The sun is completely hidden in the west, the sun is completely gone, there is some chaos in Pinghu County, there are many roars sounding, families are locked in the door, countless people in Pinghu are some pale hiding in their homes, do not dare to make a sound, for fear of provoking monsters.

Everyone knew that in recent days, the evil door was very bad, and they heard that many demons and ghosts had actually infiltrated the city, and many people had died and disappeared in the past few days.

In the next few days, as soon as it was about to fall an hour before nightfall, he ran back home early, not daring to be outside, although it was an act of covering his ears and stealing bells, he could only expect the monster not to come to his side.

And inside the Yamen, the Pinghu County official was terrified of such a terrible thing, the courage was completely inactive, greedy for life and afraid of death, felt that the land of Yamen should be able to avoid many monsters, so he made the summoning servants and others wait for this place again, and he lived here with peace of mind.

However, he did not want to collapse the fortunes of the imperial dynasty now, but on the contrary, the humanitarian atmosphere in other places with a large number of people was more exuberant.

As night fell, another yokai began to make trouble, and several yokai ran into the gate, devouring a lot of flesh and blood, killing and injuring countless people, and even the county official also entered the belly of the yokai.

Countless blood flowed, the bloody gas filled the air, and the rest of the people who did not die were horrified.

There were a few vicious-faced youkai who were foraging around, and they saw dozens of trembling and miserable servants hiding in the distance, and their eyes were full of blood.


Opening his mouth and sucking slightly, a fierce wind blew wildly, and the twenty or thirty servants in front of him looked horrified, screaming and struggling to escape, but it was useless.


Seeing that they were about to be devoured by several youkai, suddenly a terrible scream sounded.

Frightened, several youkai figures stopped, only to feel a sense of extreme danger coming from their bodies, their eyes were terrified, and they couldn’t care less about eating those flesh and blood, so they directly ran out in a hurry and disappeared into the night.

Those servants fell to the ground, unable to care about the pain, not only shocked and inexplicable by Fang Cai’s changes, but also happy for the rest of their lives.

“Look! Prison there! ”

Suddenly, one person pointed to one place with shock, and everyone else looked over, only to see that the prison place revealed a faint aura, especially in the night.

Suddenly, as if triggered by something, a huge “town” word flashed by.

A dozen or so aura flew out, instantly shooting into the distance and disappearing.


A few screams sounded, and there was no life, and the remaining nearly ten aura flashed farther away, and for a time different screams sounded one after another.

All the servants looked at each other with shocked faces, and one of them muttered to himself, “Those few youkai were killed?” ”

The others shook their heads and came back to their senses.

“Sizzle! Just that light! It must have been so, there was also a scream, it should have been killed. ”

“Farther away could those be some other youkai?” I wonder which immortal is slaying demons and exorcising demons? ”

They all looked at the aura that was gradually dissipating in the Yamen Prison, and the color of shock was shocked.


Inside the prison, blood was spilled. Countless green smoke and black qi rose up, and after a while, even the blood and water completely dissipated, and the light of the paper in his hand was slightly gone.

Ning Caichen was a little surprised, Fang Cai Handwriting Town killed the ghost monster he had expected earlier, but he did not expect it, as if he had been triggered by something, the light in the words became more and more prosperous, the handwriting rose up, and more than a dozen aura flew out.

Then faintly you can hear some ugly screams, thinking that it is a nearby demon.

There are so many ghosts in the city, what a big thing has happened… Fortunately, I have placed my mother and given me the amulets given by Brother Yan to keep them, otherwise.’

Ning Caichen instantly thought that there might be a lot of demons in the city, some of them had a cold sweat on their backs, and they were glad that when they were separated from their mother, they left a hand.

Then he frowned and looked at the paper that had returned to normal, and the color of the handwriting on the literal face seemed to have faded slightly.

Carefully put away and placed, turned back, and the whole prison was silent.

Everyone looked at Ning Caichen with a stunned face, Fang Cai’s miraculous appearance was still vividly remembered, and the demon was instantly slaughtered and turned into blood and water and smoke, how terrible.

And here, the old man is the closest and sees it most clearly.

The words on Fang Cai’s paper seemed to light up, something flashed, and the terrifying demon died directly, and behind it was even brighter, flashing a lot of aura.

Thinking of what Ning Caichen had just said, he couldn’t help but be shocked and shocked.

“Killing demons with word towns, so mysterious, could it really be the work of a hermit immortal…”

The others didn’t know, only to see that it was Ning Caichen who directly stepped forward, and the demon died, and he couldn’t help but look at it in a daze, and it took a long time before he returned to God, and one of them suddenly pounced and knelt down, prostrating his head repeatedly.

“Turns out you’re a god!” Thank you to the gods and immortals for slaying demons and saving my life! ”

It was strange that this person usually looked a little extraordinary, and it turned out to be such a high-ranking person who could kill demons.

The others reacted and quickly knelt down. Some people who had mocked Ning Caichen were also extremely afraid, afraid of being hated, and knelt down and prostrated their heads to beg for forgiveness.

Ning Caichen naturally did not take such a role, and quickly shook his head: “This is not what I did, you don’t need to thank me, it is really a god and immortal who saves you.” ”


Guobei County, Lanruo Temple.

It was overcrowded for a while.

There is also a reason for this, because recently the youkai have actually begun to attack the city, and the number is increasing, frightening all the people in the city, and everyone is in danger.

Originally, this Lanruo Temple had been a forbidden place in Guobei County for thousands of years, and no one dared to come, but since it was rumored some time ago that there were immortals slaying demons and exorcising demons, there was no longer a matter of demons eating people, so some bold people gradually went through here to explore.

Recently, I don’t know who first discovered it, but in this Lan Ruo Temple, it seems that no youkai have come here, so the people who learned of this situation rushed over like crazy.

“Oh, why don’t you think there are any monsters here?”

“What else can it be, it must be that the great immortal who lowered the demon and exorcised the demon passed by here before, so those demons are afraid of the immortals and dare not come over.”

“Yes, it must be so.”

“Well, the immortals are really good, but they are not here, and those monsters are afraid to come closer.”

“Yes! Thank you for the protection of the gods! ”

An old Daoist priest heard the words and looked at the slightest sword intent and the slight burning breath that permeated the surroundings.

“After such a long time, and such an amazing breath, which demon dares to approach, that person’s Daoist magic is really unimaginable.”

Thinking of this, it was another sigh, I didn’t even grasp the opportunity, hugged my thigh, and almost offended people, fortunately, the other party was open-minded and didn’t care about such people.


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