The noble and solemn place of the imperial palace is now like a purgatory on earth, full of blood everywhere, and the anger and anger are rushing up, wrapped around the golden dragon of qi luck, corroding the shining golden hua on the body, and the illusory dragon seems to have blood on it, and the golden dragon is like a wailing that constantly stirs the clouds.

“Oh, it’s fast…”

Cihang Pudu’s eyes flashed red, a hint of laughter emerged, glanced at the Emperor of Great Yan who was in a frenzy, and the corners of his mouth showed a trace of disdain, so Tianzi was really ridiculous, but it was precisely because of this that he had the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Emperor Yan only felt the terrifying power of his body surge, his face was full of red light, and he was obsessed with intoxication.

“Master, do you think that you are too good to be now, have you already accomplished the Fa?” Have you been given the life of immortality? ”

There was a burning heat in his heart, such a force could not deceive people, if he still had doubts in his heart before, then now he had no doubts, only one thought, that is, the ritual sacrifice was completed, and he could enjoy true immortality.

Cihang Pudu smiled slightly, just like the Buddha smiled, the Buddha’s light shone brightly, and looking closely at it was like a trace of viciousness hidden in it.

“Your Majesty, immortality is against the heavens, it is not an easy task, and now you need to enter the third round of rituals to achieve it.”

“Oh? What the Master said was that it really shouldn’t be so simple to enjoy eternal life, but I don’t know how this third round of Dharma sacrifices is? ”

Emperor Yan was not angry when he heard this, so wouldn’t it be more obvious that immortality is not easy to come by, and if it is simple that others can also follow suit, it is inappropriate, things are difficult only if you can achieve it.

“Your Majesty, this third round of sacrifices still needs some sinners’ blood….. The guilty ministers who have been thrown into heavenly prison are just right. ”

Emperor Yan was stunned, and then he changed color a little, frowning and pondering, this time it was not those wine sacs and rice barrels before, they were all mainstays in the DPRK, but they were all opposed to this terrible ritual and were temporarily detained in the heavenly prison.

Cihang Pudu opened his eyes slightly, a trace of illusory light filled the air, and his mouth exited again:

“How can the blood of some sinners be more important than His Majesty’s eternal life, and His Majesty decided it earlier, otherwise the time will be lost, and the law will have to be suspended!”

The voice sounded like compassion, and it was like a demon whispering.

Emperor Yan’s eyes were a little sluggish, and his thoughts were swept away, and indeed compared to his own path of immortality, a few courtiers did not need to worry about it, and hurriedly said: “Come, bring me those people in the Heavenly Prison!” ”


In the heavenly prison, many people in official uniforms were detained in one place, and they were silent.

Suddenly, a man shouted angrily, “Adulterous people and demon monks, causing trouble to the imperial court, and killing them all together that day!” ”

The others looked up slightly, and with some sighs, said:

“Now there is nothing we can do about it, Your Majesty has actually agreed to the demon monk to do such a vicious ritual, and if it is passed on, the whole world will not boil, this is the way to destroy the world, and the demon monk is really evil.”

Rebbe Shangshu Fu Tianqiu’s gaze was slightly groaning, his heart was also cold, and he was powerless to return to heaven, thinking about the person who was quite righteous with a lot of blood.

Alas, Zuo Qianhu didn’t know whether there was a true person, but unfortunately it was already too late and irretrievable. ’


A loud noise came out, a crowd of footsteps. A team of armored guards came straight ahead.


Completely ignoring the resistance of this civilian general, he directly escorted them outside.

When they reached the festival, the hellish scene of the corpse mountain and the sea of blood made everyone feel shocked and terrified.

Fu Tianqiu looked at the blood of the corpses piled up underground, looked sad and indignant, and shouted directly at Cihang Pudu on the stage:

“Demon monk! No matter what kind of monster you are, you will never be allowed to do such cruel and evil deeds! All the true cultivators in the world will kill you demons! ”

A righteous spirit was not afraid of such a bloody and cruel scene, and there seemed to be a mighty righteous spirit that was awe-inspiring.

Cihang Pudu’s brow frowned slightly, and his heart jumped, inexplicably remembering the monk surnamed Fang that the bat demon under his seat had said, thinking about the terrifying power he had described, he couldn’t help but be slightly anxious and jealous.

He was not the old demon of the Black Mountain, and he also had the blessing of the power of the underworld, he could be so thick and difficult to hurt, and although his heel and feet were also extraordinary, he asked himself that the defense recovery was much weaker than that of the old demon of the Black Mountain, and he was somewhat restrained when he encountered such a sword cultivation.

Moreover, that person was not an ordinary sword cultivator, where could an ordinary sword cultivator fight with that old demon of Montenegro, even the old demon of Montenegro could not do anything about it, and he was very jealous.

Then he thought that as long as he continued smoothly this time and broke through the realm, he expected that person to dare not come no matter how strong he was, and then he put his mind at ease.

Just like the Buddha in the miserable world, he smiled slightly, did not care, and looked at Emperor Yan and said, “Your Majesty, the hour is coming, and the third round of Dharma sacrifices needs to begin!” ”

Emperor Yan’s eyes had lost his senses, and the red light flickered, ignoring the persuasion of these civilian and military generals, and directly waved his hand to carry out the Fa sacrifice.

Under a scream, countless resentments surged up, and Cihang Pudu whispered slightly: “Take Er and other blue blood Dan hearts to use….. So there’s one step left…”

The Qi Luck Golden Dragon in the sky was surrounded by a trace of red light, constantly corroding the Qi Luck Jinhua.

“Your Majesty, now there is only one last step left…”

“Master, didn’t you just say that there were only three rounds of rituals?” Why else!? ”

Emperor Yan’s appearance now was no longer human-like, countless red lights flickered, his breath was haunted, only the last trace of sanity remained in his eyes, and looking in the direction of Cihang Pudu also had a trace of viciousness.

“Amitabha… This last sacrifice is Your Majesty! ”

Cihang Pudu grinned, the vicious red light flashed, the covetous color in his eyes was no longer hidden, and the Buddha’s light around him was mixed with the blood light imprint, which was strangely bloodthirsty!


For a moment, the red light rose up, and the underground formation appeared, imprisoning Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan’s crazy color faded slightly, and he regained some sanity, and shouted angrily, “What do you mean!?” Come on people! Janissaries! ”

Cihang Pudu laughed sarcastically: “People? Where are the people? Aren’t you alone now? Be obedient and become the food for my breakthrough! ”


Emperor Yan looked around, surrounded by a sea of corpses and blood, countless waiting guards and the strange monks who were arranged one by one seemed to shake slightly, as if they had turned into a black bone foot, and there was a huge and extremely strange insect shadow black body shaking, huge and matchless, entwining the entire palace.


Countless angry anger boiled violently, and countless blood rays floated.

The strange thing is that in the eyes of the people outside, there are countless golden Buddha’s light emerging inside, all of them think that the Buddha has appeared, calling out to the holy monk, his face is a little sluggish, muttering to himself to perform his own rituals, and the whole imperial city shines like a huge Dharma array.

The golden dragon of heavenly qi luck was mourning incessantly, as if it was gradually becoming illusory in the midst of constant changes.

Cihang Pudu returned to the solemn treasure image, the Buddha’s light shone brightly, smiled slightly, and whispered: “Everything is ready, just wait for some time….”


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