“Fang Daoyou’s method of refining the body really opened my eyes, so young to create one, can be regarded as an ancestral figure, the talent is really amazing.” Yan Mou got this teaching and hearing, and also gained a lot of understanding from it, and thanked Fang Daoyou for his grace of preaching. ”

Yan Chixia glanced at Zuo Feng, whose eyes were closed as if he were in a deep sleep, knowing that this was his great opportunity, and did not disturb him, and seriously said to Fang Qin.

This is not the same as the previous general sword technique, but a completely different from the world’s cultivation method, although the follow-up has not been created, but it is also extraordinary, there is a lot of inspiration and understanding, I can hear it, it can be said that I have a great favor.

“Brother Yan falsely praised, this path is not perfect, only the day after tomorrow is the dual realm, compared with the six-day cultivation in this life.”

Fang Qin smiled and said, This martial arts cultivation method is the most understood by nature that he has created.

His own spirit had successfully broken through to the Leakless Innate Realm, so that his strength was supreme, coupled with a mysterious martial art, and he could be undefeated against the Black Mountain Old Demon of the Fetal Movement Realm, and even now it was still getting stronger, so the strength was terrifying.

But this can only be done by himself, and others who practice this martial art, and being able to do both of them is already extremely talented.

If the talent and perseverance are all good luck, the three spirits can break through the innate realm with high and profound foundation,

Perhaps Kankan could compete with the cultivators of the Jindan Realm, but the martial practitioners with ordinary qualifications were at most similar to those in the Zhiji Realm, and even some of those with low talent might only be equal to the cultivators at the peak of the Qi Realm.

Although the span is huge and the life expectancy and power are not bad, Fang Qin has not yet created the path of martial arts since then.

In this way, this martial path is naturally inferior to the six-day level of cultivation in this world, and it must be perfected and can lead directly to the realm of immortality.

Of course, even so, the martial arts method has many outstanding advantages.

The martial arts cultivation method was created by Fang Qin in the world where Reiki was extremely thin, and the problem of Reiki concentration was taken into account from the beginning, so for this martial art, the early Reiki was dispensable.

Reiki is abundant, practice is easier, Reiki is thin and difficult to sense, you can also practice, just take more time.

In this way, the threshold is much lower, as long as it is an ordinary person, if you get this exercise, you have no talent, and you can achieve something over time.

“Alas, the cultivation method of the Six Heavenly Passes was handed down from ancient times, and Fang Daoyou’s ability to create a cultivation method that can correspond to the first two realms on his own is already shocking.

This is already another path for the people of the world, although it is not perfect, but it is also very rare, and I see that the cultivation threshold of this method is lower than that of the six-day pass, and it is amazing to be able to practice without Reiki. ”

Yan Chixia shook her head, he was from the Xuanmen True Sect, and naturally knew how to distinguish the subtlety of this Fa.

The strength of this person, whether it was mana, Dao Fa, or anything else, was different from that of a cultivator in the world, and Yan Chixia had a vague guess in her heart, saying that this person could not say…

It’s just that this idea is too unbelievable, and when I just started thinking, I felt that it was impossible.

Fang Qin smiled and did not speak, Yan Chixia took a sip of tea, seeing that he did not want to say more, he also felt that it was unpredictable, skipping and turning to ask some cultivation questions.

This cultivator is difficult to guess, and now that he sees it, he naturally wants to ask some questions about his cultivation.

Although Fang Qin’s cultivation was different from his Fa, after all, his strength was superb, and he was extremely mysterious, but he could easily answer it.

And there was also a lot of inspiration during the answer, so that both of them were somewhat interested and talked a lot.

Time passed unconsciously.

Gradually, a bright white light of the fish’s belly rose from the distant sky dome.

Yan Chixia sighed and said, “Listening to Jun’s words is better than reading ten years of books, Daoyou Dao is very profound, Yan Mou admires it, thank you for solving my puzzles.” ”

“Oh, no thanks, I also have gains.”

Fang Qin stood up, looked at the room, smiled, and said to Yan Chixia, “I was already preparing to leave today, but it was also fate to meet you, and now it is time to part.” ”

“Fang Daoyou is leaving?”

“Well, neither the Old Demon of Montenegro nor the Cihang Pudu is an easy generation, but it cannot be left unchecked.”

“Fang Daoyou, this matter may be able to gather some righteous Dao cultivators to slay demons and exorcise demons together, one person is too dangerous.”

Yan Chixia frowned and said, since he knew that Cihang Pudu and the Black Mountain Old Demon were almost the same realm of demons, he changed his mind and was ready to find some more cultivators together in order to grasp the safety.

Although he knew the record of Fang Qin’s draw with the Black Mountain Old Demon, he still did not dare to say that he was foolproof.

Besides, he waited for others to come and look for Fang Qin for help, where there was a reason why he didn’t go.

“Rest assured, I know what I know, so let’s say goodbye.”

Fang Qin did not have the idea of being together, there were too many people, and he felt that he was in the way.

After saying a few more words, he drifted away with Xin Fourteenth Niang, who was holding the Wooden Heart Horcrux.


The world was red, and the qi and blood roaring everywhere were like boiling magma, and looking closely at it was like a hazy map of the human body.

Zuo Feng only felt that he was in a state of wonderful mystery, his mind was filled with countless mysterious chapters, and a clear understanding faintly arose in his heart as he watched this world.

A rather thick body of qi and blood followed on its own, a surge of hot air, and inexplicable forces surged through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

I don’t know how long later, the world slowly fell into a silence, and Zuo Feng opened his eyes in a trance.

The sky was already bright, and Zuo Feng lost his mind for a moment.

“Brother Zuo, you’re awake.”

Yan Chixia’s voice came, and he looked at Zuo Feng with some surprise, and now he had a surge of qi and blood, more condensed and exuberant than before, and he couldn’t help but be amazed in his heart, this Fang Daoyou’s refining method was indeed mysterious.

“Ah, yes, thanks to the Immortal Master’s teachings, I am already able to get started, Oh, I don’t know the Immortal Master…”

Zuo Feng returned to the road, but his eyes were looking around, and he saw that the log cabin had been opened widely, but no voice came out, and he couldn’t help but wonder.

“Fang Daoyou Fang has already left, and he asked me to tell you that I hope you will practice diligently and keep your heart.”

“What? The Immortal Master has actually left…”

Zuo Feng was a little dazed, and sighed regretfully, “I was unable to say goodbye to the Immortal Master… What a pity. ”

He immediately went forward and bowed his head in the direction of the wooden house, and said with a determined face, “Immortal Master rest assured, the boy has been given the cultivation method by the Immortal Master, and he will certainly be good at practicing and keeping his heart in mind.” ”


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