
The brilliant sword light floated, and Sen Han’s sword intent swept out, stirring up the wind and clouds.

There was also a surge of black qi that corroded through, followed by a huge fist like a small mountain, falling like a giant god, and everything that came into contact was crushed and corroded.

The earth was wailing, the space was shaking, countless windy boulders were swept in, and a terrible and extremely powerful pressure was coming, that is, the Yuan Infant Monk was extremely dangerous again, saying that he would not be swept away by the aftermath in an instant.

The Five Spirits True Man and the others were forced to retreat to the extreme distance, not daring to come closer, and looked at such a scene with a shocked face.


Xuanfang Zhenren practiced the Lei Fa, usually an extremely hot person, although the realm of the Supreme God had not changed, but now he was a lost god, muttering to himself.

Zen Master Baiyun performed a Buddhist ritual, and his open eyes looked at the old demon of Montenegro with some complexity, which was extremely oppressive just by looking at it, compared with his own golden body of Dharma, and sighed and said:

“The youkai that became a spirit at the top of the mountain is indeed as terrible as the ancient books record, and the method of the poor monk’s golden body is really not enough to look at the above, fortunately, this kind of monster is extremely difficult to become a jing, otherwise it is really …”

“That old demon of Montenegro actually has room to spare, if it is only directly used, I will wait for the opposite… I’m afraid it just fell. ”

The Five Spirits True Man looked solemnly, taking this opportunity in his hands, and constantly absorbing the aura between heaven and earth to make up for the mana he consumed.

“Such a rare scene in the world, perhaps it is also the opportunity of me and others, I can’t say that I can get a glimpse of the future, that Mr. Fang Qin’s sword method is really exquisite, and the sword method in the world is not the same, so it is mysterious and mysterious.”

Ling Wei’s scattered eyes stared at Fang Qin’s countless sword rays that moved at will, and secretly wrote down the comparison and speculation in his heart.


Fang Qin’s figure was like a concubine immortal, walking in the void, and with a wave of his hand, several hundreds of sword rays were like a refinement.

The roar continued to sound, Fang Qin’s eyes turned dark and flowing, looking down slightly, as if leading to somewhere under the Nine Shadows, countless black nether forces continued to emerge, and Fang Qin tried to contact with spiritual power.

The small breakthrough of the Spirit Spirit had increased its strength a lot, and so had its spiritual power, and a trace of the Nether Force with some inexplicable fluctuations had been ingested.

‘Is it that this thing has been recovering the injuries of the old demon of Montenegro, there is some magic, and I don’t know how the old demon of Montenegro used it..’

With a continuous swing in his hand, countless sword rays thundered like thunder, instantly impacting the Black Mountain Old Demon and rumbling.

However, Fang Qin divided part of his mind, and the spiritual power wrapped around that trace of nether power to explore the mystery.


A wonderful feeling came to my heart, and my body moved, flashing directly to the side without warning.

In the next instant, the position of Fang Cai was directly pounded, stirring up countless boulders!

Countless sword rays swept from the other side, and another large piece of mountain stone on the Black Mountain Old Demon’s body!


The old demon of Montenegro was extremely angry, and the heavy demon body went all out, suppressing it with a thick and matchless might, and each blow was like the power of the sky, bringing up countless rubble, which looked terrifying.

However, my heart was getting more and more frightened, and a chill and trepidation came straight out of my heart.

‘What’s going on!?’ It’s been less than a month, how could this be! Strength has increased so much! ’

The other party’s mana was much thicker than before, and the already extremely deep mana was now even more like it could not be used up, it was difficult to see the bottom, and countless powerful Dao Fa sword techniques directly attacked.

Moreover, the other party’s physique seems to be more powerful than before, before he did not dare to touch his fist, but now it is an occasional duel, but he can also follow.

Although he could see that the other party was still dissipating most of his strength and did not dare to take it all, it was already very different from before, and his body was so strong that he was a little frightened, stronger than those bald donkey golden goblin demon bodies.

That is to say, he was a demon who had become a fine cultivator at the top of the mountain, and he was born with the weight of a mountain, so that he could be jealous, otherwise the other ordinary demons would be bombarded into ashes in an instant.


Most importantly, somehow, I always feel that the other party can always rush before their own attacks, know in advance that they are generally dodging, or using the Dao Fa Sword Technique to dock, easily defuse it, and their attacks have not worked so far.

Although it was difficult before, at least it could make it difficult for him to fight back for a while, and there were some powers that could hurt him, but now he was so calm that even the injury was difficult to hurt.

Under the continuous bombardment, Fang Qin’s face was expressionless, and he cast the Getaway Method, easily dodging through, and the red-colored sword light directly split countless mountain stones like a horse refinement.

The roar continued to sound, so that after several hours, the old demon of Montenegro was shocked and angry in his heart, so consumed, and the strength he had accumulated was almost exhausted.


As soon as Fang Qin’s figure flashed, he dodged the oncoming boulder fist and stood in the air like a rock.

There seemed to be a smile in his eyes, and the long sword in his hand swung at will.


Sunday – Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram!

Ten Thousand Swords and One Spirit Lightsaber Array!

The aura riot in the space was ingested.

A Taiji Yin and Yang pattern unfolded rapidly, and a crisp sword roar echoed.

In countless places in the surrounding sky and earth, a spirit sword with a handle appeared, or a Xuan-colored True Yuan Sword, or a blood-colored qi sword, or a pure aura sword, densely packed.

For a moment, a vast sword intent enveloped the entire realm, making people feel intimidated.


The Black Mountain Old Demon’s heart tightened, and he subconsciously stopped attacking, surging his whole body to protect his body.


The spirit in the distance had a bright look in his eyes and said in a loud voice:

“The sword technique is divided into thousands of ways, but each of them is amazingly powerful!” Each sword has a good power, and the direction between each sword seems to have a mysterious machine in it, and the qi machine is connected, just like a formation, wonderful! What is this sword technique so mysterious! ”

The Five Spirits True Man was also a little shocked by his eyes, and echoed: “Indeed, doing whatever you want is a vast sword array, which is connected to each other, and the momentum of the sword intent alone is already so terrifying, I don’t know how magnificent it is once it is unleashed!” ”

“Amitabha, the general formation method needs to be guided by the magic weapon, and it needs to be arranged in advance, and the gentleman can form a formation at will, just so it can be said that there is only one in the world, and such strength is really amazing.”



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