The Great Yan Dynasty, where the Imperial City is located.

The whole country was immersed in a huge ritual, and a huge ritual ceremony was taking place in the imperial palace.

“Nam no Amitabha Buddha…”

Many monks are located in the surrounding ranks, in some strange but regular positions, all expressionless, and there are countless Sanskrit chants between the opening and closing of their mouths, which is addictive.

A series of today’s Wen and Wu subjects are located under him, and even the current Emperor of Great Yan is also under him, and this forty-year-old emperor has already corrupted his body of qi and blood under the indulgence of years of absurdity.

The self-conscious energy is not as good as before, and even the countless tonic treasures in the palace cannot be effective for it. Many methods were asked later, but none of them worked.

Just when he was afraid of death coming, Xun Xian asked, he heard the name of the holy monk of Cihang Pudu and recruited him, and the result was that it was very good, so he had great respect for Master Cihang Pudu and sought the law of immortality.

Now I am following the teachings of the Master and doing great Dharma to bless myself, and if the Dharma is accomplished, we will be able to enjoy eternal life.

Emperor Yan looked feverishly at the top of the high platform, his breathing was slightly short, after the festival, he could live forever and become an eternal emperor, how wonderful it was!

The Wen and Wu people in the back had different thoughts, knowing the strangeness of this ritual, but they did not dare to show it, and their faces were slightly lowered.

On the high platform, there is a figure sitting upright, slightly emitting golden Buddha’s light, like a bodhisattva Buddha who has descended to the earth.

The face of the solemn treasure elephant of Cihang Pudu opened a trace of red light slightly, and when he saw the scenery below, he couldn’t help but show a smiley expression.

If some Buddhist monks continue to chant the inexplicable Buddhist scriptures in their mouths, they will find that the sutras recited by this famous holy monk are particularly strange, missing words and sentences, and the meaning of the combination has completely changed.


As the ritual continued, there seemed to be some changes in the sky, the clouds shook slightly, and no light came out, as if something was stirring up the wind and clouds, and the naked eye could not see anything.

But in Cihang Pudu’s eyes, there was a winding and circling golden dragon of qi luck above the sky, which was facing him with a slight coldness.

The golden dragon bloomed, and the land of the Thirty-Six Provinces of Great Yan seemed to emerge on it slightly, and the people’s qi and luck were intertwined, and there were countless breaths contained within it.


It was as if a vast air machine was locking on to the Cihang Pudu of those who disturbed the center of the dynasty.

‘Huh… Mo said that now the Great Yan Dynasty has already deviated from morality, lost people’s hearts, and has become more and more inhumane to recognize, that is, there is none. I also have a backhand. ’

Cihang Pudu sneered in his heart, and his body seemed to be surging with Buddha’s light again, and he said to the Heavenly Son, “Your Majesty, now that the hour has come, you can open the sacrifice!” ”

Emperor Yan heard a look of surprise on his face and hurriedly ordered the nearby guards, “According to what the mage said!” ”


A few guards went down, but in a moment countless sluggish-looking young people were brought in, looking like there were hundreds.

However, at a moment, countless screams arose, blood suddenly appeared, and Wen Wu’s heart trembled at the bottom, and he lowered his head without a white face.

A trace of blood light rose along the runes under the festival like a grudge, part of it rushed to Cihang Pudu, part of it rushed to Emperor Yan, and the rest was slightly wrapped around the golden dragon in the sky, and the golden light emitted was slightly weakened.

“Amitabha! Your Majesty, this law has begun to take effect, but it is not enough! ”

The faint red light in Cihang Pudu’s eyes flickered and faded out.

Emperor Yan only felt a wonderful force coming in, feeling that his body was reviving and becoming young and powerful, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed, and the last doubts were gone, and he drank: “Did you hear what the mage said?” Don’t hurry up yet! ”

The hands of several guards trembled a little, and with a trembling promise, they went down again.

For a while, the screams kept ringing out, but within an hour, there was already a thick bloody gas all around.

If in the eyes of a cultivator, this is already a place where resentment is entangled, and blood light is surging.

The Heavenly Air Fortune Golden Dragon’s body was entangled in a stream of resentment and blood light, and its body seemed to be slightly corroded by blood light.

“It’s not enough…”

Cihang Pudu’s eyes flashed slightly, and he whispered slightly with the Buddha’s ritual.

At the bottom, some of the civil servants rolled in their stomachs, and some of the martial artists also saw this discoloration.

Even though I had been mentally prepared, I didn’t expect the festival to be so horrible, bloody, and frightening.

Emperor Yan didn’t care about those dead people, his face was intoxicated, there was a surge of strength in his body, his eyes were already a blood-red color, the sanity in his heart had become more and more empty, and his vicious intentions flashed, and he couldn’t help but laugh:

“Master, does this still need to be done?” There’s a lot more to keep in the bottom of it! ”

I have never felt so wonderful in the world, and the feeling of this power in the body is so refreshing.

As for the death of a few mud-legged people, he would not take it to heart at all, and it was their honor that these people could help them enjoy eternal life.

“Your Majesty! The courtiers dared to ask His Majesty to give up such an appalling ritual ritual! This is not what the Holy Lord can do! One of the courtiers stood up and sighed with a sad face.

The other Wenwu looked at this person with a look of surprise, and now all that can stay here are some flattering villains, and the same is true of the people who come out to speak.

Now he has changed his usual style, full of tears and lamentations.

Emperor Yan looked at the past with a gloomy face, and the red light in his eyes flickered.

“Amitabha, the blood of the people is enough, and it is time for Your Majesty to carry out the second round of rituals.” Cihang Pudu whispered slightly, but it clearly reached everyone’s ears.

Emperor Yan was overjoyed and said cheerfully, “Haha, what the Master said is extremely true, Ling Qing is my courtier, this matter will start with you, Janissaries!” ”

A group of armored guards with expressionless faces, like wooden people, surrounded the entire perimeter, and several people stepped forward to put up the middle-aged civil servant who was out of line.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Don’t believe what this demon monk said! This is a demon! ”

That Ling surname Wenchen was frightened and pale, knowing that he was undoubtedly going to die, and there was no trace of luck in his heart, since this demon monk had entered the imperial capital, Tianzi had become more and more moody, and his recent actions had moved towards madness.

The other civilian generals were also frightened by this change, this time it was this person, then next time it would not be themselves! This Dharma was done and done so far as to be done on the heads of oneself and others.

They all changed color in shock, and they all knelt down and pleaded, “Your Majesty! Devouring the Murderer, this is not the work of the Holy King! I’m afraid it’s inappropriate! May Your Majesty take back his destiny! ”

“Huh?” There seemed to be madness in Emperor Yan’s eyes, and his entire eyes were covered with blood.

Countless blood lights flickered, and a series of screams rang out from the palace!


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