The moon stars are rare, the faint moonlight is sprinkled, and there is a rather brilliant light on a hill, and the soft light shines out, and it is quite clearly visible everywhere.

Countless mountain goblins hiding in the distance did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing the great psychics here.

Knowing that in the recent period, there was a Dao Immortal here, and the demons and ghosts that were doing evil in this side were all destroyed in an instant.

The blazing and dazzling light of that day was almost the same as it was at this time, but the light at that time was full of power to purify everything and burn everything, not as soft as it was.

Fortunately, the immortal was a reasonable and virtuous person, and none of his own goblins who had committed evil had been harmed.

They all look in the direction of the light with awe and reverence.


Outside the chalet.

An inexplicable small ball of light levitates at a height of one inch, illuminated by light,

The open space outside the wooden house is quite bright, and three people sit on several stone benches in front of a natural stone table with some tea.

Zuo Feng was holding a cup of tea, quite restrained, although he had the righteousness in his heart and was not afraid of demons, but when he met the hermit True Cultivation Fang Qin who was like a concubine, he still had respect and respect in his heart.

If it weren’t for Fang Qin and Yan Chixia insisting that he sit down and drink tea, he would even feel something inappropriate and disrespectful.

Yu Guang looked at the small ball that shone with soft light, and couldn’t help but marvel in his heart, following Yan Chixia for a while, he had only seen the Imperial Sword Method, he had never seen other Dao Fa, and he also longed for these magical Dao Fa.

Immediately there was some loss in his heart, he did not have any talent for cultivation, so he could only be trapped by mortals all his life, and his strength was amazingly strong among ordinary people, but in the end he did not enter the stream.

Yan Chixia took a sip of the flower tea, and breathed a comfortable sigh of relief: “Daoyou’s technique is quite mysterious, in addition to the illumination, I can only see that some of the forbidden magic effects are inside, and there are others that I can’t see.” ”

“Oh, some little tricks, occasionally ideas.”

Fang Qin took a sip of tea and said casually.

This is indeed usually boring, occasionally have the idea of their own creation of gadgets, there is no profound power, but usually in life quite convenient.

Yan Chixia heard the corners of his mouth twitch, this small soft ball of light contained a lot of magic inside, lighting, forbidden magic, warmth, etc., he only guessed some, other deeper look can not understand,

In his eyes, this was a mysterious Dao Fa, but in the eyes of the other party, it was just a small trick, the result of doing whatever he wanted, and his heart was really irrepressibly envious of Fang Qin’s talent, and some of it was just like lemon.

Seeing that he didn’t care, he sighed straightly, and then said with some curiosity:

“Fang Daoyou, just now that Xin girl’s body flashed with inspiration, pure to the extreme, rare in the world.”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Since she was a child, she has the heart of the Dao, Guang Xiu Fu, has always specialized in spiritual power, and has been practicing diligently, and I am very happy with her.” ”

Fourteen Niang and Xiao Qian made tea, and after meeting each other and greeting each other, they avoided returning to the wooden house and not disturbing Fang Qin’s conversation with the guests.

Yan Chixia nodded, admiring in her heart, for a while she didn’t know which of them had a good fortune, one could meet such a pure demon clan, and her appearance was also elegant and dignified, not like a demon, as soon as she saw Yan Chixia’s heart, she was sure that this woman’s future achievements would certainly not be low.

The other person can meet such a figure as Fang Qin Daoyou, who is like a concubine, if he was not very sure before, then now if anyone in the world is most likely to cross the six-day level of cultivation and achieve the final realm of legend, and become an immortal, it is none other than this Fang Qin Daoyou.

Moreover, this Fang Daoyou did not have any prejudices, and without the theory of origin, it could be seen that there was a love between the two of them, which was really a match made in heaven.

There was also that little Qian girl, who hadn’t seen her for such a while, but had already achieved the Yin Body Realm, and the speed of cultivation made people ashamed.

Yan Chixia was really amazed in her heart, was it true that people with good talent were all attracted to each other, and the two women that this Fang Daoyou met were people with high talent and pure hearts.

The two talked about the past for a while, but they did not snub Zuo Feng, and both inquired and talked for a few words.

“Brother Zuo is a man with great perseverance and perseverance, but unfortunately he has no talent in cultivation, otherwise his achievements would never be low.”

When Yan Chixia talked about this Zuo Feng, she sighed a little.

He was really sorry, just by practicing a mortal martial art, he could fight against a group of demons of the Spirit Realm, and he had killed a lot, which could be described as an amazing achievement, worthy of the boast of divine courage, if he had a little cultivation talent, it could not be said that it was even more amazing.

Zuo Feng talked a few words, seeing that Fang Qin was casual and peaceful, and his heart became more and more respectful, the secret path was so cultivated, this is the real Dao True Cultivation, and gradually let go of a lot,

Wen Yan sighed a little: “This matter is also quite a bit grumpy in my heart, but now I want to open up, Providence is so, and I can’t force it.

Someone who only wants to be able to apply what he has learned and do something for the people of the world, but unfortunately he is not able to catch it, has no ability, and can only do some meager efforts. ”

Yan Chixia shook her head, “Brother Zuo doesn’t have to be arrogant, I have great admiration for your righteous and hot blood, before you even saw the posture of slashing the group of demons, this superb martial art, no matter who sees it, you have to cheer.” ”

“Haha, thank you Brother Yan for boasting!”

Fang Qin was also in a good mood when he saw this scene, and took a sip of the flower tea ceremony with a tea cup:

“Although you don’t have the talent to cultivate the Dao Fa, but the talent for cultivating qi and flesh and body is not bad, but it is quite amazing, are you interested in learning one of my methods?”

As soon as these words came out, they were a little quiet, and the left seal was a little trembling, and I couldn’t believe in my heart, what did this Mr. Fang mean by this.

I remembered what Mr. Fang said when we first met, ‘Qi and blood should be used in this way.’ ’

And the blood-red glow and matchless power, I couldn’t help but think of a blank mind.

Even Yan Chixia was shocked, and when she came back to her senses, she was shocked and uncertain, and she didn’t know how this qi and blood body could practice alone, which had never happened before; It was another burst of great joy, and he quickly patted the left seal and signaled:

“Don’t hurry up and visit the Master yet!”

Zuo Feng turned back to his senses for a while, his face was inexplicably excited, and there was a rush of blood boiling in his heart, so he suddenly stood up and walked to the side, directly bowing down to Fang Qin and prostrating his head:

“Zuo Feng meets the master!”


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