Fang Qin took a prayer and then helped Zuo Feng up, “Get up, I have no intention of taking in apprentices, just teach some methods of cultivating physique, and you don’t have to call me master.” ”

“This…” Zuo Feng sighed in his heart, a little disappointed, such a miraculous true cultivation, if he could worship as a teacher, what a great blessing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is knocking on the Immortal Gate.

It was a pity that he did not have such a source of heavenly blessings, but it was also very surprising to be able to get this gentleman to teach some methods.

Then he said with a sincere and respectful face, “Yes, I know what the Immortal Master said.” ”

Yan Chixia nodded at the side, but he also felt normal, the general disciples would not be too casual, they needed to choose everything, although the Zuo Feng brothers could not really worship under Fang Qin’s door, but after all, they also received favors, and being able to cultivate was already a great source of blessing.

“What I want to teach you is the method of refining the body, you don’t have the talent to cultivate mana, and it is just right to learn this method of refining the body to move luck and blood.”

Fang Qin greeted Zuo Feng’s expectant gaze and smiled.

“The way to move luck and blood? Could it be that it is a practice similar to the golden body of the Buddha? Yan Chixia asked curiously.

He also had some understanding of the cultivation methods of the Buddha, but the golden body of the Buddha Gate actually needed to feel the sense of qi and absorb the Heaven and Earth Reiki to practice Buddha’s power, and Zuo Feng could not practice without such cultivation talents.

Zuo Feng was also a little curious, not knowing what kind of mysterious immortal method this Mr. Fang had preached, but he had also seen many Daoist monks with some skills, and he had also moved the idea of worshiping the master.

He was righteous and awe-inspiring, and he had perseverance, but some people were willing to accept him to get started, but they were all due to talent problems, they couldn’t feel the heaven and earth aura in the underworld, and they couldn’t enter the door, so they had no choice but not practiced.

“The world’s cultivation is mostly the cultivation of [Jing Qi Shen] The Three Jewels of the Human Body, and if you are hindered by your talents, you cannot cultivate Qi and God, but you can practice [Jing” and take the path of refining your body.

This [essence] is the source of the body’s qi and blood, and if you can cultivate the qi and blood around the body, if you can subsequently break through to the advanced realm, and then supplement some cultivation of qi methods, it will not be worse than ordinary cultivators. ”

Zuo Feng listened to the heartbeat, at first there was not much hope in his heart, the gentleman’s teaching must be exquisite, but he did not have talent, how much he could learn was difficult to say.

Just listening to the meaning of the Immortal Master’s words, this kind of cultivation method is no weaker than those of those cultivators, and it can also be practiced like himself, and I can’t help but feel excited.

Yan Chixia listened in a daze and thought for a while, “The only person in the world who specializes in cultivating physical strength is the Golden Body of the Buddha, and the primitive Demon Body of the Demon Clan is more powerful than that of ordinary cultivators, and among them, the body of a demon that is made of mountains and stones is the most terrifying.”

It’s just that a demon clan is so talented, and the golden body of the Buddha Gate actually needs a body of Buddha power, saying that the original body is still somewhat inferior to the demon clan.

I have not heard of the method of refining the body that Fang Daoyou said, could it be that Fang Qin Daoyou’s master created it originally? ”

Speaking of this, I remembered the Dao Fa that Fang Qin had performed, which was completely different from the means of cultivators in the world, and every time he performed it, he felt very subtle and powerful at first sight.

Looking at Fang Qin with some amazement, what kind of existence of the Sect Gate could produce such a Immortal Figure, and even the cultivation method was different from the world.

Zuo Feng was also a little curious, wanting to know what kind of immortal gate the cultivation method he was going to teach was from.

Fang Qin took a sip of the flower tea, smiled, and said, “Strictly speaking, I have never worshiped any sect gate, and this is all a Fa created by myself.” ”

“What, what!?” Yan Chixia was shocked and looked at Fang Qin in disbelief.

Following the testament of the predecessors to practice to a high depth, it can be said that the talent is extraordinary, that is, how amazing the cultivation method of creating one’s own cultivation is, how amazing the talent and profound Daoist deeds can be achieved.

Fang Fang had just heard Fang Qin say that his cultivation achievements would not be worse than those of other cultivators, which showed that this Fa was the most basic and perfect, and it was really inconceivable that he alone could create such a Fa.

This Fang Daoyou really felt more and more unfathomable.

Moreover, if he had never entered the Sect Gate, where did Fang Daoyou’s terrifying strength come from?

Yan Chixia’s pupils suddenly narrowed, thinking that the Fa Men that Fang Qin had just said were all created by himself, and then thinking about his Dao Fa means that were very different from the world, in the past, he had only read it once and learned the Imperial Sword Law, even more exquisite than what he had done, and an incredible thought arose…

“Well, without saying that, I’ll pass it on to you now.” Fang Qin shook his head.

Zuo Feng hurriedly saluted, “Yes, Immortal Master!” ”

“Ah, since that’s the case, Yan first avoids, E…”

Fang Qin stopped Yan Chixia and said, “It’s not a big deal, it doesn’t hurt to listen to it.” ”

“Hey, this is not appropriate, after all, it is the original method of Daoist friends.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that, and I don’t care.”

“This… Since this is the case, Yan Mou thanked him a lot. ”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “This method is the method of refining the body, I have created a method of refining the body, which is the “Refining Body Technique”, specializing in the cultivation of [Jing]…”

After saying that, he slowly said the method of refining the ten folds of the day after tomorrow and the method of the day after tomorrow against the heaven of heaven.

“In this way, a body’s strength is like a hundred refined steels, and the qi and blood are condensed into Qi and break through to the innate realm, which is not much different from those Daoist cultivation foundation realms.”

After pausing for a moment at this point, he said, “This Fa has come to an end so far, but I have not continued to create it later.” ”

Although the martial arts realm in the back already has some ideas, after all, it has not yet been perfected, and the latter will not be passed on, and it will be left to be said later.

Zuo Feng listened intoxicatedly, and there was a mouthful of blood boiling in his heart, and he turned back to God and hurriedly said, “Immortal Master, it is enough, Zuo Feng has this opportunity is already a deep source of blessing.” ”

After all, Zuo Feng’s realm was insufficient, he had never practiced, and although he felt that it was mysterious and incomparable, he was not as shocking as Yan Chixia.

“Being made of steel and condensing blood is completely different from the worldly cultivation method, and Fang Daoyou can create such a wonderful method, which is really amazing!”

Before, the Tao should have been different from his usual cultivation method, but he did not expect that the cultivation method that Fang Daoyou said was completely out of the scope of the current six-day cultivation pass.

Although the realm after the innate has not yet been created, just looking at the current creation, it is already extremely perfect, and the strength will not be weaker than the general foundation building realm.

That’s amazing.

Fang Qin smiled, lifted up the left seal, reached out a little, and an aura of light was pointed at the forehead of the left seal.


Zuo Feng only felt a roar in his mind, and a stream of mysterious chapters appeared in his mind, and he fell into a state of confusion and sluggishness.

Yan Chixia looked at it with a sigh, knowing that this was a great opportunity for Zuo Feng, and this method of initiating inheritance was also quite mysterious.


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