On the outskirts of the Silent Mountains, Song Mo’s face was stiff and stunned, and he looked at the extreme distance on the right where there was an extremely terrible trace extending the sky and there was no end in sight, and Senran’s sword intention seemed to still exist around.

“What just happened…”

A chill rushed straight to the Heavenly Spirit Cover, and the inexplicable terrible sight really made his heart hairy.

A moment ago, just as before, there was a loud noise from time to time in the place where the black flame ghost qi was shrouded, which was already normal in these seven days.

As a result, in the next instant, there was a sudden huge roar, the wind and boulders broke and flew up, countless layers of ash filled the air, as if there was an extremely melodious sword sound echoing in the mind, a blank, no reaction to what happened.

When the ash layer gradually dissipated, I saw the terrible traces of the rupture that spread to the sky.

Looking at the dark and deep appearance under the crack, I didn’t know how deep it was underneath, the divine consciousness subconsciously probed, and in an instant, the shadow immediately withdrew, and his face turned pale, only to feel that his mind was a little stinging, like countless sword intentions swept through.

“Such a strong sword intention, the remaining traces actually have such a terrible sword intention remain, if this sword is only close to that side, I am afraid that it will turn into ashes in an instant.”

Song Mo’s heart palpitated, his back was in a cold sweat, and his heart was shocked by this sword that was not like the human world, and the unrivaled power was shocking, and then he returned to God and was a little happy.

This could not have been the work of the Black Mountain Old Demon, and the only person who made the sword there was that Fang Daoyou.

“With such might, I am afraid that the old demon of the Black Mountain is also invincible, and it is impossible to say that he can really kill this great demon that has been alive for thousands of years in the four directions!”

This Fang Daoist friend, I didn’t even know that he was so proficient, the vastness and horror of the Dao Practice Sword Technique was really…”

For a while, it was impossible to speak, it was indescribable, and for a long time he was both admired and in awe, and sighed: “True is the god and man…”


In the next instant, there was a loud roar in the distance, and countless black gases spread in the silent mountains, and the cold as ice black inflammation corroded everything around it like a poison.

“Huh!? How come? Even such a terrible sword technique could not kill that old black mountain demon, what level of demon was that! ”

Song Mo looked at the depths of the mountain range with a look of horror and emotion, a terrible momentum rose from afar, and his heart was unbelievable, only the terrifying power of the Black Mountain Old Demon could survive.

“This old monster is definitely not a monster of the Fetal Realm, the Metamorphosis Realm… Hiss, the black gas is about to spread, what the hell is going on inside…”

Song Mo was a little uncertain, looking at the black inflammation that spread extremely quickly, he couldn’t help but feel the hair in his heart, and the next moment a huge roar came, Song Mo’s consciousness moved, and his face changed somewhat.

There was no time to think about it, seeing the black clouds surging in the distance, he could only escape first, and hurriedly transported the Five Elements Escape, and the five-colored light disappeared in a flash.

Countless black qi was about to move, constantly spreading, leaving traces of dark corrosion.


Fang Qin’s figure was wandering in the air, and every time he clicked his body, he was already hundreds of feet away, but after a while, he had already reached the outskirts of the mountain range.

I felt an indescribable discomfort all over my body, my body was seriously injured, and after several days and nights of high-intensity and ultra-extreme fighting, my mental exhaustion was also extremely exhausting.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, “This is the first time I have been injured since my cultivation, but it is also the only time that I have fought with no hands left in my hands.” ”

Since his cultivation, he has been cultivating to be the best in the world, and later he has created the martial arts cultivation method, which is the strongest person in the two worlds, and no one else can compare it at all.

It can be said that he has never met an opponent of equal strength, and when he came to this world, although he also encountered a lot of demon ghosts with good strength in the front, it was only good for the other party Qin, and there was no pressure at all.

And this time…

Fang Qin flashed a smile at the corner of his mouth, although this battle was quite injured, but it was really a lot of gains, whether it was the use of the combat method, or all kinds of guessing ideas were tested and refined in this battle.

It is that it is also in the battle, and under such pressure, it begins to be a little foolish, and there is a tendency to break through.

‘You need to find a place to see what you have gained this time.’ ’

Sweeping his eyes to the black qi surging backwards, he smiled indifferently, and the figure moved at will, like a fairy.


Fang Qin’s figure suddenly fell, and there seemed to be a mysterious light in his eyes, and he looked in the direction of the extreme distance, and his heart was warm and he sighed.

The figure nodded, disappeared, and swept forward.


Xin Fourteenth Lady was a little flustered, grabbed the fox-shaped jade pendant, and saw the direction of the black qi surging in the distance, and her heart was worried, where the black flame that had already shrunk a lot had suddenly begun to spread again.

“Fang Gongzi, what the hell happened to you…”

My heart was slightly entangled, now I can’t continue to stay here, if I stay, I will also be affected.


The breeze stirred, a figure suddenly came to the front of her, the fourteenth lady’s heart was tight, subconsciously transported the spirit power to protect the whole body, looked at the people, and when they saw the face of the people, they couldn’t help but stay slightly.

“Fourteen ladies…” Fang Qin saw this beautiful and elegant girl again, and couldn’t help but laugh, and his mood was quite good.

“Son… You’re okay, are you injured? ”

Fourteen Niang scattered the aura around her, looked at Fang Qin with a look of surprise, and the next moment she couldn’t help but ask with some anxiety.

Walking forward, he saw that his clothes were quite worn, there was no ash layer but there were many places that were slightly torn, and there seemed to be a lot of scars on his hands, and he couldn’t help but feel a red eye socket, and his heart was inexplicably distressed, and he grabbed Fang Qin’s hand.

“Dude, you, ah~”

Fang Qin was quite fond of this elegant and beautiful little fox, knew her worries, stopped what she was going to say, and gently hugged the Fourteenth Niang, her body was slender, soft and soft, full of fragrance, ashamed of the Fourteenth Niang’s jade color, full of shame.

The autumn waves in his eyes flowed, and he looked at Fang Qin with some shyness, and his heart was quite overwhelmed, but he also obediently let him do it.

Fang Qin smiled, “There’s a guy in the back who is running away, let’s not stay here, I’ll take you away.” ”

“Good…” The Fourteenth Lady’s face was rosy, and seeing that his face was no different, she was slightly relieved in her heart and gently leaned into Fang Qin’s arms.

Although there were still many questions in my heart, I didn’t want to think about it for a while, just like that.

Fang Qin’s body was a little bit, and there was a surge of Zhenyuan around him, protecting the fourteen ladies in his arms, and then he performed a getaway, and with a flash of inspiration, he swept away into the distance and disappeared.


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