In the midst of the silent mountain range, the black flame field that shrouded the range of two or three thousand square meters for seven days and seven nights gradually disappeared, and countless black flames dissipated and were recovered by the old demon of the Black Mountain, and the heart was cold and heavy.

I couldn’t find it, I couldn’t find it in just a moment, I didn’t leave any trace, a good mysterious Daofa, this person could have left a long time ago, and stayed just to fight with me, hateful! It’s terrible tight, too! ’

Thousands of square meters of all places were swept around, but no one could find each other.

The old demon of Montenegro had never been so depressed as he was now, nor had he ever been so frightened.

This human being, who did not know where it came from, thought that it was just an ordinary monk, and could be suppressed with only one hand.

As a result, seven days had passed, and he had expended countless Nether Qi and strength, and as a result, he could not even seriously injure the other party, but on the contrary, he had suffered a lot of injuries to the origin in this battle.

Recalling the terrible sword intent before, the old demon of Montenegro had a chill in his heart.

This person’s strength was simply terrifying, if it were not for the fact that his own mountain essence was more special, the strength defense was extremely amazing, coupled with the absorption of the power of the underworld, his heel and feet were particularly powerful, I am afraid that he would have been killed a long time ago.

And not only did he not have any results this time, but he also lost a large number of demons and ghosts, although the old demons of Montenegro never put these demons in their hearts, and a large part of them died because of themselves, but this kind of result still couldn’t help but feel extremely depressed.

For thousands of years, countless people feared him to the extreme, when did his Black Mountain ancestor have such a situation, and how did he ever be so embarrassed.

The old demon of Montenegro was angry for a while, suppressed the fierce anger, lowered his head slightly, and said to a scarred bat demon below:

“You already know about the things here, you go back and bring a word to Cihang Pudu, help me find this person, and my Montenegrin ancestor will repay him.”

The bat youkai had the best luck to survive the aftermath of a crowd of terrifying noises and battles, but it was also because there were many great demons’ essence and flesh scattered around, and he barely managed to hang his life by relying on his talent to suck the power of flesh and blood, but it was also a life of nine deaths.

When the old demon of Montenegro swept around, he found this demon, and his heart moved, and he brought him back, and he had the idea of cooperating with Na Cihang Pudu through him.

Originally, it was extremely important for this black mountain old demon to survive for a long time, and this battle was so messy that he did not want to say anything to the outside.

But in the crisis of possible fall, there is not so much to worry about, the other party is too young, the strength is too terrible, the future achievements are immeasurable, if you do not take advantage of the present to get rid of, it is really difficult to feel at ease.

He wanted to use the power of the Cihang Pudu to infiltrate the human dynasty to find that person.

“Yes, yes, what the old ancestor said I will definitely understand, and the little demon will retreat first.”

The bat monster was frightened and frightened, his body was trembling, and a sharp pain swept around, and his heart was full of happiness for the rest of his life, and these few days were simply tormented.

In his heart, there was also the terrifying strength of both this Black Mountain Old Demon and the human monk.

Remembering those terrible roaring vibrations and the cold sword shadows that covered the sky, I felt a chill in my heart.

The immortals fought, and the mortals suffered as much as they did, and only some of them were affected, and they were directly seriously injured.

It was not easy to not be caught up in the scope of the Black Yan Realm, and found some of the blood and flesh of the demon after death to recover in the periphery, but it was not long before it was swept through the realm again, and finally caught by the Black Mountain Old Demon.

After hurriedly kneeling down and bowing down, he flew away in a hurry, and the breath left in this place really made his heart jump.

The Silent Mountains returned to calm, and from time to time a ghostly light appeared in the hollow eyes of the old demon of Montenegro, and he did not know what he was thinking.

With a roar, the giant god’s body changed back into the Black Mountain prototype again, I don’t know if it was unharmed, the Thousand Heavens Black Mountain was a part lower than before, and the ghost light was also slightly dimmed.

“Hateful! Old Ancestor’s hard-earned strength, originally breaking through to the realm of transformation was just around the corner, and now I have to start from scratch. ”

A wave of anger rose in the heart of the Black Mountain Old Demon, and then he continued to absorb the blood and blood of the demon collected during the previous sweep and the nether power deep underground, slowly recovering the wound consumption.


Ten days later, the Imperial City of the Great Yan Dynasty, which was the most prosperous place for humanity and luck in the world, was full of countless people and flowers.

In one of the most ornate Buddhist temples, there was a solemn monk with a face full of compassion who sat high on the lotus platform and closed his eyes and chanted the sutra.

There were countless expressionless monks underneath, and although they looked different, somehow there was always a feeling that all of them were alone, the monks bowed their heads and chanted together.

“Nam no Amitabha Buddha…”

A faint Sanskrit sound reverberates throughout the Buddhist temple, as if there is a slight golden light flickering, appearing a solemn treasure image, a Buddha door on the ground.

The high-ranking disciples who came to listen to the chanting of the holy monks of Cihang Pudu, the children of the nobles of the Chaoxun Dynasty, and even many high-ranking officials also came here to pay their respects.

Many of the people of the capital city entered the temple with fanatical piety.

It’s just that these people can only listen outside the temple and are not allowed to enter.

Suddenly, a cloud of black gas wafted in, and a sound was heard.

Cihang Pudu stopped chanting and said lightly, “What’s wrong?” ”

A tall and thin monk did not know when he was already standing in the middle of the underground, he was covered in wounds, and he knelt down and said, “If you go back to the mage, the Black Mountain Old Ancestor has agreed.” ”

Cihang Pudu Muran’s face above the lotus platform smiled slightly, as if he was very satisfied, and he didn’t care at all about the scars of the person below, and gently chanted the Buddha trumpet.

“Oh, mage, there is one more thing…” The man who knelt down was none other than the manta ray, who hesitated for a moment, and his face turned pale as soon as he remembered the situation in those days.

“Huh?” Cihang Pudu opened his eyes slightly, as if a red light had lit up.

“On that day, the little past met with the Black Mountain Old Ancestor, and then…”

The demon deliberated for a moment and told everything that had happened since that day.

When it came time for a Yuan Infant Monk to sneak in, Cihang Pudu was expressionless and did not care, but when he said that a young sword cultivator appeared to save him, his eyes were a little interested.

However, it didn’t take long for some discoloration, and at the end, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

That image of a holy monk was no longer easy to maintain, and the red light in his eyes was glowing, and it took a while before he said,

“…… I know, if you go to the Black Mountain Old Ancestor again, I will say that I know the matter, but the price…”

After a few more explanations, he let the bat demon go down.

There was some silence in the hall, and Cihang Pudu’s eyes flickered a little.

This old demon of Montenegro had actually reached this level, and it was really extraordinary, and that sword cultivator… If it’s true, it’s too amazing, why have you never heard of it before…’

Thinking of what his men had just described, he couldn’t help but feel jealous and slightly urgent.

“It seems that things have to be done as soon as possible, and when all the dust settles, there is no need to pay attention to this.”

Thinking about what was coming from many years of layout, a very strange smile spread on his face and he chanted the Buddha trumpet.


The sound seemed to have some eerie accent in it, harsh and hard to hear.


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