The riots in Guangping Province gradually subsided, the black air and loud noise in the silent mountains had disappeared, and the people gradually relaxed their hearts from fear.

However, the changes in those days still added a lot of after-dinner talk, and there are all kinds of statements.

“Well, finally stopped, I don’t know what’s going on?” It’s been scary for so long. ”

“Whoever said it wasn’t, that voice felt mad when it sounded, and you can feel some shaking here, but it’s not the earth dragon turning over.”

“Cut, can the earth dragon turn over and the whole sky is black?” There must be monsters causing trouble, isn’t that a notoriously forbidden place in the Silent Mountains, and the ancestors have taught not to go over. ”

“Eh, then I think there seem to be a lot less yokai in this neighborhood lately, and I used to hear that there were yokai harming people, but after these things happened this time, there were a lot less.”

“Isn’t this normal, there are big monsters to haunt, where do little monsters dare to speak out?”

Countless people have talked about it, and some say that the monster inside has run out, hidden in the unknown, ready to invade one side.

It is also said that I have seen a red light flickering inside, the sword light floating, guessing that there is a Dao Immortal who has descended to exorcise the demon, and now that the momentum has subsided, it must be that the demon has been subdued, and there is no need to worry about it later.

There are all kinds of speculations, and there is no accurate statement, but it is taboo to go past or near the side of the Silent Mountains.

A small county town closest to the side of the Silent Mountains, now the number of people in the city is much less than before, and the movement in those days still frightened many people, who directly did not dare to live here and moved away many people.

The number of people in the inn was quite sparse, only a few people at the table.

In the corner, Yan Chixia frowned a little and sighed, “I’m late in waiting, that side has calmed down, but I don’t know how the specific results are, and we can’t pass, it’s too dangerous.”

However, I saw that there was still a very heavy demon qi circling above the silent mountain range, and I thought that the old demon of the Black Mountain had not died. ”

Speaking of this, I really can’t help but think: ‘Can Fang Daoyou lose?’ Can’t even a figure like him subdue the old demon of Montenegro, and what a powerful demon this old demon of Montenegro is, or is it not what I thought? ’

“This, Mr. Fang will not have anything to do, right?” Zuo Feng asked hurriedly.

Yan Chixia shook her head, “Whether it was Fang Daoyou who fought with that Black Mountain Old Demon I am not sure, this matter… Alas, it’s hard to figure out. ”

For a moment both of them sighed a little, and at this point, they didn’t know how to proceed.


On top of a hill, green mountains and water, the sun is rising, the white shimmer of the fish’s belly is quite soft, and there is a little mist around, although there is no magnificent view, but it is also quite pleasant.

In the midst of a peach blossom forest, peach blossoms bloomed everywhere, extremely beautiful, Xin Fourteenth Lady changed her clothes, a pale pink skirt had a hint of mature charm on her body, and the green silk pulled up her hair bun, revealing a delicate snow-white jade neck.

The lotus step moved slightly, picked some flowers in the vegetable basket, and there were many wild vegetables, vegetables and fruits, all freshly picked.

Seeing that things are almost over, I don’t take more and meander back.

After a while, I came to a rather elaborate hut.

Fourteen Niang’s face was slightly red, full of soft Yingying autumn waves, and she walked into the room with a slight step, looking at the people inside, and her heart was slightly sweet.

“Brother Qin, what do you think?”

Fang Qin looked at the Fourteenth Lady and smiled, “I am almost as good as I am, and the rest is almost intact, don’t worry, thank you for taking care of me these days.” ”

Fourteen Niang Yu was dizzy and said softly, “This is nothing, I just did some small things, and besides, Sister Xiaoqian is also helpful.” ”

“Haha, the fourteenth lady is gentle and virtuous, beautiful and beautiful, and she is really a good woman.”

“Well, Brother Qin, you still said such a thing…” Fourteen Niangniang’s eyes were evasive, and she didn’t dare to look at him, and her heart muttered slightly.

Fang Qin looked at the fourteenth lady’s beautiful and shy appearance with interest, only to see her face flushed, a little overwhelmed.

“I, I’ll go get some peach blossom cake for you to eat, and you’ll have a good rest.”

Saying that he had run away, he did not dare to look at him, although he had slowly become familiar with him, and even made a lot of love, but for a while he was still a little uncomfortable.

Fang Qin was not reluctant, he only felt that it was funny and tight.

“I’ll go out and practice for a while.”

Shaking his head and laughing, he said, got up and walked out of the door, and the figure disappeared slightly.

The Fourteenth Lady was also not surprised, and she breathed a sigh of relief, calming her beating mood, and her face was ashamed.

“It’s going to make fun of me…”

Saying this, I couldn’t help but squint my eyes slightly, bent like a crescent moon, and my eyes were full of joy.


Fang Qin’s figure instantly came to the top of the mountain, sitting on top of a mountain stone.


Practicing with closed eyes, the True Elements of the whole body are running, and the thick and abundant Dark Color True Elements are constantly circulating in the body, washing around the body and nourishing the body.

After fighting with the Black Mountain Old Demon that day, the injuries accumulated in his body were extremely terrible, but with Fang Qin’s body’s recovery power and the mysterious true yuan in his body, he was basically better in a few days.

There are also some very small wounds in the subtle depths, which are difficult for the monks next to them to detect and recover.

However, the characteristics of Fang Qin’s “Bright Illumination of God” are not only that everything within the spiritual range is like palm prints, but the most important thing is that the internal situation of his body is also clear at a glance, and it is more detailed, even if it is very subtle, it will not be spared.

Now that the past ten days have been almost all intact, today is the day of healing.

The thick True Element constantly sprung up a huge amount of essence, constantly repairing the damage of the body, and the excess essence was contained around the body.

A trace of it rises, and there is a dark aura wrapped around it.

Half an hour later, Fang Qin slowly exhaled, and by this time all his injuries had healed and recovered.


Fang Qin opened his eyes, the power surging up and down his body was even more terrifying than before, a body of Zhenyuan had thickened by thirty percent during this period of time, and after the physical injuries of his body had healed, his qi and blood were also boiling and thick than before, and his mind had also increased.

It can be said that the Spirit of Spirit goes hand in hand, and the growth of this power alone is extremely amazing, not to mention the accumulation of other combat sword techniques.

If the old demon of the Black Mountain knew about it, he was afraid that he would be angry with the Three Corpse God and jump like thunder.

Fang Qin closed his eyes again, and the power in his body exploded.


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