The yin wind dissipated, the moonlight re-illuminated, and the yin qi ghost qi that shrouded everywhere had already dissipated.

In the silence, all the mountain goblins and ghosts were shocked and silent, hiding in their nests, not daring to make a single movement, for fear of provoking the gods on the mountain.

The terrifying aura just now, and the scorching and dazzling sun made their hearts jump, and the last terrible sword light made all the goblins and ghosts fall into the ice cave, like a thorn in the back.

They still knew something about Junjun, and they knew that these terrible Daoist decisions could not have been done by Junjun, so there was another powerful creature that was cultivated.

And the previous terrible gathering of yin qi was thought to be caused by the confrontation between the two sides.

Now that the momentum has subsided, I don’t know who won, but whoever wins is extremely scary for them.

The figure of a white-haired old man had originally dared to come to this side, but before he could go far, he was calmed by the terrible momentum, and not long after, the momentum had dissipated.

Some looked at the distance with some disbelief, and their hearts were shocked.

‘What is that, could it be that someone is fighting with the Junjun?’ What a terrible momentum, who won… I don’t know what happened to the Fourteenth Lady? ’


At the scene, this place was originally a ghost house formed by the gathering of yin qi, which is also extremely gorgeous, and now it has become a ruin early, with countless dust floating everywhere.

“Son, thank you very much.”

Xin Fourteen Niang’s face was slightly red from Fang Qin’s arms, and she immediately looked at the dark sword marks in front of her, some of them were out of their minds, and they were also shocked by the strength of this person, the other party was so powerful.

“Son, sheriff though… But after all, it is to protect the peace of the party, she…..”

Fang Qin smiled and knew what she meant, and also looked between the gaps, shook his head, and said, “After all, he is a Yin God cultivator, he will not die so easily, and besides, I have not thought of directly killing her.” ”

No matter what kind of private virtue this old guy is, she really protected the peace in this nearby area, and she could receive so much worship, and she also did a lot of good things before she died, so that the imperial dynasty was canonized, and the people were willing to worship her, which is a meritorious person.

However, her behavior is indeed unaccustomed, and the latter approach is also extremely domineering, and Fang Qin naturally will not simply let her go, or if she had not protected the people of one side before, now that her soul is scattered, where there may still be a life.

Saying that his eyes looked between the gaps, he snorted coldly:

“You must enjoy the office of a county king, be worshiped by the people, and protect one side, and if you are meritorious, you will spare your life, but the death penalty can be hidden, but the living sin cannot be escaped, and I will imprison you here for a hundred years, but there is any objection.”

A panicked voice came from between the gaps: “Yes, yes!” The old body has no objections, it is the fault of the old body, it should not be so and should not be so, thank you Mr. for sparing your life. ”

Junjun’s heart was full of panic, a pang of remorse and embarrassment, after he took the position of Junjun, where has he been so weak and weak.

Now that he had met this powerful guy who didn’t know what his origins were, he couldn’t help him by making his own dissolution, but on the contrary, his own cultivation had been broken by fifty or sixty percent, a burst of emptiness, and even maintaining the Yin God was a little unstable.

Thinking about the horror of Fang Cai’s hundred zhang sword, a shock in her heart, where dare to say anything more, she kind of person who has experienced death cherishes her own life the most, even begging for forgiveness, afraid that he will kill himself if he is not good.

Fang Qin’s gaze was flat, and he didn’t say a word, his mind moved, and the underground Hundred Zhangs Formation Diagram lit up slightly, and it was already hidden.

The Zhenyuan of the surrounding body waded in, transforming the yin and yang two qi to form a yin and yang fish pattern, pushing in the direction of the Junjun.


The pattern emitted a faint aura, swirling and spun around, shrinking into a small dark patch.

Sunday – Life and Death Runic Seal!

This Fa Seal was similar to that life and death charm, but after Fang Qin’s improvement and creation, it was already very mysterious.

That Junjun was horrified to see this, but he didn’t dare to move anymore, his body stiffened, as soon as that thing touched Junjun, it instantly turned into a seal, possessing the place where the mana in his body was working, sealing the flow of mana around Junjun.

Junjun looked shocked, wanted to run the mana, but found that he could only use the mana of the Soul Dan level, and he couldn’t help but be a little frightened, and subconsciously moved with all his strength, as soon as the mana of the Yin God Realm turned, he felt that there was a force coming from his body.


Stiff, that strange unknown force, suddenly there was an extreme burning heat rising, only to feel the whole body in severe pain, could not help screaming loudly, did not dare to run the mana again, after stopping, the burning and sharp pain slowly dissipated.

His face was uncertain, his body was trembling, and the sharp pain was too terrible.

Fang Qin said lightly, “I have sealed your Yin God mana, if you forcibly use it, it will only devour itself, and this Fa Seal will only be maintained within this radius.”

It is natural for you to stay here, and if you dare to go out of this range, you will instantly turn into a death charm and wear out your soul.

Of course, I also said that it will be imprisoned for a hundred years. After a hundred years, the rune will unravel on its own, hello. ”

Junjun listened to his pale face and was horrified, the other party actually had such magical powers, but he did not dare to say anything more, and could only say yes in a hurry.

Fang Qin turned around and thought about it, if there was no constraint from this Junjun in this vicinity, maybe some demons were going to come to the scourge, and naturally they would not leave it alone.

As soon as the True Element in the body turned, the yin and yang pattern under his feet shone slightly, as if there was a force spreading between the underworld, and soon covered the entire mountain.

Fang Qin glanced at the corner, then ignored it and said to the Fourteenth Lady, “Girl, let’s go.” ”

Fourteen Niang was a little stunned to see this situation, turned back to God, softly muttered, and took a somewhat complicated look at Junjun, after this time, Junjun lost his power and was imprisoned again, and he did not know what would happen.

After taking another look at a comatose figure in the corner, he didn’t say a word, and Lian Bu followed Fang Qin’s footsteps.

As soon as the two left, only Junjun was left with a look of remorse on his face, and he didn’t know how long it had been, and suddenly his face changed.

Sweeping in one direction, a white-faced scholar fell to the ground, breathing weakly.

“This… Lost soul, how to be good. ”

The Yin Qi in the vicinity dissipated, and under the pressure of the power just now, those souls did not know where the Drifting Dao had gone.

Junjun sighed with a sigh, thinking that when he had just fought the Fa, it was too intense, and she did not pay attention for a moment to let the shield break.

Disturbed by Yin Qi, this Feng Sheng was just a mortal, and some of his soul was scattered, and if he couldn’t find it, he was afraid that he would always be unconscious.

It’s just that her mana is now imprisoned, she can’t use the mana of the Yin Soul Realm, and she can’t leave here, plus the death and escape of the previous ghost servant, how can she help him find his soul?

Thinking about this, I really regret it in my heart, if I hadn’t acted like this in the first place, I don’t think there would have been such an end.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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