Inside the prison, it is usually dull, and the old man’s words are not loud, but they also reverberate here.

Alarmed many prisoners inside, there was a strong man close by, seeing this can not help but laugh and say: “You old guy said bullshit, people love to read and do what you do.” ”

This was a prisoner who admired the student, and he couldn’t help but choke him a few words.

“That’s it! What does it have to do with you! ”

“Haha, I think this old guy is right, anyway, he is a person who is going to die, and he still reads some books.”

“Eh, this old guy has been here for a long time, and he doesn’t know what happened and was imprisoned here.”

“Che, it is estimated that the dog officer was arrested casually, and now in this world, good people have no good retribution, and how many people who have been locked up are wronged!”

They were noisy, but they did not affect the old man at all, and only smiled and looked at the student.

Ning Caichen put down the book, performed a salute to the old man, and said, “This elder, Ning Someone did not do anything chaotic, he was wronged, and he should go out soon.

As for this book, after reading it for more than ten years, it is uncomfortable not to read it for a day. ”

At this point, there was a lot of laughter and a lot of sighs.

The strong man who spoke earlier said, “Shusheng, I don’t think you are a criminal, you should also be wronged.” But… This jailer is in, don’t think about going out. ”

There are also many mocking voices: “Which of the people here is not wronged, it has not been locked up until now, the one next to you is the longest, I don’t believe you can ask him.” ”

The old man laughed and said:

“Yes, I have been here for many years, do you see me going out?” What’s good about going out, there are pickles everywhere, disgusting, it is better to stay here more comfortable, and the recent days do not seem to be peaceful. ”

I don’t know if it touched any emotions, and the people around me also talked about their tragic experiences, but they were all expounding the fact that they could not go out, but could only wait for death.

Ning Caichen laughed and did not say a word, but in his heart he sighed, after he returned from that Lan Ruo Temple, not long after, he was directly arrested and put into prison by people for slander, fortunately, he did not feel right beforehand, and he quickly placed his old mother well, so that he did not have so many worries, and it has been a long time since he entered this prison.

However, he had gradually adapted from the initial feeling of some trepidation and fear, and had some ideas.

Without saying more, he continued to sit quietly and read the book, and for a while everyone around him looked at him with some surprise.

The old man didn’t say anything when he saw this, and he fell directly into the grass again, not knowing what to think or making a sound.

Time passed, I don’t know how long it took.

Ning Caichen saw almost everything, so he put it back on the bookshelf, took out a rolled piece of paper from it, and unfolded it, and there was only one word “town” written on the whole piece of paper.

Although it is only one word, it is not prominent, but it is natural and harmonious, and there is a feeling that it should be so.

Ning Caichen set up the shelf, took out the pen and ink, carefully copied it and opened it, each stroke seemed to have a trace of charm inside, seriously, there was unconsciously a breath in the body. Brush and ink wander.

After copying for a little half an hour, it was already a lot darker outside, only dim, and there was a chill in the air.

Ning Caichen was completely unconscious, only feeling comfortable. The sea is cool and fresh.

He took this calligraphy and painting home, savored it for a long time, and found some of its magic, that is, after looking at it for a long time, there seemed to be a strange feeling rising, and for the benefits of the essence, it could be kept refreshed every day.

Later, I found that the effect of copying the handwriting was the best, and after a few days, I felt that there was a slight cool breath swimming in the body, and my mind became more and more awake, and I couldn’t help but be happy.

At that time, he secretly thought, “Could this be the cultivation that Elder Brother Yan is talking about?” Earlier, he also told me that I didn’t have the talent to practice, how could I read this handwriting to be so magical, that Mr. Fang was really a god and a man! ”

I felt the breath in my body grow stronger, and the thoughts in my mind became clearer.

I couldn’t help but feel some joy in my heart, and the secret passage should be able to have some means in a few days, and then escape again and take my mother away from this place of right and wrong.

“Yikes! Ning Shusheng, who wrote this word, iron and silver hook, Qiao Ruo frightened the dragon, so good. ”

There was a strange sound from behind, and the old man had been looking behind him for a long time, his eyes full of strange colors, and he looked at the handwriting on the paper in disbelief.

In the eyes of the old man, every stroke of this word is full of charm, the artistic conception is difficult to describe, it seems that there is a subtle sharp edge revealed, there is no killing intention but there is an atmosphere that suppresses the world, and a closer look seems to have other mysteries hidden in it, and it is difficult to say clearly.

Ning Caichen was not surprised at all, when he copied it before, he felt that someone behind him was watching, and he said to the old man:

“Ah, this is a gift from a fairy-like hermit master, and I respect him with great respect in my heart and regard him as my teacher.”

The grace of saving lives, the grace of giving words, receiving such a favor, and learning some kind of mysterious method from the handwriting, Ning Caichen already regarded Fang Qin as a teacher in his heart, and he respected him with great respect.

“Yan Xian…” The old man’s face was moved, and there seemed to be a strange color in his eyes, and there was an inexplicable light, and he was about to speak.


Suddenly, a series of screams were heard, and countless people in the prison were alarmed.

“What’s going on? What’s the noise? ”

“It’s almost on the night, what’s going on?”

“Hey, there’s a monster!”

A scream suddenly appeared from the front, and at this point, there was a silence when they boarded, and everyone’s face turned pale, and they only felt the cold breath coming straight up.

Even if they had heard about it in the past three days, there seemed to be a lot of monsters in the city, killing and injuring many people, but they did not think that this time they and others would face it directly.

A terrible scream sounded.

Many people were trembling unceasingly, and when they saw Yu Guang, there was a figure with long black hair walking around the prison, unable to see clearly, and before they could pass by, they were going to kill and devour those people, and the scene was very tragic.

Frightened, everyone was shocked, their faces were miserable, and they shouted one after another.

“Let us go, there’s a monster here!”

“Ah, the monster is coming.”

Ning Caichen’s face was solemn, although he felt that he was much stronger than before, he was still an ordinary person, and he could deal with people, and he had no chance of winning against evil ghosts.

I couldn’t help but tighten the paper in my hand, fortunately, there were Mr. characters in my hand.

The old man was also frowning and had a dignified face, although he was erudite and knowledgeable.

But in the end, the flesh of the mortal fetus, like a youkai to die, was about to say something, the yokai had already traveled to this side of the cell.

The old man’s pupils shrank, the cold breath was rising, his body was a little stiff, he had already felt that he had lived enough at such an age, naturally it was not fear, but the power of the monster, and when he had to say something, his eyes widened again.

Ning Caichen drank a low sigh and directly rushed up, a piece of paper in his hand, and the word “town” revealed a glimmer of light.


“Ahh A huge and terrible scream sounded, and the sound spread for thousands of meters, and the demon instantly turned into a pool of blood.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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