In Guangping Province, under the Junjun Mountain, Fang Qin said to a red-clad lady in front of him: “Fourteen Niang, you go back first, and I will look for you again after the matter is over.” ”

Fourteen Niang knew that her strength could not help with the past, and might even drag her feet, so she also nodded her head obediently, and said with some concern:

“Brother Qin, do everything according to your ability, do not get involved in danger, I, I am waiting for you here….”

Speaking of the back, his face was slightly red and shy, and his jade color was dizzy.

Fang Qin smiled, the True Element in his body turned, and the vast True Element surged in the True Dan, turning into a brilliant aura, and with a light touch in his hand, the aura flashed away and flew into the mountain stream.


An extremely terrifying momentum swept through, a yin and yang pattern appeared and turned slightly, more terrifying than before, countless aura was attracted and absorbed, and the yin and yang pattern instantly turned into a size of hundreds of zhang,

The elves in the whole mountain knelt down, and the Junjun who was imprisoned in the formation also knew that the one had come again, silent, and his face was pale, afraid that something had disturbed this powerful monk.

The yin and yang pattern lasted for a short while, then it shrank to its original size, and then disappeared, and a ray of dark aura was ingested.


Fang Qin held it in his hand, and took out the fox-shaped jade pendant from the waist of the Fourteenth Niang, and Xuan Guang pointed into it, and the entire jade pendant seemed to flicker slightly, and there seemed to be a Xuan Guang between the lines, becoming more exquisite.

Smiling at the Fourteenth Lady, he said, “Here is my blessing, which can protect you thoroughly, and you can control the Yin and Yang Array in that mountain.” ”

Fourteen Niang took the jade pendant over, her heart was warm, her face was dizzy, and she softly muttered.

Fang Qin caressed the fourteenth lady Qingsi, gently stepped forward to hug the beauty, and whispered a few words in his ear.

With a flick of the hand, a flash of sword light flashed and disappeared.

Fourteen Niang looked at the distance with some confusion, sighed, and suddenly some envied Xiao Qian’s sister to get up, she could hide in the Horcrux, and she could stay by his side all the time.

“Fantastic Stay”

Suddenly there were a few cute cries behind her, and the fourteenth lady turned back and looked behind with some surprise, and a few small foxes ran over.

Fourteen Niangniang stepped forward and took one into her arms, crouched down, and watched with some pleasure as several small foxes were spiraling around.


Fang Qin stood on top of the Zhenyuan Sword, flying over, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he looked solemnly in the direction of Xiuyuan County, his eyes flashed, and there was something strange in his heart.

“The luck of that protective city seems to have weakened a little, what’s going on…”

Frowning for a moment, as if thinking of something, there was a flash of inspiration under his feet, and the speed turned into a streamer of light faster, but after a while of kung fu came to another county town.

“This side is also, could it be that something happened in that imperial dynasty that affected the luck of the people?”

After pondering for a while, it was still uncertain, but it should have something to do with that Cihang Pudu.



A thick black gas rushed up and spread far away.

“Oh, old demon of Montenegro?”

Fang Qin’s eyes were slightly cold, and he secretly said that this demon didn’t know what it was doing, as if it had run away again, but just this time he would see if he could destroy this demon at once.

With a single click, the figure disappears.


In the midst of the silent mountain range, the thousand-year-old black mountain was floating with ghostly light, and the black qi was rushing into the sky, and there were many figures flashing with aura on the periphery.

There was an old Daoist monk with a twinkle in the five elements, an old monk with a golden staff and a white eyebrow wearing a robe, a sword cultivator wearing countless magic swords in a powerful suit, and a monk with countless thunderbolts between the flashes of the runes in his hand, all four of whom attacked the old demon of Montenegro.

Countless Five Elements Aura, Sword Shadow, Buddha Light, and Thunder directly hit the Black Mountain Old Demon with matchless power.

There were several loud booms, countless mountains and rocks collapsed, and Montenegro shook slightly.

“Ahem! Where are so many little mice, Lao Zu, I am not welcome, just ate the flesh and blood souls of you and so on, Lao Zu I have not eaten the flesh and blood of cultivators of this realm, I want to come very delicious! ”

The Black Mountain Old Demon was furious when he was attacked, although these were cultivators of the Divine Realm, they were far from enough for him, he had reached the peak of the Fetal Movement Realm by plundering the power of the Netherworld, and as long as he had accumulated good strength, he could break through to the Metamorphosis Realm.

Coupled with the fact that the mountain is a jing, the body is a thousand mountains, and the cultivators of the same realm do not know how much stronger, and the strength of today’s body can be described as terrifying.

Although these people had advanced mana and were extremely strong in their Dao Fa, they were far less dangerous than the man named Fang Qin, and it was really bold to dare to offend themselves!

With a roar, countless ghostly lights appeared and rolled towards several people, startling everyone to flee and avoid.

“Hey, this old black mountain demon has terrible strength!” The leader was the old Daoist who contained the five-colored aura, the Dao number five spirit true people, the hermit elders of the Kunlun lineage, and at this time he looked at the old demon of Montenegro with a solemn face.

He never expected this old demon of Montenegro to be so terrible.

Several Fa seals were instantly held in his hand, and a mighty five-colored aura shone in five directions, enveloping a part of the Black Mountain, and the five colors kept swirling, and a mighty energy came out from the center.


The Shenxiao Sect Sect held Xuan Fang Zhenren in his hands and flew with the spells in his hands, and countless lightning powers flashed, and the thunder was thunderous, and the endless splits were towards the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Another brilliant magic sword transformed into thousands of sword shadows, constantly attacking the Black Mountain, and it was the sword cultivator who scattered slightly.

There was also the Buddha’s Gate Baiyun Zen Master, full of golden light, chanting Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, jumping up, slapping his hand, and a golden Buddha’s light shone brightly, and the roar hit the old demon of Montenegro.


The three cultivators and a Mahayana Buddhist cultivator went all out, and for a time the aura rioted around them, and countless mighty forces swept through, even the old demon of Montenegro was also unable to fall from the collapse of the mountains around him.


The old demon of Montenegro was furious and full of black qi, turning into a giant god of more than a thousand feet under a huge roar.

A direct slap first scattered the sword light that disgusted him, and countless air currents burst and roared, and the sword was directly repelled and flew out.

“Ahem! Tricks of the trade! ”

The old demon of Montenegro was slightly relieved in his heart, this sword cultivation was no different from the ordinary sword cultivation, although the realm and even the transformation of the gods, the power was not bad, but after all, there was no terrible one.

Then a punch went straight down, and the ground cracked like a spider’s web.



Such a terrifying power startled the monks with a tingling in their scalps, and they all used their own evasion techniques to avoid them.

The sound of tearing roared, countless flying stones flew away, and the whole earth was in a mess.

A ray of sword light came from afar, and there was a sword protection body around it, smashing all the boulders that were fired from the ground and making it impossible to get close.

The sword light under his feet dissipated, and Fang Qin stood in the void, looking at the countless flickering aura in the distance with some surprise.


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