“Cihang Pudu!? Was it the monk’s men? Both Yan Chixia and Zuo Feng had changed color a little, and they didn’t expect to actually bump into this monster.

“Go ahead.” Fang Qin’s face did not change, and he did not care at all.

“Yes, that day I was ordered by Master Cihang to negotiate the covenant with the old demon of Montenegro…”

Yan Chixia was shocked in her heart, so to speak, this Cihang Pudu and the old demon of the Black Mountain must at least not be much different, before they dare to make such a move, otherwise with the cruelty of the youkai, where will they wait to see other demons that are weaker than them.

“….. Now the old demon of Montenegro had a grudge against the Great Immortal, and was afraid that the Great Immortal would find him in trouble later, so he turned to the mage for help, hoping to find the Great Immortal…”

“Oh, I didn’t go looking for him, he did find me first.”

Fang Qin couldn’t help but smile when he heard it, as if he were to be a little sarcastic, now if he fought with that old demon of Montenegro again, he would not say that he would definitely be able to kill this demon, but there would be no problem in pressing him.

Yan Chixia and Zuo Feng looked shocked at the sound of their faces, and looked at Fang Qin with some incredulity.

Originally, I thought it was a draw, but it sounded like this, and the old demon of Montenegro was so jealous of Fang Qin that he thought he had suffered a big loss.

Fang Qin said lightly, “Tell me about that Cihang Pudu.” ”

“Ah, yes, Master Cihang…”

This bat demon didn’t care if he betrayed it now, he naturally didn’t know too much about it, but some of Cihang Pudu’s actions could still be said.

Yan Chixia listened to the words behind her, thought deeply for a while, and suddenly changed color: “This Cihang Pudu is doing such a thing, can you think….. Devouring that imperial qi luck is not successful!? It’s ridiculous! ”

“Brother Yan, I don’t know what this devouring luck means?” The left seal also can’t help but change color, just the literal meaning is already extremely bad, hurriedly asked.

“Generally speaking, most cultivators such as me are reluctant to contact the imperial dynasty, because they are afraid that cause and effect are too deeply involved and it is not conducive to cultivation.

However, there are exceptions, the Humane Imperial Qi Luck has a great use for some strange cultivation, and this youkai’s arrangement, I feel that he must want to seize the Imperial Qi Luck,

As for what it will do, I don’t know, but one thing is certain, the fortunes of the imperial dynasty will not be good, and all kinds of natural and man-made disasters will continue, and finally even directly destroy the country. ”

“What? It was so terrible! Such statements shocked the left seal to change color.

“Say! So what is the purpose of Cihang Pudu? If he even seized the luck, he was not afraid of being eaten by the luck? ”

Yan Chixia asked the bat youkai.

“Oh, I don’t know, where the mage’s thoughts are for me and others to figure out.” I’m just a little demon who went to negotiate with the old demon of Montenegro.

This great immortal spares his life, and I say that I will listen to you, and I will do it! Ask the Great Immortal to pity me for not being easy in my cultivation, let me go. ”

The bat demon only bowed to Fang Qin and prostrated his head, he had seen the strength, and naturally knew that his life was all in this decision.


A flash of burning blood flashed by, and before the youkai could react, it turned into ashes.

“Spare your life? Oh…” Fang Qin shook his head slightly, this demon was full of anger and resentment, I don’t know how many people he ate, how could he let it go.

“Hiss~” Yan Chixia was far away before, paying attention to the past, Fang Qin had already solved the other demons, although he knew that it was powerful, but he had never seen it, and now he was so close to see it, he was terrified.

“Fang Daoyou, is your Dao Fa profound again?” I couldn’t help but ask, it was really the strength of the other party that was too strong, and this demon of the Demon Dan Realm turned into ashes in an instant, which was simply terrifying.

“Well, although the battle with the Black Mountain Old Demon was injured, it was still rewarding.”

“….. Fang Daoyou’s talent is really enviable. ”

Yan Chixia sighed with a wooden face.

“Haha, don’t compliment, I already know the matter, and then I will go to the meeting of that Cihang Pudu, Brother Yan has not seen you for a long time, but I am interested in a gathering?”

Fang Qin waved his hand and immediately said with some interest.

“It’s nature!” Where would Yan Chixia refuse, such a person, if it were to be passed out, it would be difficult for everyone to see.

If you can ask some questions about your practice, you can’t say that you can get a lot of gains.

“Since Mr. and Brother Yan have something to talk about, then Zuo Mou has withdrawn, and in the end, I still have to thank Mr. Yan for saving his life, and Zuo Mou Ming feels five inside.”

Zuo Feng heard that he did not dare to disturb, and now that the other party had promised to help, his task was half completed, and the one behind him was not something he could influence and control, so he resigned.

“Okay, when we see each other, let’s go together.”

“Ah, yes!” Zuo Feng was surprised and did not expect such a good thing.

“The place where I live is far away now, so I’ll take you there.”

Fang Qin’s two True Yuans were photographed, Yan Chixia and Zuo Feng only felt a vast force surrounding the vicinity, and before they could react, the vision in front of them changed, and somehow, after a few moments, the field of vision returned to normal.

In a moment of amazement, the location of the others was already unknown, and they had reached a log cabin.

‘Void Shift!? The end of the world? Yan Chixia was secretly horrified, and as soon as her divine consciousness swept away, she found that Fang Yuan was no longer the place before, not even in the nearby place, and it was really incredible that it had taken so far in just a few moments.

Even cultivators like Yan Chixia felt incredible, and Zuo Feng was even more shocked, only to feel that this was already an immortal means, and this Mr. Fang was a real immortal.

How shocked they were, Fang Qin did not say anything, told them to wait first, walked into the front of the house and opened the door of the house, and said to the fourteen ladies and Xiao Qian, who were surprised to see him return:

“Two guests have come, do you want to see them?”

Fourteen Niang was stunned and said, “Since you are Brother Qin’s guest, you naturally need to see it, and I will go to make tea.” ”

Xiao Qian was a little worried: “Gongzi, I am a ghost, is there anything wrong with me?” ”

Fang Qin smiled, “No, but remember Yan Chixia whom he met in Lan Ruo Temple, he has also come to Guangping Mansion now, and he only stumbled upon it, so he went over to invite him.” ”

“Ah, it turned out to be Yan Daochang, hmm-hmm, I know.” Xiao Qian said suddenly.

The fourteenth lady on the side was also a little trance, she got along during this time, naturally talked with Xiao Qian about the experience, and also had some understanding.

When Fang Qin saw this, he turned back to the two people outside the house: “Wait a minute.” ”


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