In the depths of the silent mountains, the wind and clouds gradually stopped, countless dust raised a gray-black cloud curtain, layered on top of each other, and the rubble of the distant mountain peaks also stopped shaking.

Pan Heng’s anger and resentment that had not been dispersed for thousands of years gradually collapsed, and the sunlight of the sun star gradually shone down, bringing a glimmer of life, and dispelling the only black smoke here.

Ling Weishan’s face was shocked to watch, recalling the terrifying scene of Fang Cai’s extreme sword sweeping through, only to feel that there was some boiling hot blood rushing up his body.

“There are such people in the world, and the power of a sword is so far away, when it is really a kendo god, I am far away…”

In my heart, I was a little lost and discouraged, and the kendo that I had practiced all my life was difficult to compare with, as if the path I had taken was completely wrong; Immediately there was a wonderful shock, a sense of death in the morning.

Compared to the complexity of the spirit, the others are only shocked and awe-struck.

The Five Spirits True Man was silent, looking at the old black mountain demon that had turned into ashes, and then looked at the huge mountain that had been cut off by the waist in the far distance, and sighed:

“That sword array of Fang Cai is indeed not simple, although I don’t know much about the mystery, but it should block the recovery power of the youkai, and that sword, it is really terrible.”

This Mr. Fang was so powerful that even the Black Mountain Old Demon, a demon that had survived for thousands of years, had been destroyed. ”

Zen Master Baiyun and Zhenren Xuanfang also looked shocked, and subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Fang Cai’s earth-shattering sword, even if he watched from a distance, felt a chill coming straight through his body, and a sense of crisis enveloped the four directions, as if he was about to be devoured by that sharp edge at any time, so terrible that it was no wonder that the demon could not resist.

“I don’t know how far this Mr. Fang has attained, and he can exert such an earth-shattering and terrible power, could it be that he is already the peak of the Crossing Realm?” It’s incredible. ”

“Amitabha, if this demon is removed, there will be one less demon in the world who disturbs the world, good and good!”


Fang Qin stood above the earth, looked at the ground with countless huge cracks everywhere, and exhaled softly.

“Ding, the luck point increases…”

A prompt sound flashed in his mind, the luck point soared, Fang Qin was a little surprised, and then he felt normal, this demon has been affected for thousands of years, but it is not possible for those little demons and monsters to compare.

Coupled with the fact that the Black Mountain Old Demon seemed to have a little influence on the changes in the underworld of this world, it was normal to obtain such a luck point.

After walking slowly for a few times, I came to a huge stone shaped like a heart in ink jade for more than ten inches, and I thought about it.

After the old demon of the Black Mountain was crushed and worn away by Fang Qin, the only thing left should be a substance similar to the heart of the thousand-year-old tree demon.

As for the demon of the old demon of Montenegro, the early yin and yang pattern was directly wiped into ashes.

As the spirit swept through, it could detect a great power contained in it.

“This thing may be useful in the future…”

With a wave of his hand, he included the system [space], and this thing could not think of how to use it for a while and a half, so he put it away first and waited.

With a little bit of body, a few moments came to the prototype of the Black Mountain Old Demon, watching the whole thing slightly sunken into the ground like a disk, and a trace of netherworld power emerged from time to time underground.

The spiritual power swept by, and for a moment he didn’t know how to deal with it, Fang Qin was silent for a while, looked into the distance and smiled lightly: “A few, how about coming over and talking?” ”

The Five Spirits True Man and the others were some wandering objects, listened to the sound, played a clever game, returned to the gods, and hurriedly cast spells to this side.

Gu Du said to Fang Qin seriously, “Thank you very much for your life-saving grace.” ”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “No need to be polite.” ”

Ling Wei scattered people took a step forward and once again respectfully said:

“In the Lower Nangong Palace, with Lingwei as the Dao number, I have seen Mr. Seeing Mr. Kendo’s magical powers, he can see the true meaning of Kendo, and it is enough to comfort him in his lifetime. ”

Fang Qin shook his head and laughed, “What is the true meaning of kendo, I see that your Imperial Sword Technique is not bad.” ”

“Sir’s Kendo is a divine being, pointing directly at the essence of Kendo, and it is far worse…” Ling Wei Scattered said with some loss and some burning hurry.

“This is my way, but not your way.” Fang Qin saw that the other party was a little stunned, and it was estimated that the impact of Fang Cai’s sword on him was too great, so he said lightly, and a spiritual force spread out.


Ling Wei scattered people heard a shock, only to feel a shock in their minds, restored the sense of clarity, some cold sweat all over their bodies, only to almost enter the magic barrier of self-denial, if they are deeply trapped in it, Mo said that in the future, it is very good luck not to retreat.

He hurriedly bowed down and saluted: “Thank you Mr. for your guidance, the great grace does not say thank you, if it is a useful place, despite the instructions.” ”

Several other people also saw some problems, and they all looked at each other with a look of amazement, and they all understood the state of mind of the spirit micro-dispersed people.

It was really Fangcai’s sword that was too amazing, even if they were not sword cultivators, they were shocked by the gods, this spirit scattered people had been practicing kendo for thousands of years, and it was naturally even more forgivable that they would be taken away by it.

Fang Qin stopped and said that there was nothing to do, and then his face turned straight:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have heard that there was a change in this underworld a few decades ago, which led to the retention of many souls in this world, and the demons and evil spirits in the world have increased greatly.

The Five Spirits nodded and said:

“After this incident occurred, many worldly monks were looking for a reason, but they all returned without success.

It was only recently that I heard a message from my disciple Song Mo that I learned that this matter was related to the old demon of Montenegro, so I invited several people from Xuanfang Zhenren to surrender the demon together and find out about this matter by the way.

But I never thought that the realm strength of this Black Mountain Old Demon was so terrifying, and the real strength was much stronger than the rumors, if it were not for Mr. Fang’s timely arrival, I would have been killed, and then I needed to thank Mr. Fang for saving him. ”

Fang Qin nodded and pointed to the ground ahead and said, “Now the old demon of Montenegro is dead, but I don’t know how to deal with this Nether Power, and what does the change of the Nether have to do with it, there is a solution.” ”

“Oh…” The crowd listened to something strange and looked at each other, not knowing why this person whose strength was so unfathomable could seem to have no deep understanding of this matter.

Seeing Fang Qin’s somewhat confused look, the Five Spirits True Man hurriedly said, “These should be changes in the realm of the underworld reincarnation, and you need to enter to determine it to know the exact situation, but although I can’t be sure, but if you think about it carefully, there should be a loophole somewhere in it…”


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