“Ah, Fang Daoyou, this is a long story, after you and I separated, I practiced at Nalanruo Temple, and by chance, I and Brother Zuo…”

Yan Chixia probably told the story of the Cihang Pudu demon monk in the imperial city, and then said with a sigh: “I never thought that the imperial fortune of the human world had actually declined to this point, and was mixed in by a demon monk, cholera court.” ”

Immediately, his face turned straight, and he looked at Fang Qin and respectfully said:

“This Zuo Feng brother said to me, I know that things are not something I can influence, and the big demon who can deceive the humane breath must at least need the transformation realm, and I am not the opponent of the demon of this realm, so I can only ask for help with Fang Daoyou!”

Yan Chixia looked at Zuo Feng and nodded, and Zuo Feng quickly and respectfully stepped forward and said:

“The imperial court is now in danger, and although Zuo Mou is a warrior, he is also worried, and Lord Fu Tianqiu, who has been entrusted with his life, came out to find the man who has the right way in the world, beheaded the demon monk, and quelled cholera for the world.”

I listened to what Brother Yan said, and thanks to Mr. Fangcai’s salvation, I know that you are a reclusive true cultivator, with great divine powers, and I want to dare to ask Mr. Fang Cai to bring down that demon. ”

Say goodbye and bow down directly, with a serious and respectful face.

Fang Qin thought about it, took a look at Zuo Feng, and said in his heart, this was the Zuo Qianhu, and although the strange Dao had never stepped into cultivation, his qi and blood were really good.

After listening to what they said, he also had some thought in his heart, and said lightly: “Such a situation in the human world is not something that a demon monk can do, but I see that this cholera man is not among those demons, but above the court.” ”

This traveled for a while, and I didn’t have any good feelings in my heart for this dynasty that was approaching the end of the year, and the qi number was about to run out.

“Sir, this is not… It is true that the demon monk has deceived His Majesty, and all the talents…”

Zuo Feng was shocked to hear this, and even such a high-ranking person actually regarded the Imperial Dynasty like this, and he wanted to explain.

Yan Chixia sighed on the side, he also had the same idea in his heart, but he couldn’t bear to be cholerated by the demon monk in the land of the world, so he had the idea of finding someone who could kill the demon.

Fang Qin stopped Zuo Feng from speaking, lifted him up, and shook his head:

“You need to understand whether it was the chaos in the imperial court that gave the demon an opportunity to take advantage of it, or whether the demon monk infiltrated the cholera court.” If this cause and effect cannot be understood, it is that in addition to this monster, there will be other great demons coveting in the future. ”


Zuo Feng was dumbfounded, he had been in the imperial capital for some time, and naturally knew the situation inside.

That demon monk had only recently been recruited into the imperial capital by the emperor, and this chaotic image had already existed before, but it was even worse after this demon came.

Although he could roughly know some of the problems, Yi Jie Wufu also had no right to speak, and could only hope that he would be able to get better after the demon was surrendered, and now after being cleared by Fang Qin, he was also a little overwhelmed.

Yan Chixia sighed, “As it is now, it is really a difficult thing in the world, but cultivators such as me are not very good at interfering in the affairs of the human dynasty.” ”

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little bad, he couldn’t help but shift the topic for a moment: “By the way, Fang Daoyou, do you know the movements of the old demon of the Black Mountain in the silent mountain range a few days ago?” At that time, I thought that Fang Daoyou would fight with that monster fighting method again. ”

Speaking of this, his face could not help but be cautious, although he did not have the past, but after observing from a distance, he could detect the terrifying underworld breath remaining in the depths of the silent mountains, and he had a deeper understanding of the long-known big demon.

That is definitely already the fetal movement secret realm may even have reached the transformation realm, the final Heavenly Pass Realm, the heart can’t help but be solemn, this level of demon is really rare in the world, never thought that this black mountain old demon is so good.

“O old demon of Montenegro, it was indeed me who fought with the old demon of Montenegro in those days.”

“What, what!? When is it really Fang Daoyou who fights with the other party again? ”

Yan Chixia suddenly changed color, some unbelievable, although there had been such a conjecture before, but at that time, after all, he did not know much about the strength of the old demon of the Black Mountain, but only learned and guessed from the rumors, thinking that there was only a demon in the realm of incarnation.

In the past few days, he had already roughly guessed the strength of that youkai, so he also felt that Fang Qin’s strength was strong, but he should not be the opponent of that youkai.

“I saw the ghostly spirit in that silent mountain range, and I knew that he must be at least a demon of the Fetal Realm, and it was really incredible that Fang Daoyou could fight with him!”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “That Black Mountain Old Demon is indeed very good, thousands of years of cultivation are really extraordinary, I fought with him for seven days, but I can’t directly kill him, I have no choice but to retreat first.” ”

Where did Yan Chixia still care about this, looking at Fang Qin with a look of amazement and shock, he really did not expect that this Mr. Fang was such a great person, and his cultivation could already compete with those demons.

“Haha, don’t be so surprised, I wasn’t okay at the time, I was injured a lot, and I only recovered a few days ago.”


Is this a human word, how can you not be injured when you fight with such a youkai?


Yan Chixia was speechless in her heart, how long had it been, it was only half a month so short that it had been a long time to recover, you must know that cultivators descend demons to exorcise demons, encounter demons of the same realm, injuries and even falls are inevitable, and the recovery time can be calculated at least in years.

The other party was so quick to get better, whether it was the Dao Fa magic or the injury was not serious, it could show that the other party’s battle with the old demon of the Black Mountain, although it could not be killed, but it should also be at least a draw, so the injury was relatively light.

“Fang Daoyou’s Taoism is extremely profound.” Yan Chixia sighed and said, and then there was some tangled look, and she wanted to stop talking.

Fang Qin saw that his face was roughly known, shook his head, and said, “I already know what Brother Yan meant, rest assured, although I don’t like the people of the Imperial Dynasty, since I see it, I won’t leave it alone.” ”

“Fang Daoyou Great Ren Great Righteousness!”

“Thank you Mr. Fang!”

Yan Chixia and Zuo Feng were overjoyed, and with such a presence to help, they wanted to kill and surrender the demon monk who should be fine.

Fang Qin bowed his head slightly, looked in the direction of the demon, and said lightly, “Tell me, you seem to know me?” Could it be that what does it have to do with the old demon of Montenegro? ”

As soon as this demon saw himself, he had a feeling of fear, thinking that he had seen himself, and Fang Qin had no time to take care of the other demons in the battle with the Black Mountain Old Demon, which should have been seen at that time.

The bat demon had just listened to some words, and he had already been shocked, to know that the old demon of Montenegro was still looking like he was going to recover, and this one was actually intact.

Thinking about the old demon of Montenegro who always talked about Fang Qin’s violent appearance, he thought that he had suffered a big loss, otherwise he would not have deliberately asked Cihang Pudu to help pursue.

Seeing Fang Qin’s look, he was so frightened that he didn’t dare to lie, and hurriedly said, “I, I am not the subordinate of the Black Mountain Old Demon, but the seat of the Cihang Pudu Master.” ”


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