In the vast realm of reincarnation, there is a relatively small opening, and a subtle light flows out of the gap, and a ripple links the two ends of the gap.

A spiritual force swept over slightly, and Fang Qin’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked at it with some surprise.

The Five Spirits True Man said from the sidelines:

“After I checked it out, I found that the gap here seems to be repairing slowly, but if you don’t leave it at that, the time of repair is at least a hundred years, so the world does not know how many demons and ghosts will appear.”

Ling Wei scattered people said, “Although the Black Mountain Old Demon is powerful, it should not be able to damage the realm of reincarnation generated by this heaven and earth.”

Perhaps it was the autonomous change of the Nether Land, the old demon of Montenegro happened to be connected to the space of Fangcai, so that it could penetrate into the Nether Land, absorb the strength and soul to help it cultivate, and the most important thing was the pure essence emanating from the gap in the realm of reincarnation. ”

Fang Qin had already seen the mysteries of this realm of reincarnation, there was a huge qi machine in it, and a powerful sense of threat came from between the underworld, how could he not believe that this gap was something that the Black Mountain Old Demon could do.

With some thought in his mind, he looked at the fluorescence emanating from the gap and said, “The power of the underworld and the soul essence, if these two forces are used for cultivation, it should be problematic.” ”

His fellow cultivators had some difficulty in refining this nether power, let alone others.

And although the seven passions and six desires have been eliminated in this essence, and all kinds of things in the human world are left, only the purest spiritual spirit remains, but Fang Qin has become more and more vast [god], and the feeling in the underworld, this thing is not suitable for absorption, and there are inexplicable defects contained in it.

Xuanfang Zhenren and the others looked at each other, and there were really some doubts in their hearts, such a powerful person should not be so ignorant, and the doubts in his heart were getting stronger.

The Five Spirits True Man thought for a moment:

“Mr. Fang, what you said is not wrong, this nether power is definitely not a substance like the aura of heaven and earth for most living beings, but a highly poisonous thing that will corrode flesh and blood souls.

Although I have reached the realm of the gods, I cannot completely resist and do not dare to stay here much.

As for the essence, it is even more of a poisonous obstacle, the soul of the living beings in the world is the only one, if you inhale these other soul essences, although at first it looks fine, and it seems to be of great benefit, but in fact, it has already polluted its own true spirit, which is a big taboo in cultivation.

That old demon of Montenegro was unscrupulous, and it should have absorbed these essences to improve so quickly. However, this is the way to take death, that is, Montenegro is high on the foot, and the strength is not revealed for a while. ”

Fang Qin secretly said that although this defect might not be really so difficult for him to remove, Fang Qin naturally would not do such a thing that might damage his foundation.

Moreover, he asked himself how fast his cultivation speed was faster than most of the cultivators, and that practicing step by step was not necessarily slower than absorbing this external object.

Then he asked with some doubt, “When the Mountain Elder Demon fought, the other side was recovering by absorbing the Nether Power here, so why wasn’t the other party afraid of this Nether Power?” ”

“That old demon of Montenegro is a huge black mountain, the whole body is dark, some particularities, I don’t know much,

However, there are records in the Sect Gate that a special physique in the world is called the Nine Shadows Body, which is a special soul body, which is rare in the world, and this nether power is a highly poisonous thing to others, but for this body, it is like an elixir, and there is no obstacle to cultivation. ”

Fang Qin’s eyes lit up slightly, could it be that Xiao Qian was such a special physique, and couldn’t help asking: “I don’t know what other characteristics of this body there are, what information can be recorded in ancient books?” ”

“Oh, sir, this ancient book was handed down from the old times, only a few words, I only saw it by chance, and I don’t know much about it.”

The Five Spirit True People were a little embarrassed, and then looked at the two Xuanfang Zhenren and asked, “Have the two of you ever seen any records about this?” ”

“It’s just hearsay, and I don’t know anything exactly.”

Both the Five Spirits True Man and the Spirit Dispersion shook their heads.

Fang Qin smiled, not disappointed, turned back to look at the gap and said, “So… Let’s not talk about this first, huh, I’ll try it first…

The true elements in the body are running, and the dark colors are rising, which contains mysterious power.

The Five Spirit True People felt this pressure at close range, their eyes widened, they were a little shocked, they felt the mysterious force that was different from the fluctuations of mana, and their hearts were muttering.

What kind of Dao Fa this Mr. Fang was cultivating, it was so strange, he had never seen such a mana, and he didn’t even know if it could be said to be mana. ’

Looking at Xuan Fang Zhenren and the two people, they also looked at each other with some doubts and inquiries, and they all shook their heads helplessly at each other.


True Yuan touched the gap in the realm of reincarnation, and some wonderful feeling came and dispersed Fang Qin’s True Yuan.

Fang Qin frowned, controlling Zhenyuan to wrap those tiny ripples, wanting to see if he could speed up the repair.


There was an extremely strong repulsion at the gap, and Fang Qin’s face changed and he withdrew the True Yuan.

After pondering for a while, he directly took out the ink jade heart stone from the [space], and the True Yuan violently moved, turning into a series of scorching heat, enveloping these more than ten zhang of jade.


Maintaining all the power, without leaking a single trace at all, completely calcining the jade.

The Five Spirits True Man looked at it with some surprise, not knowing what this Mr. Fang was going to do.

“A good mysterious Dao Fa, could this be the legendary Dharma of the Sleeve?” Xuanfang Zhenren was extremely surprised, and some curiosity asked the Five Spirits True People.

The cultivators of their Divine Realm were much more profound in divine consciousness than the Yuan Infant Cultivators, and they were much more sensitive to the perception of space, and they could naturally see that this spatial fluctuation did not originate from the exquisite space bag around Fang Qin’s waist.

“I don’t know, I can’t see any spatial fluctuations…”

The Five Spirits shook their heads, but they were also somewhat accustomed to it, and everything the other party showed was surprising.

“I can’t see it, but I still have to watch Mr. Shi Shi.”

Several people chatted for a few words, and then they watched intently from the sidelines.

The Ink Jade Heart Stone was extremely hard, and for the essence of the entire mountain of the Black Mountain Old Demon who was close to the Metamorphosis Realm, even Fang Qin also needed to spend a lot of True Yuan calcination to slowly begin to melt up, and countless black qi ignited.

As time passed, the Ten or so Ink Jade Heart Stones eventually turned into only a cloud of inky black liquid, and Fang Qin was constantly controlled by Zhen Yuan, and True Yuan transformed into Yin and Yang and Erqi to outline a series of inexplicable Fa seals into it.


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