Time passed, and the True Elements in Fang Qin’s body continued to be consumed, until the power contained in the ink-colored liquid could no longer withstand more Fa Seals, emitting a slight aura, Fang Qin stopped sketching, slightly breathed, and felt a little tired.


Immediately holding it up in the True Element Void, he walked to the gap in the realm of reincarnation, making up for the gap, turning into a small section of the ring, on which countless engravings appeared, and shimmering light flashed.

Fang Qin felt it, and the sense of rejection was still there, but only for his own True Yuan, he couldn’t help but smile and withdrew the True Yuan.

At the edge of the entire realm of reincarnation, a certain kind of dark aura was formed, only a dark jade colored heart stone at this gap was made up, and when it was completely completed, the entire realm of reincarnation seemed to light up slightly, and the inexplicable suction force in the vortex increased a lot.


Rolling endlessly in the black clouds, the souls attracted suddenly increased a lot, and all of them threw themselves into the realm of reincarnation.

“Ding, get luck points…”

In the instant after the completion of the merger, the luck point soared again, much more than killing the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Fang Qin couldn’t help but be a little pleased, and secretly said, “I didn’t expect that just by barely blocking the gap in this realm of reincarnation, I could have such a huge amount of qi luck points, if the real repair was completed, wouldn’t it be even more terrifying.” ’

After that ink jade heart stone was calcined by Fang Qin, it constantly outlined many blessing life and death charms in it, only to strengthen and block, and the laborious Zhenyuan was actually just able to plug the gap, not really make up for it.

After all, the reincarnation realm heaven and earth generation can be said to be a divine thing, and with his strength, at present, there is really no such great ability to restore and make up for it.

However, Rao was so, the gap was barely blocked, the soul essence inside was no longer scattered, and the operational power of the realm of reincarnation had also recovered a lot.

“Mr. Fang, could it be that he has succeeded?”

The Five Spirits True Man walked over with a shocked look on his face, looking at the small circle made up by the natural ink jade, full of joy, and there was also a sense of wonder in his heart.

Although I had some expectations for it, I still felt incredible when I saw it really making up for it, but this is the realm of reincarnation, and even such a divine object can make up for it, which is really shocking.

Xuanfang Zhenren was amazed: “So the secret realm of heaven and earth can be repaired, and Mr. Zhen is a god and a man.” ”

The Lingwei Scattered also nodded in agreement, increasingly suspecting that this gentleman was the reincarnation of an immortal.

Fang Qin was speechless, and shook his head helplessly, “This is just a simple circle to catch the gap, not the real repair, I am helpless to do anything about it, I can only wait for this reincarnation realm to repair itself.” ”

“It was so, but it was also very amazing, I see that the power of this realm of reincarnation has gradually begun to recover, and I think it can be much faster to make up for it myself.”

“Yes, Mr. Daofa is amazing, serve!”

Several people looked stunned, but there was no disappointment, so far it was already the best.

Since things are closed, the Five Spirits True Man is not willing to stay long, and here for the living person, it is too depressing, although he can resist with mana, but there will always be a time when he is exhausted, Lian Dao:

“I have already entered into this situation, and it may be dangerous to continue to stay here, and the power of the underworld here is too strong to leave.”

Naturally, the others would not object, so they went straight back to the same way and came under the space portal.

Several people nodded their heads in greeting to Fang Qin, and then they disappeared directly into the nether land in a flash.

Fang Qin did not leave directly, but took out the Wooden Heart Horcrux and said, “Xiao Qian, you also heard me talking to them before, what do you think?” ”

A ray of ghostly light flashed above the Wooden Heart Horcrux, and a white-clad Xiao Qian came to the front, his face was worried, and he wanted to stop talking.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “I think it would be of great benefit to you that you can stay here and practice, but it depends on your wishes, and even though you say it, I respect your choice.” ”

“Xiao Qian didn’t know anything about the Nine Shadows Body, but he did say the same thing as the Dao Chief, and he felt that the cultivation here was extremely fast, and maybe he could break through again soon.”

Speaking of this, suddenly his face was a little shy, and he gently wrapped his arms around Fang Qin’s arm and whispered:

“Gongzi, Xiao Qian is only willing to be a little maid by your side, and serve the prince’s side.” If Gongzi wants me to stay around, Xiao Qian will stay with Gongzi, and if Gongzi wants Xiao Qian to stay here and practice, then.. Xiao Qian also listened to Gongzi…”

That being said, his eyes were a tearful and hazy look, as if he was looking at Fang Qin pleadingly.

Fang Qin laughed a little and said, “Okay, it’s not life and death, no, if you don’t want to stay here, then don’t stay.” ”

Nie Xiaoqian’s slightly sad expression suddenly turned joyful, and she quickly nodded, “Hmmm, I want to follow Gongzi.” ”

Fang Qin smiled, picked up the wooden heart Horcrux, a tiny sword light floated, the true yuan flowed, countless lines carved on it, some fine pieces fell, Nie Xiaoqian looked at Fang Qin with some curiosity.

However, in a few moments, the simple wooden house hanging ornament became exquisite, and a series of patterns that seemed to have a special rhythm were carved on it, and a shimmer of light flashed and became more compact.

Xiao Qian covered her mouth as she watched, and her eyes lit up.

After Fang Qin finished carving, he immediately looked around, his mind moved, and the nether power contained in the whole surrounding area was directly absorbed, and with a light touch, it was injected into the wooden heart horcrux, and countless lines shone slightly, constantly pouring into a stream of pure nether power, which was absorbed by the wooden heart horcrux.


After a while, it was already full, and this blue-black hut completely changed to a dark ink jade color.

Fang Qin looked at it a few times, and then handed it to Nie Xiaoqian, “This should be much better than before.” ”

Nie Xiaoqian took it with a look of surprise, holding it in the palm of her hand like a baby, carefully scrutinizing, more and more happy, and said happily: “Thank you Gongzi.” ”

Immediately came to Fang Qin’s body, tiptoed up, closed his eyes and kissed, his face was dizzy, and he immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

Hurriedly placing the Wooden Heart Horcrux into Fang Qin’s hand, his body had already entered the Horcrux in a flash.

Fang Qin touched the residual warmth on his face and smiled slightly.

“.. Gongzi, there is such a strong underworld power inside, thank you Gongzi for your concern, Xiao Qian likes it. ”

A faint sound came from the Wooden Heart Horcrux.

“Oh, just like it, you practice well.”


Fang Qin withdrew the Wooden Heart Horcrux, put it into his arms, looked around, and then glanced in the direction of the realm of Fang Cai’s reincarnation, and his figure was a little bit and disappeared.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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