It was as if sword light appeared everywhere in the space, and countless spiritual swords of various colors were slightly clear, although they were small, but thousands of spiritual swords had an extremely awe-inspiring sense of slaughter.

Father! Countless spirit swords turned in an instant, pointing in all directions at the Black Mountain Old Demon in the center.


Aimed at the dense spirit sword, a chill struck him, and the old demon of Montenegro had some hairs in his heart.

Although he knew that so many spirit swords should definitely not be able to use the terrifying sword magic power before,

However, he still couldn’t help but transport the Nether Ghost Qi around him, and the underground Nether Power was also constantly drawn and ready to be restored at any time.

In the next instant, countless brilliant streamers flashed, but in the beauty there was a matchless sword intent that made everyone else afraid, and Sumiya attacked the whole body of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Choke! Thundered!


There were countless mountain stones falling on the old demon of Montenegro, but there were some doubts in his heart, and the feeling that this sword light gave him was that the thunder and rain were small, although the power was absolutely good, but the other party’s power was not consistent.

Could the other side of the dark passage consume so much that it is so? It was impossible, the other party had not exhausted his mana for seven days most of the month before, and now it was even more impossible.

Thinking and thinking is also unclear, so I simply don’t think about it, I snorted coldly, and I was directly shocked, as if I wanted to break away from those sword lights.

Boom! The black qi surged forward, and the countless sword rays around him seemed to collapse, directly dissipating and disappearing!

The old demon of Montenegro was stagnant, a little stunned, unbelievable, this is cracked? Maybe it’s a little too simple.

However, in an instant, the matchless giant fist directly slammed into Fang Qin, and the tearing explosion sounded, and the mouth shouted: “Hum! Powerless to the extreme, what can I do? ”


“Amount? This… How, judging from the power of the Fangcai, it is absolutely impossible to have only such a power…”

Ling Wei scattered people directly confused, Fang Cai’s amazing sword intent was still vividly remembered, awe-inspiring, but why was it so easy to crack.

Several other people also felt that the mighty decision just now could not be so powerful, and they also looked at each other, had doubts, and frowned and pondered.

“Is there anything mysterious in it?” It’s just that I waited and didn’t find out. ”

“That Mr. Fang is so strong, it’s normal that I can’t see it, and it should be left with a backhand.”

“Yes, the decision cannot be so simple.”


In the face of the terrifying fist that roared in, Fang Qin’s expressionless face flashed a smile, and the cold light in his eyes flashed, and the dark passage ended here.

The body is full of true elements running, and the mind is moving!

Sunday – Life and Death Runic Seal! Envelope!


The Black Mountain Old Demon had been paying attention to Fang Qin’s movements, and Fang Cai was so strange that he was also a little vigilant in his heart, secretly saying that the other party’s sword array decision could not be so simple, there must be some killing machine inside.

Seeing that he had a cold light in his eyes, he laughed as if mocking, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous, and the secret path was not good.

Unfortunately, it was already in no hurry, and in the next instant, countless lights flashed between the gaps around the old demon of Montenegro, and the two colors of yin and yang emerged, and a wonderful sense of blockade appeared.

“Hmm, that’s the way it is, I want to come back a second time, how can I prepare!” Well!? What’s going on! ”

After the Black Mountain Old Demon knew the other party’s means, it was the Flowing Cherry Sword Array that he had previously used, intending to seal his actions.

Just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief and sneer, the next moment my heart giggled and I was shocked.

Only to feel that an inexplicable blockade force swept through the whole body, connecting with each other, forming a huge blockade.

His connection with the underground nether power was directly blocked, although it was not complete, but it also greatly affected his recovery speed.

In this way, the recovery speed is greatly reduced, compared to the previous ten there is no one, if it is normal and naturally there is nothing to do, but now it is fighting with this killing god, if there is no support from the power of the netherworld, I am afraid …..

“What did you do!?”

The Black Mountain Old Demon looked at Fang Qin with some disbelief, and his heart had already lost square inches.

However, Fang Qin ignored it and held the long sword in his hand in his hand, slightly retracting to his side, and an illusory sword scabbard appeared in his left hand, with countless textures flashing on it, and the long sword was withdrawn into the sword scabbard.

Between the abruptness, the aura around him rioted, and the true elements, qi, and spirit in Fang Qin’s body seemed to be completely gathered between his hands, and the sword scabbard extended along the lines with a slight light.

The storm clouds surged for only a few breaths, and then they had already stopped.

The wind was still, the aura dissipated, and Fang Qin’s breath did not leak a single breath, as if everything had already converged on the sword in his hand, and he said softly, “This sword is broken in two things!” ”

The next moment!

Ten Thousand Swords Pulling Sword Technique!


A cold feeling had already struck, and an extremely dangerous feeling came from the heart of the old demon of Montenegro, and the fear that had never been felt before rose up in shock, and it did not react urgently.

The whole sky seemed to be slightly dim, like a breeze blowing, and like frost plummeting.

The atmosphere was silent for a few breaths, as if there was no abnormality, the old demon of Montenegro’s tight mind was slightly relaxed, a little sluggish, this sword did not seem to be unusual!

Slightly relieved, just about to speak, Zhihai suddenly went blank.


The ghost light in the eyes of the old demon of Montenegro froze, and it jumped violently, and it was much weaker in an instant, only to feel that his body was extremely cold, and in an instant, it was as if he had been seriously injured.


The body of a giant god of more than a thousand feet was split in half directly from the center!

A mountain in the far distance behind it was cut off directly from the waist! Countless roars were heard, and terrible winds swept up in an instant.

‘How can that be!?’ ’

Countless currents of air surged forward, and the Black Mountain Old Demon was shocked to the extreme, and he even tried to recover with the power of the netherworld, but the underground nether power was already blocked from him, and some of the damage that came from such a huge amount was useless.

Under the shaking of the mountain, the old demon of Montenegro, which had turned into two halves, had already fallen to the ground, causing a fierce roar, and countless cracks and cracks stretched into the distance.

Fang Qin’s face was a little tired, he exhaled lightly, slowed down a few times, threw away his sword, and seemed to be smiling: “Still want to recover, Lao Tzu will tear you apart today!” ”

To tell the truth, for this old demon of Montenegro who had been recovering with the power of the underworld, he already had a sense of irritation in his heart, but now he had blocked the ingestion of the other party’s nether power with the seal of life and death.

The True Element in the body operated without reservation, the long sword sounded clearly, countless sword rays appeared in all directions, and in the next instant, it was like the Milky Way falling.


The Black Mountain Old Demon Demon’s body was broken, and under the severe injury, both defense and other abilities were greatly weakened, and no matter what, they could not resist it, and the whole body collapsed and shattered.

“No, no! Spare your life! Spare your life! ”

Fang Qin’s gaze was cold, unwavering, and his mind was moving, and countless sword rays converged in the sky to form a flowing Senran giant sword like a meteor falling!


With a loud roar, the Black Mountain Old Demon’s upper and lower bodies were directly shattered into thousands of pieces.

“Oh? This is not dead, but tenacious…”

Fang Qin’s eyes flashed slightly, and he was a little surprised, and the True Yuan in his body shook violently.


The yin and yang pattern enveloped all the dark rubble in the ground, and in an instant, it swirled and twisted at a rapid speed, and a great grinding force appeared, consuming everything within the range!

Countless dark boulders seemed to glow slightly, as if resisting, but how could they resist in such a state?


A terrible scream came out, but the next moment it dissipated.

However, in a few moments, the dark boulders were all reduced to ashes.

I don’t know that the old demon of Montenegro, which has existed for thousands of years, has been destroyed!

Such a sudden and terrifying sight shocked the scalps of the Five Spirits True People and others to tingle, shocked and lost their minds, and for a while they did not know how to speak.


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