In Guangping Province, although there are many demons running rampant, people can only pray that they can travel safely and without incident.

However, there was only one place that was forbidden for all, and that was the area near the Silent Mountains, let alone go inside, and no one dared to stay even within a hundred miles outside.

The more you go inside, the more desolate it becomes, and there is a little yellow sand everywhere, and occasionally dry bones are abandoned in the ground, and the ground is thousands of miles apart.

Outside the Silent Mountains, a sword light flashed like a streamer of light, and Fang Qin stood on it.

The face was a little heavy, and this only the periphery was already so full of resentment, and it was returned to the inside.

A hint of darkness flashed in Fang Qin’s eyes, and he looked at the extreme depths of the mountain range and a monstrous anger rushed up, his face sank, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

“Such resentment, how many beings should have been killed to be able to have such a terrible anger condensed, this old demon of Montenegro really should be killed.”

The wooden Horcrux in his arms lit up slightly, and a somewhat worried voice came.


Fang Qin exhaled, “Xiao Qian, I’m fine, you can break through the realm with peace of mind.” ”


Putting away the wooden heart Horcrux, during this time, Xiao Qian was actually breaking through the realm, wanting to achieve the Yin Body Realm.

So he didn’t come out for a while, and Fang Qin didn’t care, only sending some Yin Force to her every day to speed up the speed.


In the depths of the silent mountains, the surging anger and resentment of the sky covered the entire sky like a black curtain, and there was no sunlight, only some dark light.

There is a mountain like a sky, rising from the ground, thousands of feet high, dark as ink, and there is a ghostly light emerging from the whole body, and the black is extremely deep, and it makes people lose their souls to see it.

It seems that there are wisps of fog flowing from the mountain trick, a closer look will make people frightened, it is not fog but a series of hideous ghosts, sometimes there are screams, the sound is poignant and thin and like a knife cut into the human ear, making people shudder,

If anyone is here, let alone mortals, even the monks who have built the foundation will be dizzy and unable to take their own hands.

There were a lot of blood flashes in the mountain, it seemed that there were quite a few demons and ghosts floating in the mountain, and there were also many bloody monsters kneeling and roaring around the mountain.

Suddenly, the black mountain seemed to be moving, and the mountain above the mountain shook, and a rough human face appeared, composed of various boulders and vegetation in the mountain.

“Go back and tell Cihang Pudu that I already know and hope he can keep the agreement!”

The sound was so thick that it reverberated and vibrated all around, causing the entire territory of the town to shake slightly.

At the foot of the mountain, a black and skinny youkai with two wings on his back was obviously a smouldering youkai, but he was wearing a monk’s robe, which looked particularly strange.

Hearing that his face was happy, he quickly knelt down and said, “Yes! The Master must have been very happy to hear this! ”

“Ahem! His layout is extremely fast, but there have been such effects for decades, I have also gained some benefits, it is also good, and then before the success of the work I will help each other, naturally not involunting! ”

The bat demon did not dare to answer the call, this was the agreement of the two great demons of the world, and the little demon naturally did not dare to speak at will, for fear that one would be bad and harm his life.

There was a figure in the underground of the hundred feet who did not move, and when he heard what this black mountain said, his face was horrified, and he hurriedly performed the magic trick, and his body moved and he left as quickly as possible.


The huge black mountain face opened its eyes, and the darkness seemed to light up and seemed to be just an illusion.

“Look what little mouse I have found, and dare to sneak into my Montenegro territory, it is simply bold!”

As the words fell, there seemed to be something underground, and with a loud bang, the ball wrapped in black stone was thrown out.

The roar was thrown to the ground, turning into a rubble, revealing the figure inside.

“Hiss ~ miscalculated, this old demon of Montenegro is very angry.”

Song Mo only felt that all his internal organs were in severe pain, fortunately, the mana was deep, but there was no major obstacle, but there was no obstacle on his body, but Song Mo did not care at all.

Only because that thick and huge pressure had already fallen on him.

It was as if a whole mountain had been pressed down, and with just one pressure, it was as if it could not move.


In an instant, he felt a huge shock, and a mouthful of reverse blood spat out, and Song Mo was secretly horrified.

“The old demon of Montenegro has indeed reached the secret realm of fetal movement, and it seems that it is not a breakthrough soon, so terrible!”

“Oh, the monk of the Yuan Infant Realm, I haven’t eaten a cultivator of this realm for a long time, but you have sent it to the door, very good.”

There seemed to be greed in his voice, that is, the realm of Montenegro, the flesh and blood soul of the Yuan Infant Realm had a lot of benefits for him.

Song Mo’s face changed, he snorted coldly, and he didn’t say much, the terrible mana was running, and he kept the seal in his hand.

“Taiyi Tianzun, the Five Elements Secret Law, is as urgent as the law!”

The aura around them rioted, roaring, and as Song Mo’s divine consciousness was ingested, a five-colored light of tens of zhang rose, and the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth came out in unison.

Song Mo did not dare to keep it, a mouthful of Jingyuan True Blood spewed out, and he held several mysterious seals in his hand, and the thick mana directly disappeared most of it, and his face turned pale.

Such a terrible consumption, the power is naturally not weak.

An even more terrifying aura burst out, and for a moment the five-colored Xuan Guang was so bright that it more than doubled, and its power was even more amazing, and all around it, it was all strangled by these five colors of light.

Whoops, whoops!

Countless ghosts and monsters were killed by this light, and countless demons were killed by the town.


Song Mo’s face was pale, and with a finger in his hand, the five-colored light was like a stream of light shooting into the face of the person who was thousands of black mountains.

Then he took a deep breath and held a few more seals in his hand.

Five Elements Escape, Go!

The five-colored light flashed, the figure disappeared, did not dare to stay, and fled as fast as possible.

Song Mo was not stupid, it was the same Yuan Infant Realm, he was not sure that he could fight against this Black Mountain Old Demon, not to mention that this person’s strength could not be seen, judging from that terrible pressure, it should already be a fetal movement secret realm.

Naturally, he did not dare to stay, and immediately fled after using his strongest Dao Fa.

The black mountain man’s face seemed to be mocking, he was just playing with it when he was bored, and the other party thought that he could survive.


With a loud bang, one after another underground rocks seemed to come alive as if huge black stones rose up and swept away.

As soon as the eyes of the human face opened, a dark light directly faced the five-colored light of the hundreds, and it melted in an instant, as if it were corroding.

Song Mo’s divine consciousness, which had already escaped some distance in the distance, was swept away, and he was horrified to the extreme, that is, the realm suppression, and he should not simply consume more than half of his mana and the secret method of his own essence and blood.

The other party was too terrible, Song Mo’s face turned pale, he felt the strange movements coming from the underground speed, and the terrifying pressure coming from all directions, his body was a little stagnant, and he wanted to avoid it.

With a roar, the black stone that covered the sky surrounded him and imprisoned him.


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