Guangping Province, the county seat closer to the Silent Mountains, was calmed by the terrifying roar of Fang Cai.

Countless people were terrified, some of them covered their foreheads and screamed, only to feel the roar in their heads, and the other better ones looked up with trepidation, and there seemed to be countless black qi rushing in the far sky, covering the sky.

“What is this! What was that sound just now? It’s scary, I feel my brain hurts now! Sizzle~”

“It seems to be the roar of some kind of monster, obedient, it won’t be nearby!”

“Yes, it came from the other side of the Silent Mountains, and you see those black clouds!” Yes! Isn’t there really a monster coming out!! ”

“Run! There are monsters coming! ”

The common people did not know where the situation was, but they were panicked, and they were in a hurry to rush home and did not dare to stay outside.

And some hidden cultivation things knew what was there, and looked at the black sky in the distance with a look of horror.

“Black Mountain Old Demon!? What’s going on, hasn’t he been motionless for a long time? Why not…”

“Being so far away can be like this, that old demon of Montenegro is indeed a long-standing demon that has been rumored to exist!” I’m afraid it’s already the fetal movement realm, and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and it is necessary to leave. ”

At the top of a small hill not far from the Silent Mountains, there was a red-clad Qianqian looking at the black qi rushing into the distance with a shocked face, and in the distance it seemed that a huge demon could be seen standing between heaven and earth like a demon god.

Involuntarily pale, his eyes were worried, and he subconsciously tightened the fox jade pendant in his hand.

“Son, don’t have to do something…”



Song Mo was stunned, his scalp was numb with horror, this old demon of Montenegro had already had such a terrifying demon power, the demon body was more than a thousand inches, this was already like a god and demon, that is, no need to do anything, move at will, there is the power of the heavens.

I couldn’t help but feel a sinking in my heart, although I didn’t know what Fang Qin’s strength really was, but against such a demon, I was afraid that it was also extremely dangerous!

“Fang Daoyou! This beast is too fierce and terrible, so let’s go back! ”

The place where he was hiding was already quite far away, and now when he saw that the demon was looking for it, but it was only a few steps away, he couldn’t help but use the occult technique to transmit the sound into his ears, Fang Qin said.

Fang Qin’s eyes swept away, and his mind said, “Song Daochang, don’t have to stay here, leave quickly, as for me, I want to come and meet this demon, and you can rest assured that I am invincible, and I should be able to retreat calmly.” ”

“This!?” Song Mo’s face turned pale, the other party saw such a terrible scene, and actually had the confidence to stay, could it be that the other party’s strength was really so high and strong.

It was too late to say anything, his face was miserable, and his mana built a protective shield immediately, all because the old demon of Montenegro had already struck.

There was no demon law, nor did it use any demon power, just a punch, the body of the giant god that was nearly a thousand feet tall just moved at random, and there was a terrible surge, and under this punch, the space seemed to be torn apart.


Before it arrived, an extremely loud roar had already sounded, and all the beings present were tingling in their scalps and their hearts were pounding!

“Is this the true strength of the Black Mountain Old Ancestor!?”

The bat demon felt a pang of regret in his heart, if he knew that there was such a horror behind him, he would have run away early, after all, he had already completed the task, and as a result, once he stayed, he would be swept away by the aftermath at any time and directly die.

And Fang Qin, who was facing this punch directly, had an extremely terrifying pressure descending, and if this punch was solid, it was estimated that Fang Qin would not be able to bear it.

Although his strength was getting stronger and stronger, coupled with the fact that his aura in this world was extremely abundant, constantly absorbing nourishment, and his strength was much stronger than before, he still did not dare to borrow in the face of this level of attack.

This is already a mountain of power, not to mention this kind of monster that has been refined for thousands of years.

When that huge fist was about to arrive, Fang Qin cast a little bit of a getaway and disappeared.

Bang! Bang Bang Bang!

The mountains shook in a burst, as if the earth dragon had turned over, countless dust and stones flew away like exploding streamers, and within two or three thousand feet it was like a fierce wind, and the stone rain fell, and the roar continued.

The monsters in this range were all seriously injured, with nearly 90% casualties, that is, only some high-level youkai with good strength and good luck survived.

The terrifying wind swept through the sky, and countless mountains and stones and black trees were rolled up into the sky, a terrifying scene.

I don’t know how long it took to sweep away, but it was slowly calmed down, but the dust spread out and it was difficult to see the scene.

“Poof! Cough, hiss, almost died of death, fortunately there are still some good fortune…..”

Song Mo vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, all his internal organs were wailing in severe pain, the mana aura was almost exhausted, if he hadn’t just fought a mouthful of essence blood to barely bless the protection, he was afraid that the corpses were already cold, and then he could only turn into ghost cultivation.

“Just because the aftermath is like this, what happened to Fang Daoyou?”

He couldn’t help but look ahead, where the dust was thick, he was now almost overdrawn, and his divine consciousness was greatly weakened, and he could no longer detect the situation inside.


The Black Mountain Old Demon withdrew his boulder arm and slowly stood up, the body of the god demon of more than a thousand zhang, those splashing ash layers had reached the height of most of the body and did not care.

Looking down at everything around him, there was a ghostly light in the empty eye socket.

Seeing that the demons and ghosts in this vicinity were killed and injured badly, they didn’t care, as long as their strength was enough, how many subordinates they wanted, anyway, after these demons died, the flesh and blood nourished this neighborhood, or they directly devoured it and did not lose, naturally they did not care much.

“Ahem! The little ant dared to offend me, and this is the end! It is already your honor to die at the hands of your ancestors. ”

The Black Mountain Old Demon was somewhat intoxicated, such a terrifying strength was not the final point of his now, as long as he followed the steps and constantly invaded the power of the Netherworld, he could continue to strengthen, and even becoming a demon emperor was not necessarily.

At that time, he will take control of the netherworld, the souls and ghosts will be under his control, and the thousands of demon clans will become the most noble beings in this world, to be the gods who ruled the heavens and the earth in the legend, dissipated in ancient times.

As for Cihang Pudu, who had similar ideas to him, the old demon of Montenegro laughed disdainfully, devouring the fortunes of the human world, it was extremely easy to encounter regurgitation, and if it was not good, it would be a failure, and if he directly absorbed the netherworld, he would be safe.


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