yang pattern under his feet constantly emitting light, he wanted to withdraw from this range.

Just as Fang moved, he felt that the air aura around him seemed to be sticky, and it was even a little difficult to move, only retreating for about ten inches, and his face changed greatly.


A sword roar sounded, and the sound was heard in a whole way.

In an instant, the light soared, and the fluorescence floating everywhere instantly turned into a spiritual sword formed by the convergence of aura, just like the dispatch of troops.

The sword light did not know how much, hanging above the sky, within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, dense, everywhere, difficult to distinguish.

Fang Qin’s mind moved, and in the next instant, all the spirit swords struck Junjun like streamers.

Junjun was horrified by the sight in front of him, and when he saw those sword rays coming, his face changed dramatically, and it was impossible to leave, so he could only withdraw all the yin qi in front of him.

A black glow enveloped the Junjun, and in the next instant, countless sword rays struck.

Bells and bells!

Junjun was surrounded by mana yin qi and condensed around, and countless sword rays outside were all resisted from the outside, and they could not hurt inside, but the protective body formed by the yin qi continued to tremble.

Junjun’s face was a little pale, and the huge attack just now had already consumed almost all of his mana, but fortunately he could barely hold on.

I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly saying that this attack must not last, the other party has always used its own mana as the source, as long as the other party exhausts its mana, then it is still a chance to win.

It wasn’t long after this idea came to mind that his eyes were filled with disbelief.

In the observation of her divine consciousness, those spirit swords hit her Yin Qi shield around her body, and in the next instant, they collapsed.

However, those scattered aura did not disappear directly, but in an instant, they turned into aura sword light and joined the attack from the new.

“How is this possible!? How could there be such a Immortal Sword Dao Method, and what was the origin of this person! ”

Junjun looked horrified and uncomfortable, how to fight, the other party just went on like this, and after a while it would kill her, not to mention that the other party seemed to have spare strength.

“Is that all…”

Fang Qin sighed regretfully, the other party’s realm was profound, a Yin God cultivator, the mana power could be described as amazing, coupled with the power contained in the entire mountain, in her realm, it could be described as extremely terrifying power.

Even if some highly gifted Daoist cultivators came here, the same realm was estimated to be unpleasant.

The geographical advantage of the other side is too great, which is also a loss must be gained.

It’s just a pity that I don’t know if the other party was a mortal old woman before he died, and suddenly gained such strength after death, although he was extremely powerful, but he never encountered anything stronger than his own strength, all of which were directly crushed by the realm.

Without understanding their own strength and fully controlling their own mana Yin Qi, their strength could not even be exerted by seventy percent, and they would only condense Yin Qi and attack with a mushy face.

Although it is simple and effective, it is impossible to lose the mystery, go straight to the point, and encounter some Daoist mysterious estimates.

When encountering Fang Qin, a hexagonal all-powerful warrior, he could only be beaten by pressing it, and it was completely impossible to win.

In other words, the power contained in the mountain range was extraordinary, and it was extremely enlightening for Fang Qin to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

However, Fang Qin guessed that this thing was probably not something she had comprehended, but the kind that would be directly obtained by the Junjun, which was similar to the Heavenly Gift.

“I thought I could fight well…”

Fang Qin shook his head, he didn’t use Zhenyuan much, except for the [Zhou Tian] Taiji Yin Yang Diagram at the beginning and the vision of the Great Sun Rising Dawn, and the rear imprisonment to resist her all-out attack,

Basically, no True Yuan had been consumed, and the aura sword light behind it was condensed by absorbing the other party’s yin qi and the surrounding aura.

Some of them were disappointed and waved their hands, and the spirit swords that were constantly being generated in the sky suddenly all collapsed, turning into a series of auras, and instantly condensed into a huge aura sword with flashing aura.

Before that Junjun could be horrified, in the next instant, the aura lightsaber of the Hundred Zhangs passed away like a thunderbolt.


A loud roar was heard in all directions, the sword qi swept through, and a gust of wind swept through, blowing the forest trees far away and breaking apart.


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