A roar sounded, and the hundred-footed boulder was like an arm, and in the palm of his hand it was like a ghostly light imprisoned, trapping Song Mo in it, and a trace of covetousness flashed on the face of the old demon of Montenegro.

The flesh and blood soul of the monk of the Yuan Infant Realm was a rare blood food for him.

After all, the Silent Mountains have been winding for thousands of years, and it can be said that it is a forbidden place that everyone knows, and no one in the world dares to come to Fan, and it is also very good to meet a monk who is a Yuan Infant cultivator


There seemed to be a five-colored light flickering between the fists, trying to escape, but it was easily suppressed by the black light, and Song Mo desperately resisted inside.

“Oh, the little baby monk also wants to escape?” It’s really whimsical, obediently become my food, become a part of me! ”

With a bang, the black stone arm retracted, and the Black Mountain Old Demon opened the mouth of the boulder, as if to directly devour the Yuan Infant Monk.

“Damn, this monster end is powerful!” The old Dao is afraid that it is going to be planted here. ”

Song Mo’s face turned pale with horror, and he couldn’t break through this confinement by constantly using various spells, and he couldn’t help but feel a little desperate.

The bat demon’s wings spread, flashed to the side long ago, and looked at the terrible scene just now with some shock, and couldn’t help but secretly say in his heart:

“This Black Mountain Old Ancestor is so powerful, the Yuan Infant Monk took it in an instant, and he couldn’t even escape, so it’s no wonder that the mage wanted to cooperate with him.”


Just as the arm was about to be fully absorbed in his mouth, a dark colored refinement flashed by, accompanied by the sound of Qingyue’s sword.

With a roar, the huge black stone arm was directly broken, and several flashes of light directly revealed Song Mo’s figure.

“Song Daochang, leave quickly!”

A voice came into his ears, Song Mo only felt a little familiar, now he couldn’t care about it so much, but he also reacted quickly, directly performing the Five Elements Escape, his body flashed, and he disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, countless black stones were grabbed again and pounced.


The duck to the mouth flew, the old demon of Montenegro was furious, and the whole space seemed to reverberate with a terrible sound.

A series of ghostly lights lit up, countless smouldering qi was even more revealed, and those wandering ghosts roared and wailed.

Fang Qin stood high in the sky, his eyes squinting slightly at this huge black mountain towering into the clouds, and his excitement was both a surprise and a murderous intent.

The scene here was really shocking, and Fang Qin came here to truly realize that the other party’s black qi was simply terrifying.

“Humans? Another one to die! Black Mountain was furious and directly locked on to Fang Qin’s position in the high sky, and a black ghost light split directly from his mouth.


Without looking closely, a ghostly ghost qi directly hit the past, intending to directly corrode the other party.

Fang Qin’s face remained unchanged, and a Xuan-colored True Yuan Sword appeared, disappearing in a flash.

With a choking sound, the space had already broken open, and the black glow was directly cut open, and the sword shadow went unabated, directly splitting into the top of the Qianzhang Black Mountain, and the boulder shattered with a roar.

Fang Qin’s eyes flashed with a twinkle in his eye, and he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, and the dark passage was indeed not simple, not as relaxed as before.


Montenegro did not have any harm, as long as his body volume did not directly collapse into a large piece, it would not be much hurt.

It’s just that the other party arbitrarily solved his own attack, and even shattered his own body mountain stone, which was really a bit unexpected, and he couldn’t help but seriously look at this monk who suddenly attacked.

After a moment, the old demon of Montenegro was a little uncertain.

“What realm is this cultivator, what kind of power, mana?” Not quite like that, nor is the Buddha’s power, as if it is not a monk at all, but the power revealed by the other party’s body is at least the Yuan Infant Realm. ”

In the eyes of the old demon of Montenegro, this young human was really strange, he had lived for thousands of years, and no monk had seen it.

He couldn’t even see what the other party was, he could only roughly know that the other party’s strength was extremely not weak, and there was a faint sense of danger, which made him quite surprised.

“Human beings, sign up for the name, like you, but you can make the old ancestor remember!” Let you die a glorious death. ”

Fang Qinli also ignored it, and directly surrounded the True Yuan, which was violently running, the Xuan-colored True Element was entangled, and an extremely powerful momentum pervaded, and the demons and ghosts around him were directly killed by the town, and some even directly scattered.

The bat monster in the distance was shocked, directly spread its wings, and swept away into the distance at great speed, and its heart was shocked.

“Such a terrible power, in an instant, it seems to be directly killed by the town, it seems that it is not much weaker than these old ancestor demons, who is this person?”

The figure trembled a little, and couldn’t help but continue to retreat backwards.

“Ahem! Give the face not the face! Don’t think that some ways can do it! You are still too tender in front of Lao Zu! ”

When the Black Mountain saw that Fang Qin had actually ignored him, he couldn’t help but be furious, and the ghost light of the Thousand Mountains flashed and countless flowing ghosts flew directly to Fang Qin.

Ten Thousand Ghosts Eater!

This was the countless souls absorbed by the Black Mountain, and the dense and overwhelming momentum of all the ghosts rushed towards Fang Qin with a fierce scream, and all the demons trembled with horror and trembling by such a sound.


Fang Qin’s face was cold, just this move could already see how many beings the other party had killed, and he couldn’t help but snort in anger, and the True Yuan in his body turned and turned into the power of the Yang.

Great Day Vision!

A brilliant red light rose, as if it were the size of a hundred, but the light shone like the sun.


Before countless ghosts could react, they had already been burned to the ground by this supreme yang force.

How can the origin of this human being be even more unpleasant than the Buddha’s light of those bald donkeys. ’

The old demon of Montenegro was also a little uncomfortable with this scorching red light, he had always been in the netherworld, and he did not like the sunlight the most, and the other party’s terrible Dao Fa was even more hot than the sun’s rays, and he couldn’t help but jump in his heart, and then he was vicious and moving.

“There are some doorways, but I don’t know how long you can be proud!”

Countless mountains and stones rumbled underground, and the mountain stones within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area were easily controlled by the Black Mountain Old Demon into a wave, like a monstrous wave that struck Fang Qin in the sky.

Fang Qin smiled, and some blood boiled all over his body, and this sense of crisis was the first time that it had struck everywhere.


The true elements in the body are rushing like rivers and seas, the vastness is boiling endlessly, the circulation is endless, and the Xuanshi True Elements are transformed into two colors.

Sunday – Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram!

A yin and yang aura appeared, and the spatial aura swept in, spreading to hundreds of feet in a few instants, the fluorescence emerged, the aura within the range was induced, and the air seemed to become viscous.


Fang Qin said softly, the hundreds of zhang yin and yang patterns spun apart at great speed, and a wonderful force began to be revealed, and with a loud bang, everything within the range seemed to be imprisoned.

The monstrous black stone of the monstrous waves was also imprisoned in the air and could not move under this influence.

In the distance, Song Mo had just fled to a place, breathed a sigh of relief, and when he saw this picture, his eyes widened, he swallowed his mouthful, and he was secretly shocked.

“What kind of Dao Fa is this, it is so mysterious and mysterious, and in an instant it has already unfolded such a range, fixing the Qiankun, and the end is unmatched.”

Seeing Fang Qin’s appearance, he exclaimed, “Fang Daoyou! ”

I couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, this Fang Qin Daoist friend of the Dark Dao was indeed a powerful person of cultivation, so he was finally able to see it, but he didn’t expect it to be in this form.

Song Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly, he could only hide aside, pay attention to observation, the other party saved his own life, he naturally would not run away by himself, just wait for the crisis moment to say that he could not move and save the emergency.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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