Fang Qin avoided his fist, tapped it, and his eyes seemed to light up.

The mind moves, the next moment.

Ten Thousand Swords – Flowing Sakura Sword Array!


Above the mountain body of the Black Mountain Old Demon, there are constantly subtle lights rising.

Those shimmering rays were all spirit swords that had been constantly collapsing in the previous battle, but they did not dissipate, but turned into countless extremely tiny spirit swords attached to the entire huge mountain stone of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Among them, there were also countless small spirit swords that directly entered the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon when the Black Mountain Old Demon healed the mountain.

The Black Mountain Old Demon was shocked in his heart, and his body seemed to have a hint of condensation, and the light seemed to be an extremely tiny spirit sword, which had no effect in itself, but under the action of an extremely large number, it had a different effect.

Before the reaction could be reacted, there were countless red lights within a few hundred meters of the surroundings, and the aura and Xuan Guang appeared, and the aura around them rioted, and for a time the light was bright and the sword was strong.

Ten Thousand Swords and One Spirit Lightsaber Array!

Countless True Yuan Swords, Aura Swords, and Qi Blood Swords were like streamers of light whistling, like a galactic refinement, and Sumiya bombarded the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon.


Immediately the shattered aura transformed into a lotus blossom, countless sword rays swirled around the Black Mountain Giant God, and countless sword rays flashed.

Countless mountain rocks collapsed and fell, the old demon of Montenegro hurriedly cast a surging ghostly light, and the ghost qi of the underworld rose, constantly resisting the attacks from all directions, and constantly ingesting the black mountain on the ground to repair its body.

The roar continued for a long time, and the old demon of Montenegro felt a great anger in his heart, and he fully absorbed the nether qi that came from the ground, and for a moment the black qi was like a surging black pillar of heaven.

Most of the tiny sword rays attached and hidden around him were directly dissolved.

The countless sword rays that came from everywhere were also dissipated by the collapse of this nether ghost qi, and countless sword rays were regenerated and struck again.

“Annoying! No matter how many times you come, it won’t work! Dead open! ”

Black Mountain was furious, directly ignoring those sword rays attacking Fang Qin, roaring loudly, and a fist roared at Fang Qin.


After another collision, Fang Qin flashed back and breathed softly, his eyes seemed to be a pity, and he knew in his heart that if this continued to be consumed like this, it would be himself who suffered the loss.

If you want to kill this old youkai who has lived for thousands of years, you are really powerless now.

With a slight movement, it has come to a great distance, and the mind has turned slightly.

The countless sword rays that surrounded the Black Mountain Old Demon disintegrated, turning into vast points of light dotted with stars, and countless points of light gathered and transformed into the Xuanhong Two-Color Spirit Sword that Fang Qin had been holding in his hand.


For a moment, the sword body shone brightly, as if countless mysterious textures appeared on it, and the sword body was like a beautiful spiritual sword intertwined with dark red!

As soon as that spirit sword Fang appeared, a chill appeared in the heart of the Black Mountain Old Demon, as if there was a sense of crisis locked in!

Don’t dare to be careless at all, the other party really has too many means, can’t help but emerge from the ghost, protect the whole body, and a ghostly spirit rushes into the sky.

Fang Qin moved slightly, the sword in his hand sounded slightly, and the remaining True Yuan Qi gathered in the sword, and countless textures were glowing.

After staying for two moments, Fang Qin’s body was only left to resist the erosion of the Black Yan Realm Sword Gang Protective Body and the Taiji Yin Yang Diagram Dao Method, and his strength was concentrated a little.

“Montenegro, pick me up!”

The surrounding earth, which was already dark, seemed to be even darker, and the space seemed to freeze for a moment, countless chills rose, and the sword intent condensed.

Fang Qin’s eyes seemed to have a sword light rise and he threw it in his hand.

Ten thousand swords to one holy sword!

The True Yuan Sword in his hand disappeared in an instant, and a flash of light flashed across the entire Black Flame Realm.


A Qingyue sword roared in the space!



The old demon of Montenegro had a chill in his heart, and before he could react, he couldn’t see it in his eyes, only a faint flash of light seemed to have appeared in his consciousness, and he didn’t have time to see what was happening!

Countless loud roars roared, the mountain rocks cracked, the body was shaken, the subconscious hastily retreated a few steps, and the cracks in the cobwebs on the ground disintegrated.

A terrible trail spread ahead, countless winds tearing apart and exploding, and everything around them was erased.

Fang Qin’s body was surrounded by yin and yang pattern protective bodies, and the bright light in his eyes flashed and he sighed.

Knowing that at present, it is really impossible to kill the old demon of Montenegro, and it can only be a pity in secret.

“It’s really bloody…”

The dust was like a cloud of mist, and when all the dust settled, the whole site could be seen.

The old demon of Montenegro looked at a hundred-foot-round void in his chest with some confusion.

Looking back slightly, a terrible mark extended to the extreme distance, and the surrounding area was directly torn apart by the sharp sword intention.

Some unbelievable looked at Fang Qin, this person was so terrifying, if he did not have the power of the underground underworld to help, he was afraid of…

For a moment, the old demon of Montenegro was a little frightened, and the sense of jealousy and threat in his heart was even more fierce.

This son must not be left behind! If you don’t kill him now, in a few more days, I am afraid that it will be the day of his own death.

Fang Qin could roughly feel the heinous killing intent coming from the old demon of the Black Mountain, and he didn’t care, he had already decided in his heart to give up this matter for the time being, and he sighed helplessly:

“Also, the cultivation of the Black Mountain Old Demon for thousands of years is indeed extraordinary, and now that it is a draw, I can’t kill you, and I will take your life again in the future!”

The old demon of Montenegro raised a thick ghostly aura, and the thick voice was extremely gloomy:

“Lao Zu is really eye-opening, there is such a figure as you in the world, it is really terrible, but do you think you can go now, today you will undoubtedly die!”

Fang Qin moved slightly, flew into the void, looked at the old demon of Montenegro, and said lightly, “You and I can’t help each other, what can you do?” ”

“Ahem! Old Zu I will consume you too! Nether Hell! ”


Countless nether black flames spread out to seal off this realm.

The old demon of Montenegro was full of murderous intentions in his heart, and he was fighting so hard in his own realm, if he encountered it elsewhere, thinking of the light just now, a chill came straight out of his heart.

Absolutely do not allow the other party to leave, otherwise you will have to worry about it in the future!

Fang Qin casually looked at the nearby Dasheng Black Flame, and it seemed that the space was more solidified, making it difficult for the people inside to escape.

Wordlessly he smiled and said, “This ghost trick has been playing for so long, do you think it is still useful to me, you still want to trap people, fools dream… The next time we meet, we’re taking your life! ”

After saying that, he performed the getaway, and his body moved, and he disappeared.


The old demon of Montenegro was horrified, and when the divine consciousness swept around and probed the surroundings, there was no other figure.

“Fang Qin! My Montenegrin ancestor will kill you!! ”

A roar of resentment mixed with a slight trepidation echoed through the silent mountains.


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