Inside the imperial capital of the Great Yan Dynasty, it was now a dead zone, the blood light was flashing, and the black qi was rushing up!

Countless corpses were piled up, above the streets, between the houses, the people who knelt down to worship the devout people had turned into white bones, sucked out of their flesh and blood, and even the bones had dimmed, and many of them had directly dissipated into ashes as soon as the wind blew.

Endless black fog shrouded out, the entire imperial capital was hidden in the fog, occasionally there was a huge long body swimming, countless huge steel knots were rugged, a gentle movement was dense, and the carapace had gradually begun to change to a dark color, the texture of steel, and countless resentments condensed on it.

Even if some low-level cultivators took a look, they would lose their minds by the impact of resentment.

The dragon of luck between the clouds in the sky has disappeared.

Cihang Pudu had already swallowed the Qi Luck Golden Dragon that had turned into a Wretched Dragon, and without the recognition of the Humane Qi, and had been polluted all around, the greatest threat to it by the Qi Luck Dragon was nothing.

However, in a few days, it was swallowed up, and the last trace of the Great Yan Dynasty’s qi was directly engulfed, and there was no possibility of turning over.

“Now that you only need to finish refining, you can directly start to break through the transformation realm, and finally wait for this moment, hahaha!”

The huge black iron centipede swam around the imperial capital, and Cihang Pudu’s heart was hard to sustain the excitement, and after the real breakthrough, who else in the world would be his opponent?

If he were to add to the chaotic world on earth after that, he would be able to continue to gain from this, and even prepare for breaking through the six-day barrier in the future, achieving the supreme realm and becoming the only true god in the world!

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but roar with excitement, and the sound of insects overlapping and overlapping, which was extremely frightening and ugly, and there was a terrible roar around me.

The next instant.


A Qingyue sword sounded, although it was not much loud, but it also suppressed the terrible sound.


As soon as Cihang Pudu Fang heard this, his heart tightened, and an extremely dangerous feeling arose, but he did not react yet.


The head of the huge centipede was directly penetrated and exploded, and the entire head seemed to be nailed to the ground, causing violent vibrations, of which the front of the dozen or so sections of the body directly exploded into pieces.

The huge swimming body froze, directly falling to the ground, countless roars sounded, and countless places within the imperial capital were crushed and shattered, directly turning into a land of ruins.

High in the sky, Fang Qin stood on top of a huge sword body, and his face looked at the scene in front of him with some silence.

There seemed to be a killing intent in his eyes, this imperial capital was the most prosperous place for the entire human race, the number of people was uncountable, Fang Qin’s spiritual power spread out, and when he probed, he knew that all the people here had died, and there was not a single living mouth.


Fang Qin looked at the centipede body that seemed to be motionless, sneered, and the strength in his body began to operate, and an extremely terrifying power rose.

Sunday – Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram!

Ten Thousand Swords and One Spirit Lightsaber Array!

A thousand yin and yang patterns swirled and turned, countless Qi and resentment were directly purified, the aura around them rioted, and the Dao Dao Spirit Lightsaber appeared, arranged like a array.

In the next instant, it rushed directly into the sky, that is, countless sword rays scattered and flew into the distance, instantly surrounding the entire imperial capital.

As soon as Fang Qin’s mind moved, an inexplicable force opened up from the ditch of countless spiritual lightsabers, and a confinement force blocked the entire imperial capital.


As soon as the huge aura arose, the entire emperor was enveloped inside, and the whole space seemed to freeze, making it difficult for the beings inside to leave this place and be imprisoned here.


The huge centipede that was stiff and motionless underground seemed to have reacted to Fang Qin’s intentions, and the head had re-grown its head at the end of the most advanced segment, opening its blood plate and opening its mouth, and a huge insect devouring sound sounded.


Countless black qi demon forces surged forward, and in the next instant, they condensed again and directly disintegrated.

With a roar, the huge centipede was once again bombarded from its mouth by a matchless sword light, and the entire huge body was once again blasted into the ground, roaring and shaking, and countless houses collapsed.

This time there was no pause, that Cihang Pudu was furious and rushed into the sky, directly turned over, and the dozen knots of Fangcai’s head exploded again, re-growing the head in the latest place,

The whole body was like an undulating mountain, the head opened its blood basin and mouth, and countless unjust ghost qi seemed to appear in it, biting Fang Qin like a roar.

Fang Qin’s face did not change emotion, and a long sword of red and red flowing appeared in his hand.


Several huge and fierce sword rays flashed, and Cihang Pudu’s re-grown head was directly slashed through the ten sections of his body, breaking apart in an instant, and if he did not hide quickly, the back would also be cut off.

Countless black fogs surged up, Cihang Pudu’s heart was cold, his anger subsided, and he was finally afraid.

In just a few tens of minutes of time they had met, he had already been forced to give up a small part of his body, although it was not a big problem for his huge body, but it could also be seen that this person’s strength was really terrible.

He had not yet completely refined the Dragon of Qi Fortune, and before breaking through the realm, if he forcibly confronted this person, he was afraid that he would suffer a big loss.


Directly changing the strategy, the huge centipede body spun up, countless black qi surged to cover up, and Fang Qin’s gaze coldly slashed directly with a matchless sword light.


The black mist rolled and was directly scattered by the sword light, revealing the situation inside.

A dazzling golden light flickered, and a great sun hundreds of meters high was like the Dharma body, just like the incarnated Buddha, and the Buddha’s light shone out, like a great Buddha who pitied the world and wanted to purify the world.

“I am the Buddha of the West!” Put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha! ….. Don’t be obsessed! Otherwise it’s time to go to hell with a nose! ”

Countless Sanskrit sounds echoed, as if there was a confused intention inside, making people involuntarily want to listen to it.

The light in Fang Qin’s eyes flashed and he had a clear understanding in his heart.

If other monks were to face this Buddha statue again, they might not be able to help but feel awe, just as they were facing the West like the Buddha.

If you agree with your heart, you will be confused in an instant, and it is possible to directly die and disappear, that is, if you do not agree, in the face of such a Buddha image, you will also have shackles in your heart, have some scruples, and it is difficult to exert your full strength.

If this Buddha statue is facing the Buddhist monks, it is even more powerful, and it is difficult for those who do not have great perseverance and great concentration to crack it, that is, if they shoot at the image of the Buddha, they will unconsciously have mental obstacles in their hearts.

This demon is so magical, it can be described as extremely powerful and extremely vicious.


Fang Qin skimmed his lips, this thing was of no use to him at all, the secret passage was directly coiled into a ball, this is not looking for a cut.

The True Element in his body surged and he swung the long sword in his hand.

An awe-inspiring sword light that would exhaust two hundred feet suddenly struck us!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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