Xinghua County, in the courtyard of the Lin family.

There was a young man standing tall, holding a long sword in his hand, this sword was quite old, but it was sharp, as if there was a reddish cold light everywhere, and at the end was a famous sword.

This is a long sword left by the Lin family’s ancestors, named Chiyuan, which is an old famous sword, and the time can even be traced back to a thousand years.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes and comprehended the sword intention in his heart, his hand moved, swinging up, without any sword moves, only with an awe-inspiring sword intent again, he understood and waved it on his own, the long sword crossed over, emitting a slight sword sound, flashing the Dao Dao sword light, quite mysterious.

For a long time, he stopped, and between exhalations and inhalations, he kept spitting and running, the strength in his body slowly calmed down, he exhaled softly, feeling that the weakness in his body was completely different from the past, and a rather strong force was brewing around him.

Dark Dao: “The sword path preached by the Immortal Master is really very mysterious, and it is difficult for me to understand it day and night, but even so, the power is extremely amazing.”

And the cultivation method of breathing and breathing is even more powerful, and now I ask myself that I am completely unafraid of hundreds of people, and even if I encounter some evil spirits, I can resist it, and I will not let it be slaughtered, and there are some shelters left by the immortal master, I just need to pay attention to it, it should be that my life is worry-free. ’

After thinking about it for a while, he looked at the middle-aged man next to him and said, “Lin Bo, I don’t know what happened to the inquirer?” ”

Lin Bo saw the sword technique that had just flashed with sword light, and he was relieved in his heart, the Dark Dao Prince was now getting more and more powerful.

Although he has not yet seen any miracles in the Gongzi, but in just two or three months of the world, it is so powerful, which also proves that the Gongzi has really been taught by the immortals, and he listened to and heard his questioning:

“Gongzi, there are more and more demons mixed in this city day by day, and that Cai Xian Ling has now gathered the Daoist monks and the able people and strangers within the city, intending to let them protect themselves.”

Lin Xuan smiled when he heard this, there seemed to be a cold feeling in his eyes, and he slightly flicked his long sword: “Now that the situation is in place, what capable person can he muster, but he is sparing his life, but… It’s also fast. ”


In Guangping Province, a county town, there are many monsters in trouble.


Thousands of sword shadows flew out and directly killed most of them.

Below was also a subtle blood qi filled, Zuo Feng’s body was boiling with blood and qi, and a direct sword light was incomparably sharp towards a youkai, directly divided into two halves, and his body was like a remnant, and he slashed at other youkai one after another, and in a short while he was also slaughtered.

Zuo Feng gasped slightly, looking at the blood in his hand slightly out of his mind, and there was some excitement in his heart.

This method of forging the body is only a preliminary condensation of qi and blood, and there is such an ascension, if after achieving the innate realm of refining the body, truly condensing the flesh and blood, wouldn’t it be even more terrible, then what a mighty power it should be…

For a while, I was a little excited, I had to teach this refining technique, the improvement in this period of time was comparable to all the previous hard work, and the path of the Dark Dao Immortal Master was broad and profound.

“Brother Zuo, now with your strength, even the demons in the early stage of the Demon Body Realm can also compete with each other.”

A flash of sword light came, and Yan Chixia crossed the ground, looking at Zuo Feng with some admiration.

I also knew in my heart that this person actually had enough foundation himself, but he didn’t have a suitable cultivation method, and now that he had obtained the Fa that Mr. Fang had passed on that was different from the world, the speed of improvement was extremely amazing.

Zuo Feng shook his head, “It’s still far from being enough, and you really can’t catch the upper youkai, alas!” ”

Yan Chixia immediately said solemnly, “It’s been so many youkai, it’s really hard to imagine what a terrible sight it must be to have your luck completely collapse after that.” ”

“Yes! I don’t know what happened to the immortals? That demon monk was so rampant, when the Immortal Master went, he would be able to kill this chaotic demon! ”

Zuo Feng said with an indignant face, he had an inexplicable sense of self-confidence in Fang Qin, believing that with the strength of the Immortal Master’s Daoist Practice, he would certainly be able to exorcise demons and restore peace in the world.

Although Yan Chixia also nodded, his heart was sighing, such a terrifying demon did not know whether Mr. Fang could suppress it, and his heart was really bottomless.

If even this unfathomable Mr. Fang can’t do it, who else in the world can? Moreover, even if this demon was suppressed, it was also a fact that the number of Great Yan Qi had been exhausted, and what would the chaotic world do after that?


In the middle of the Junjun Mountain, there was a huge yin and yang pattern that emitted a slight aura, which shocked the demons and ghosts near the square circle and did not dare to come closer.

There was an old woman in the middle of the mountain stream, her face was miserable, and the mana in her body began to fade, and her face was shocked.

····· Asking for flowers…

“The most worrying thing is coming, now my strength has begun to fade, if I wait for the real change of dynasty, the old body may really completely dissipate.”

Thinking of this, a look of trepidation and uneasiness, and then a sigh of loss and despair, what can I do now that I am imprisoned here, I can only resign myself to fate.

In the ruins of a deserted temple on the mountainside, the illusion inside changed, and in a courtyard, the fourteenth lady held up a fox-shaped jade pendant, and her eyes were worried.

‘How is he doing…’

Thinking slightly unconsciously, there were footsteps behind him, and when he looked back, he saluted and called out to his father.

Xin Mu nodded, and the two of them chatted for a while, and after a moment of silence, they said, “What is your relationship with that Mr. Fang?” ”



Fourteen Niang was slightly shocked, her face was red, and she didn’t know how to answer.

Xin Mu saw that she did not deny it, and sighed inexplicably in his heart, and said without anger:

“During this time, you controlled the formation in that mountain to suppress the demons that were causing chaos nearby, and I saw that if it weren’t for the close relationship, how could that Mr. Fang hand over such an important thing to you, and the old man was not a fool, and An could not have imagined it.”

The Fourteenth Lady did not know a word, but only muttered softly.

Xin Mu saw this secret passage and sighed:

“Originally, I was a Terran monk with a respectful and distant attitude, but this Mr. Fang is really different, he is a person who can be trusted.

And the Tao is profound, the power is vast, and some things can protect you. If you really like it, I won’t oppose it, but you don’t regret it. ”

After saying that, he turned to leave, and just as he was about to leave, a word came from behind, which was soft but full of determination.

“Fourteen Niang will not regret it… He, he treats me well…..”

Xin Mu shook his head and smiled, his fourteenth daughter had been devoted to the Tao since childhood, he had never been interested in it, he could not imagine that he had finally moved his true feelings for a human man, it was really strange, things in the world were really unpredictable.

“I see.”

Xin Mu replied, said goodbye and left.

…. Door._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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