There was a moment of solidification in the field, Fang Qin’s mind moved, and the True Element in his body moved.


The hundreds of zhang of Taiji yin and yang patterns were constantly rotating, as if there was a force of annihilation, and in the next instant, the countless boulders that swept over began to disintegrate, turning into powder and floating with the wind.

The demons and ghosts shrouded in this area were terrified and terrified, only to feel a sense of great crisis coming, and it was impossible to escape.

Gu Du must have a certain shape, his face was terrified, and the next moment he turned into a blur of flesh and blood and was directly killed by the town.

Among them, there were some demons of the Demon Dan Realm, and even those who were about to reach the Realm of Transformation, but in the face of this terrible Yin and Yang Great Grinding Force, they could only turn into a blur of flesh and blood.

Even the soul cannot escape, and it is directly destroyed.

The surrounding demons scattered around, not daring to be here, for fear of being swept away by the aftermath of the other side and being directly killed.

In the distance, Song Mo took a breath and secretly marveled.

“This Daoist friend’s Dao Fa is really extremely mysterious and powerful, and I also said before why I couldn’t see through him, it turned out that he was really a cultivator of the Divine Realm, such a young Divine Cultivator…”

The old demon of Montenegro was shocked and angry, and shouted, “Good guts! I see how much you can do! ”

There was no longer any doubt in his heart, although the other party did not know why the strength of his body was quite strange, but he was determined to be no weaker than the cultivator of the Divine Realm, and if such a terrible attack were to go forward hundreds of years, he would not be able to say that he would have hair.

Only now… ·

The old demon of Montenegro sneered in his heart, and the roaring flow between the mountains and the mountains was constantly rising, and the terrible pressure between the underworld was directly concentrated on Fang Qin’s body.

That black ghost light turned into countless spirit ghosts, each of which was extremely not weak and extremely indelible, and the places where the ghosts passed seemed to be corroded, leaving black traces one after another, emitting filthy resentment.


Fang Qin only felt a shock, and a terrible pressure came from all directions, if it was said that the Junjun had borrowed the power of the mountain before,

Then the old demon of Montenegro who had become refined and cultivated to this point could do it directly by himself, even much more terrifying, after all, he himself was this Montenegro itself.

Fang Qin frowned slightly, the bones of his body clicked, as if he could not bear it, his mind moved, and the yin and yang pattern of hundreds of zhang directly shrank back to a small range of ten zhang under his feet, and the power of it increased greatly, and the terrible pressure was already canceled.

Looking at the countless ghosts and ghosts flickering with ghosts, like locusts crossing the border, they sneered, and even if such tricks were enhanced, they would be the same several times, and their minds would be moved.

Ten Thousand Swords – Aura Sword Array!


For a moment, the True Element was transformed, and countless aura was also ingested around it, countless Xuanguang silver rays rose with the sound of the sword, and thousands of True Yuan swords and aura swords spread out like a sword array.

Countless sword intent swept through, blowing around a stirring, and the wind suddenly rose, and there were stone sword marks everywhere.

Song Mo was horrified by the duel between these two big men, and looked at the sword shadows with a shocked face.

“I don’t want this Fang Daoyou to not only have a mysterious Dao Fa, but also a terrible sword technique now, and… Why didn’t he need a sword to have such power, could it be that he was special in the Divine Realm, as if it wasn’t, he had never heard of it. ”

Countless youkai also ran away early, and that bat demon also hid in the distance early, looking at it with a look of horror, and his heart was particularly shocked, and he secretly said:

“When did such a great overhaul come out of the world, and could such a mighty mage resist it?”

Although this bat demon followed that Cihang Pudu, he had not seen the other party perform magic powers, so he was somewhat informed.



Countless sword rays swept around like a series of refinements, and countless ghosts and monsters were beaten into holes in an instant, or cut in half, dissipating into countless ghost lights, but a few moments had already dissipated all the ghosts.

Before they could wait, a hundred black spectral rays around them corroded the entire space aura, devouring it like a huge beast’s mouth.

As soon as Fang Qin smiled, all the True Yuan Sword Spirit Lightsabers disintegrated, turning into a trace of light, sweeping through like a flowing cherry blossom, part of it protecting Fang Qin’s body, and part of it rushing straight into the black Hundred Heavenly Lights.



That stream of light was composed of countless tiny aura sword true yuan swords, which were more refined and flexible.

Although the corrosive power of that hundred zhang ghost light was extremely amazing, even if the Yuan Infant Monk was hit, he would be instantly corroded.

But now it was difficult to travel, and it was constantly being wiped out in a stream of light composed of countless tiny sword lightsaber meanings.

The old demon of Montenegro was angry in his heart, but he also had a shock of surprise, and secretly said that this person not only did not even have the strength to resemble a monk, but the method of the imperial sword was not like ordinary sword cultivation, and the general sword cultivation needed to be cultivated in order to exert great power.

Whoever knew that the other party actually directly shot the sword in the void, and the power was not much more clever and mysterious than that of ordinary sword cultivation, he felt that it was extremely terrifying.

I couldn’t help but move in my heart, and with a thought, I stopped and said to Fang Qin, “You human beings have real ability, if you can kneel down to my ancestors and be my subordinates, I can spare your life!” ”


In response to him, a hundred swords of light pasted his face, and the rocks on the face of the old demon of Montenegro crumbled and disintegrated.

“! Be well! Since this is the case, let you see what is called the gap between cloud and mud! I want you to die without a place to die!” ”

The old demon of Montenegro was furious, since his cultivation so far, who dared to despise him now, this human being was bound to die!

The surrounding light is bright, and the mountain body moves, rumbling.

You must know that the old demon of Montenegro is a mountain of nearly a thousand feet, and this movement is like the vibration of the heavens.

The clouds and mist swirled around the waist, and the black mountain transformed into a human form, the ancient and simple, the black qi around the body rushed, and the anger rushed straight into the clouds.

Standing up like a man, it should be more than a thousand feet high, covering the sky and the sun, even the light in the sky must be covered, like an ancient giant god descending into the world.

Just standing gives the most terrible shock to all living beings, looking up at the giant god like an ant.


A terrifying roar swept through like an unmatched terrible sound wave, and the approaching youkai directly shook into a blood mist, and the distant yokai were also roared to the point of being unpossessed, and the seven tricks were bleeding.

The sound was so far away that I don’t know how many beings died under this terrible noise.

A fierce wind swept all around, the ground shook, and the aura rioted, tearing everything around it.

The True Yuan Sword at Fang Qin’s feet dissipated and disappeared, his body was full of dark colors, he stood in the void, looked up slightly, looked at it expressionlessly, and slowly spat out a sentence in his mouth: “I lean on…”

Even Fang Qin couldn’t help but be shocked by this terrible scene, and secretly complained in his heart, this old black mountain demon was afraid to open and hang, this terrifying high momentum and the rushing black qi were all telling the horror of this demon.

Even if it is the fetal movement god realm, it should not be so terrifying. This old demon of Montenegro should not have been in the realm of demon cultivation and transformation.

The sense of crisis in his heart was even worse, Fang Qin’s eyes were cautious, but the corners of his mouth flashed a smile, and his body was full of true yuan, and his qi and blood, and spiritual power were also flowing endlessly.


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